Zerbst James E

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Zerbst James E. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateWY
Production DatesJan 1982 - Apr 2007
Total Oil Production698,280 BBLs
Total Gas Production699,769 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Zerbst James E Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Zerbst James E
from Jan 1982 to Apr 2007

Wells Operated by Zerbst James E

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
49-027-20617 13-10 ZERBST FED 13-10 Temporarily AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.456880-104.537860
49-027-20619 22-10 ZERBST FED 22-10 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.460500-104.526680
49-027-60062 FEDERAL 23-10 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.456340-104.532140
49-027-20812 GASKILL FEE 21-34 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.492900-104.532580
49-027-20832 HANSON FEE 31-13 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.449110-104.487750
49-027-20788 HANSON FEE 34-1 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.467260-104.487960
49-027-20817 HANSON FEE 34-12 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.452730-104.487100
49-027-20779 HANSON FEE 41-12 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.463630-104.482940
49-027-20804 HANSON FEE 44-1 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.467250-104.482980
49-027-20789 HANSON-FEE 31-12 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.463630-104.487920
49-027-20850 KERR-MCGEE-FEDERAL 14-26 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.496530-104.517760
49-027-20683 REED 43-23 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.427340-104.502280
49-027-20926 ZERBST 32-19 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.431240-104.466940
49-027-20873 ZERBST FED 32-35 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.489330-104.507790
49-027-20605 ZERBST FED W-67655 11-12 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.462820-104.498720
49-027-20841 ZERBST FED W-67655 12-1 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.474650-104.498690
49-027-20834 ZERBST FEDERAL 12-11 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.460010-104.517430
49-027-20805 ZERBST FEDERAL 14-1 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.467280-104.498310
49-027-20862 ZERBST FEDERAL 31-26 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.420680-104.387720
49-027-20581 ZERBST FEDERAL 32-11 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.460020-104.507410
49-027-20602 ZERBST FEDERAL 42-11 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.460300-104.502630
49-027-20907 ZERBST FEE 13-3 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.470830-104.537280
49-027-20924 ZERBST FEE 22-10 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.460600-104.171130
49-027-20879 ZERBST FEE 22-35 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.489230-104.512660
49-027-20878 ZERBST FEE 23-35 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.485540-104.512620
49-027-20877 ZERBST FEE 24-35 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.482260-104.513010
49-027-20901 ZERBST FEE 34-3 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.467240-104.527450
49-027-20874 ZERBST FEE 34-35 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.482040-104.507820
49-027-20903 ZERBST FEE 43-3 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.470910-104.522490
49-029-21574 ZERBST FEE 44-24 Permanently AbandonedPark County, WY44.109810-108.918210
49-027-20875 ZERBST FEE 44-35 Expired PermitNiobrara County, WY43.482040-104.502810
49-027-20557 ZERBST W-67655 12-12 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.459610-104.497730
49-027-20796 ZERBST/SMITH 23-1 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.470880-104.491230

Properties Operated by Zerbst James E

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
GASKILLNiobrara County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1986 - Dec 20244
HANSONNiobrara County, WYJan 20251,875 BBLs605 MCFNov 1984 - Jan 20257
ZERBSTNiobrara County, WYJan 202514 BBLs0 MCFJan 1982 - Jan 20259
ZERBST FENiobrara County, WYJan 202563 BBLs0 MCFJan 1984 - Jan 20255

Recent Permits Filed by Zerbst James E

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