Xenia Corporation, The

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Xenia Corporation, The. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesFeb 1980 - Jan 2001
Total Oil Production173,878 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells2

Xenia Corporation, The Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Xenia Corporation, The
from Feb 1980 to Jan 2001

Wells Operated by Xenia Corporation, The

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
15-001-70354 ARD 1 Plugged and AbandonedAllen County, KS37.819160-95.428628
15-001-70355 ARD 2 Plugged and AbandonedAllen County, KS37.819819-95.428525
15-001-70356 ARD 3 Plugged and AbandonedAllen County, KS37.819821-95.427625
15-011-22849 BENNETT 3-94 Approved Intent to DrillBourbon County, KS37.750240-95.070161
15-003-21339 BRECHEISEN 3 Plugged and AbandonedAnderson County, KS38.125978-95.315734
15-003-21338 BRECHEISEN 4 Plugged and AbandonedAnderson County, KS38.127306-95.315249
15-011-90347 CALDWELL DAVIS 1-W Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS38.029728-95.076418
15-011-90069 CALDWELL DAVIS 15 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS38.025613-95.074208
15-011-22062 CLYDE STEWART 2-83 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.995094-95.061318
15-003-01003 CRAIG 1 90 Injection Authorization TerminaAnderson County, KS38.279729-95.067283
CRAIG 1-90 Injection Authorization TerminaKS38.279729-95.067283
15-003-23136 CRAIG 3-90 RecompletedAnderson County, KS38.278865-95.073615
15-003-23222 CRAIG 5-90 Injection Authorization TerminaAnderson County, KS38.279396-95.071350
15-107-23093 DALE WRIGHT 25-89 Converted to EOR WellLinn County, KS38.131333-95.030388
15-059-22746 DOUDNA 1-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.592985-95.121439
15-059-23367 Doudna 1-83 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.590302-95.124888
15-059-19069 Doudna 2-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.590581-95.122581
15-059-23383 DOUDNA 2-83 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.591336-95.124894
15-059-22750 DOUDNA 3-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.590593-95.123735
15-059-23390 Doudna 3-83 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.592115-95.124897
15-059-23395 DOUDNA 4-83 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.592079-95.121434
15-059-23406 DOUDNA 5-83 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.591173-95.121430
15-059-19066 DOUDNA OW-1 Converted to Producing WellFranklin County, KS38.592731-95.122085
15-059-19066 DOUDNA OW-1 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.592731-95.122085
15-059-19067 DOUDNA OW-2 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.593257-95.125190
15-059-19068 DOUDNA OW-3 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.591648-95.123566
15-121-90238 EBECK R-10 Injection Authorization TerminaMiami County, KS38.664825-95.044517
15-011-20057 ELLINGTON 7 Injection Authorization TerminaBourbon County, KS37.906424-95.050685
15-003-19117 EWING 'B' W-19 Plugged and AbandonedAnderson County, KS38.221394-95.160479
15-003-23816 EWING F-14 Approved Intent to DrillAnderson County, KS38.214749-95.156515
15-003-23925 EWING F-14 Approved Intent to DrillAnderson County, KS38.214749-95.156515
15-003-23997 EWING I-2 Approved Intent to DrillAnderson County, KS38.215842-95.148455
15-003-24012 EWING K-8 Approved Intent to DrillAnderson County, KS38.216734-95.151884
15-003-24159 Ewing S-16 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Anderson County, KS38.220333-95.158133
15-003-23913 EWING S-16 Approved Intent to DrillAnderson County, KS38.220333-95.158133
15-003-24160 Ewing T-15 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Anderson County, KS38.220788-95.157550
15-011-70016 FAULHABER G-1 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.992597-94.834009
15-133-19065 Fegel 1 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.605922-95.328046
15-133-19066 Fegel 2 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.605761-95.327010
15-133-19067 FEGEL 3 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.605586-95.326247
15-133-19068 Fegel 4 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.605999-95.328978
15-011-70025 HILL 15-E Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.988732-94.842277
15-011-20935 HILL 5 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.991461-94.839716
15-011-20937 HILL 7 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.991453-94.841659
15-011-22861 MARGRAVE 3-94 Approved Intent to DrillBourbon County, KS37.992487-95.062974
15-003-24040 PEERY 2 Approved Intent to DrillAnderson County, KS38.211722-95.158641
15-003-23814 PEERY 2 Approved Intent to DrillAnderson County, KS38.211722-95.158641
15-003-23646 VAN WINKLE 6 RecompletedAnderson County, KS38.218294-95.146518
15-003-23804 VANWINKLE K-28 Approved Intent to DrillAnderson County, KS38.216677-95.165666
15-003-23805 VANWINKLE M-28 Approved Intent to DrillAnderson County, KS38.217583-95.165649

Leases Operated by Xenia Corporation, The

Lease #Lease NameCounty
1001106711 DOUDNA CHAS. Franklin County, KS
1001129809 MCGREW Linn County, KS
1001107718 MCGREW Linn County, KS
1001106712 O'CONNER T.F. Franklin County, KS
1001127592 SHAW 23 Neosho County, KS

Properties Operated by Xenia Corporation, The

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
BENNETTBourbon County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFNov 1982 - Nov 202421
BRECHEISENAnderson County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Mar 19901
CLYDE STEWARTBourbon County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1981 - Jul 20247
DALE WRIGHTLinn County, KSOct 2024387 BBLs0 MCFFeb 1987 - Nov 20241
EBECKMiami County, KSOct 202476 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Oct 20241
ELLINGTONBourbon County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Feb 19946
EWINGAnderson County, KSOct 20241,440 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 202441
FAULHABERBourbon County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJul 1981 - Nov 202422
HOLEMANBourbon County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Mar 19951
KITTLEAnderson County, KSOct 2024196 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 202419
MARGRAVEBourbon County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFFeb 1981 - Jul 202423
OHARAHBourbon County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Mar 19951
ROSELLEAnderson County, KSOct 2024214 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 202427
SCHENDELMiami County, KSOct 2024287 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 202434
SCROGGSBourbon County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFDec 1989 - May 20242
SHAWNeosho County, KSOct 20240 BBLs1,037 MCFDec 1980 - Nov 20242
VAN WINKLEAnderson County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFFeb 1992 - Jul 20245
VANWINKLEAnderson County, KSOct 20241,661 BBLs0 MCFJun 1989 - Nov 20243

Recent Permits Filed by Xenia Corporation, The

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Xenia Corporation, The

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Xenia Corporation, The. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
24110 NE VERMONT RD, GARNETT KS 66032(785) 898-6165