Woodpecker Corp

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Woodpecker Corp. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateLA
Production DatesApr 1978 - Dec 2024
Total Oil Production143,413 BBLs
Total Gas Production39,289 MCF
Estimated Daily Oil Prod.3 BBLs
Estimated Daily Gas Prod.0 MCF
Estimated Daily Water Prod.0 BBLs
Producing Wells4

Woodpecker Corp Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Woodpecker Corp
from Apr 1978 to Dec 2024

Wells Operated by Woodpecker Corp

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-059-02204 A J WARD ET AL 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.567380-92.130440
17-059-22150 A J WARD ET AL 002 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.568989-92.130752
17-059-02198 A J WARD ET AL 004 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.560980-92.135240
17-059-02200 A J WARD ET AL SWD 002 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.567378-92.126940
17-127-21064 ALBRITTON 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDWinn Parish, LA31.891942-92.375895
17-059-21612 BARNETT 001 PERMIT EXPIREDLaSalle Parish, LA31.867314-92.220868
17-059-22506 BREWTON 001 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILLaSalle Parish, LA31.716040-92.315195
17-059-22518 BREWTON 002 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILLaSalle Parish, LA31.716755-92.315225
17-059-22525 BREWTON 003 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILLaSalle Parish, LA31.716783-92.315708
17-059-22550 BREWTON 006 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILLaSalle Parish, LA31.716011-92.314262
17-059-22566 BREWTON 007 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILLaSalle Parish, LA31.716122-92.314519
17-059-22253 BREWTON SWD 009 ACTIVE- INJECTIONLaSalle Parish, LA31.714818-92.315734
17-059-02530 CHARLES WHATLEY ETAL 001 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGLaSalle Parish, LA31.585080-92.280744
17-059-02528 CHARLES WHATLEY ETAL 002 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGLaSalle Parish, LA31.584379-92.280643
17-059-02529 CHARLES WHATLEY ETAL 004 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -NO FUTURE ULaSalle Parish, LA31.585180-92.281341
17-059-88032 CHARLES WHATLEY SWD 003 ACTIVE- INJECTIONLaSalle Parish, LA31.586350-92.280552
17-059-23210 JOHN NORRIS 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.528360-92.213375
17-043-20077 LOUISIANA-PACIFIC 001 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGGrant Parish, LA31.568481-92.330944
17-059-22200 S NORRIS 001 PERMIT EXPIREDLaSalle Parish, LA31.528873-92.210436
17-043-00301 URANIA 002 SHUT-IN DRY HOLE -FUTURE UTILITGrant Parish, LA31.568278-92.329545
17-059-22199 V BRELAND 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.528185-92.210442
17-059-22442 WARD B 004 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.570779-92.128988
17-059-01778 WHATLEY WILLIAMS 001 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGLaSalle Parish, LA31.645078-92.210043
17-059-22287 YULE 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.544043-92.180093

Leases Operated by Woodpecker Corp

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.
009864-1 A J WARD ET AL LaSalle Parish, LA
176183-3 R C GIRLINGHOUSE LaSalle Parish, LA
009942-2 VUA LaSalle Parish, LA
043471-2 WARD B LaSalle Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Woodpecker Corp

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
CHARLES WHATLEYLaSalle Parish, LADec 202430 BBLsFeb 1977 - Dec 20242
LOUISIANA-PACIFICGrant Parish, LADec 20247 BBLsFeb 1977 - Dec 20241
WARDLaSalle Parish, LADec 2024366 BBLsJan 1977 - Jan 20254

Recent Permits Filed by Woodpecker Corp

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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