William G Smith Oil, LLC

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for William G Smith Oil, LLC. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesMar 1980 - Apr 2014
Total Oil Production23,330 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

William G Smith Oil, LLC Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for William G Smith Oil, LLC
from Mar 1980 to Apr 2014

Wells Operated by William G Smith Oil, LLC

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
15-003-21324 BECKMON (LYONS) 6 Converted to Producing WellAnderson County, KS38.055428-95.102718
15-003-21324 BECKMON (LYONS) 6 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.055428-95.102718
15-003-21319 BECKMON 1 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.052949-95.100524
15-003-22361 BECKMON 10 ON LISTAnderson County, KS38.059208-95.102933
15-003-21609 BECKMON 11 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.054551-95.103931
15-003-21610 BECKMON 12 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.055602-95.103797
15-003-21611 BECKMON 13 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.056017-95.104828
15-003-21612 BECKMON 14 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.057583-95.104596
15-003-21613 BECKMON 15 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.058100-95.104578
15-003-21614 BECKMON 16 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.059434-95.104598
15-003-21615 BECKMON 17 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.052452-95.100931
15-003-21616 BECKMON 18 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.052449-95.100031
15-003-21320 BECKMON 2 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.053301-95.101597
15-003-21321 BECKMON 3 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.054167-95.101663
15-003-21322 BECKMON 4 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.055102-95.101863
15-003-21323 BECKMON 5 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.054625-95.103044
15-003-21381 BECKMON 7 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.056267-95.102489
15-003-21381 BECKMON 7 Converted to EOR WellAnderson County, KS38.056267-95.102489
15-003-21382 BECKMON 8 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.057369-95.103195
15-003-22360 BECKMON 9 Plugged with Federal FundsAnderson County, KS38.058314-95.103597
15-107-19313 NOLIN 11 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.379332-94.948665
15-107-19314 NOLIN 12 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.378282-94.949548
15-107-19315 NOLIN 13 KCC Fee Fund PluggingLinn County, KS38.379401-94.947699
15-107-19316 NOLIN 14 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.380283-94.947966
15-107-19318 NOLIN 16 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.378767-94.947864
15-107-20505 NOLIN 17 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.380149-94.947183
15-107-20670 NOLIN 19 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.381300-94.947330
15-107-21470 NOLIN 20 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.381434-94.948116
15-107-21471 NOLIN 21 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.381232-94.946548
15-107-21472 NOLIN 22 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.380350-94.948315
15-107-21474 NOLIN 24 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.379050-94.948066
15-107-21475 NOLIN 25 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.380217-94.947766
15-107-21476 NOLIN 26 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.378034-94.949082
15-107-21477 NOLIN 27 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.377516-94.948348
15-107-21489 NOLIN 28 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.377316-94.949581
15-107-21490 NOLIN 29 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.376933-94.948949
15-107-21487 NOLIN 31 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.376415-94.949464
15-107-21502 NOLIN 32 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.376515-94.949981
15-107-21510 NOLIN 33 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.381849-94.947063
15-107-21511 NOLIN 34 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.381817-94.946515
15-107-19308 NOLIN 4 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.376849-94.949566
15-107-19310 Nolin 7 Plugged and AbandonedLinn County, KS38.377852-94.948602
15-107-19311 NOLIN 9 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.378533-94.948682
15-001-30233 Thohoff 14 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Allen County, KS37.983149-95.346280
15-001-30234 Thohoff 15 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Allen County, KS37.985869-95.345124
15-001-29397 THOOHOFF 1 Injection Well Split to AnotherAllen County, KS37.980619-95.347006
15-001-29934 Thoohoff 12 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Allen County, KS37.989983-95.339956
15-001-29935 Thoohoff 13 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Allen County, KS37.990891-95.338807

Leases Operated by William G Smith Oil, LLC

Lease #Lease NameCounty
1001175905 BECKMON Anderson County, KS
1001106652 NOLIN & UNDERHI Linn County, KS

Properties Operated by William G Smith Oil, LLC

Property NameCountyPeriodProduction RangeActive Wells
THOOHOFFAllen County, KSAug 2006 - Jan 20161

Recent Permits Filed by William G Smith Oil, LLC

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by William G Smith Oil, LLC

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for William G Smith Oil, LLC. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
107 ROHER HTS, PO BOX 62, OSAWATOMIE KS 66064(913) 710-5604
107 ROHER HTS., PO BOX 62, OSAWATOMIE KS 66064(913) 256-9664