
Gas Property in Campbell County, WY

Property Summary

Key data points for Barton

CountiesCampbell County, WY
Sheridan County, WY
Production DatesOct 2000 - Apr 2012
Total Oil Production0 BBLs
Total Gas Production1,868,755 MCF
Recent Oil ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Recent Gas ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Wells on Property51

Our Valuation Estimates for Barton


Not Available


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Barton Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Barton
from Oct 2000 to Apr 2012

Wells on Barton

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
49-005-41467BARTON 10-10-54-76 AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.670000-105.987780
49-005-41657BARTON 16-3-54-76AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.681110-105.982500
49-005-41658BARTON 8-10-54-76 AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.673890-105.982500
49-005-41659BARTON 2-10-54-76 AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.677220-105.987780
49-005-41660BARTON 6-10-54-76 AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.673890-105.993060
49-005-41661BARTON 4-11-54-76 AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.676940-105.977500
49-005-41662BARTON 2-11-54-76 AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.677780-105.967220
49-005-41663BARTON 8-11AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.674170-105.962220
49-005-41664BARTON 6-11AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.673890-105.972500
49-005-41667BARTON 14-3-54-76AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.681110-105.992780
49-005-43037BARTON 16-3-54-76COHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.681110-105.982220
49-005-43038BARTON 14-3-54-76MW1HIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.680970-105.993650
49-005-43044BARTON 8-11COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.674170-105.962500
49-005-43045BARTON 4-11COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.676940-105.977500
49-005-43046BARTON 2-11-54-76 COHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.677780-105.967220
49-005-43055BARTON 10-10COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.669990-105.988060
49-005-43056BARTON 8-10COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.673890-105.982500
49-005-43057BARTON 6-10COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.673310-105.993060
49-005-43058BARTON 2-10COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.677220-105.987770
49-005-43059BARTON 6-11-54-76 COHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.673890-105.972500
49-005-45240BARTON 9-10 COPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.670160-105.982530
49-005-45243BARTON 9-10 APENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.670260-105.982540
49-005-45245BARTON 9-10 WPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.670050-105.982510
49-005-46884BARTON 5-10WPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.674130-105.997420
49-005-46885BARTON 1-9-54-76WPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.677350-106.003380
49-005-46886BARTON 5-10COPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.674030-105.997370
49-005-46887BARTON 1-9-54-76COPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.677270-106.003300
49-005-46888BARTON 5-10-54-76 AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.673940-105.997320
49-005-46889BARTON 1-9-54-76AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.677200-106.003230
49-005-46984BARTON 16-4-54-76-WPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.681120-106.003290
49-005-46985BARTON 16-4-54-76COPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitCampbell County, WY44.681030-106.003200
49-005-46986BARTON 16-4-54-76APENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.680950-106.003110
49-005-47264BARTON 14-3-54-76 M2WHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.681010-105.993460
49-033-20814BARTON 13-4-54-76-ACMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitSheridan County, WY44.680440-106.017260
49-033-20815BARTON 11-4-54-76-ACMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitSheridan County, WY44.684090-106.012920
49-033-20818BARTON 13-4-54-76-COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitSheridan County, WY44.680580-106.017270
49-033-20819BARTON 11-4-54-76COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitSheridan County, WY44.684010-106.012800
49-033-20893BARTON 14-4-54-76AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedSheridan County, WY44.680630-106.012180
49-033-20897BARTON 4-9-54-76APENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDPermanently AbandonedSheridan County, WY44.677310-106.016660
49-033-20904BARTON 12-4-54-76AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedSheridan County, WY44.684100-106.018060
49-033-21194BARTON 6-4-54-76AHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedSheridan County, WY44.688130-106.010960
49-033-21576BARTON 6-4-54-76COHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCSubsequent Report Of AbandonmenSheridan County, WY44.688330-106.011310
49-033-21578BARTON 14-4-54-76-COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitSheridan County, WY44.680680-106.012500
49-033-21579BARTON 12-4-54-76COCMS OIL & GAS COMPANYExpired PermitSheridan County, WY44.684020-106.018060
49-033-22151BARTON 4-9-54-76WPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitSheridan County, WY44.677350-106.016940
49-033-22238BARTON 3-9-54-76 COPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitSheridan County, WY44.677390-106.012540
49-033-22239BARTON 3-9-54-76WPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDPermanently AbandonedSheridan County, WY44.677490-106.012420
49-033-22240BARTON 3-9APENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDPermanently AbandonedSheridan County, WY44.677360-106.012350
49-033-22548BARTON 6-4-54-76WPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDExpired PermitSheridan County, WY44.688070-106.011650
49-033-22549BARTON 12-4-54-76WHIGH PLAINS GAS LLCPermanently AbandonedSheridan County, WY44.684110-106.018910
49-033-22622BARTON 14-4-54-76WPENNACO ENERGY INCORPORATEDPermanently AbandonedSheridan County, WY44.680640-106.012890

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 20 properties to the Barton property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
Barton FederalCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFMay 2012
BulkleySheridan County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFMar 2009
D DrakeCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFOct 2014
D Malli FederalSheridan County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFNov 2010
D OdegardCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFOct 2012
D&M Odegard FederalCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFNov 2010
D. MalliSheridan County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFNov 2010
D. Odegard FederalCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFFeb 2012
DrakeCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFOct 2014
DubeCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFMay 2012
KretschmanCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJan 2012
L Drake FederalCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFApr 2010
MalliCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFMay 2012
OdegardCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJun 2015
Odegard FedCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFMay 2012
RobbinsCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJan 2011
State (Odegard) 36Campbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFNov 2010
SuranyiSheridan County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFMay 2012
VoilesCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFMay 2012
WHC 1Sheridan County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFMar 2009