White & Bancroft Et Al

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for White & Bancroft Et Al. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateLA
Production DatesDec 1979 - Jan 1996
Total Oil Production1,583,789 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

White & Bancroft Et Al Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for White & Bancroft Et Al
from Dec 1979 to Jan 1996

Wells Operated by White & Bancroft Et Al

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-027-20679 BOND T 002 DRY AND PLUGGEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.977111-93.190390
17-027-20687 BOND T 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.977086-93.190390
17-027-20916 GOODWIN 003 PERMIT EXPIREDClaiborne Parish, LA32.982304-93.187009
17-027-20917 GOODWIN 004 PERMIT EXPIREDClaiborne Parish, LA32.982305-93.183194
17-027-20758 GOODWIN A 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.982936-93.192534
17-027-20755 GOODWIN A 002 DRY AND PLUGGEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.982936-93.194676
17-027-20853 GOODWIN A 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.984833-93.192424
17-027-20854 GOODWIN A 004 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.984832-93.194753
17-027-20918 GOODWIN A 005 DRY AND PLUGGEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.984832-93.191694
17-027-20852 J P LOWE 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.986511-93.201199
17-027-20939 J P LOWE 002 DRY AND PLUGGEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.988406-93.203428
17-027-20855 KENNEDY 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.982799-93.201102
17-027-20859 KENNEDY 002 PERMIT EXPIREDClaiborne Parish, LA32.982799-93.203228
17-027-20678 KERMIT BOND 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.973827-93.188282
17-027-20680 KERMIT BOND 002 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.973816-93.190398
17-027-20779 R L BOND 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.977355-93.201099
17-027-20897 R L BOND 002 PERMIT EXPIREDClaiborne Parish, LA32.979172-93.198948
17-027-20856 R L BOND 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.977439-93.203330
17-027-20861 R L BOND A 001 PERMIT EXPIREDClaiborne Parish, LA32.979088-93.196721
17-027-20861 R L BOND A 001 PERMIT EXPIREDClaiborne Parish, LA32.979088-93.196721
17-027-20754 S T HUNT 003-ALT PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.981205-93.192632
17-027-20707 S T HUNT A 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.982807-93.199237
17-027-20857 S T HUNT A 003 PERMIT EXPIREDClaiborne Parish, LA32.982717-93.199047
17-027-20858 STT HUNT A 004 PERMIT EXPIREDClaiborne Parish, LA32.984763-93.196819
17-027-20662 TAYLOR 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.979198-93.235633
17-027-20759 TAYLOR 002 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.980926-93.201505
17-027-20759 TAYLOR 002 PERMIT EXPIREDClaiborne Parish, LA32.980926-93.201505
17-027-20756 TAYLOR 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDClaiborne Parish, LA32.980983-93.198942

Leases Operated by White & Bancroft Et Al

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
036517-1 BOND Claiborne Parish, LA
036648-2 BOND T Claiborne Parish, LA
036394-1 GOODWIN Claiborne Parish, LA
037568-2 GOODWIN A Claiborne Parish, LA
038181-2 GOODWIN A Claiborne Parish, LA
037307-2 GOODWIN A Claiborne Parish, LA
037082-1 GOODWIN A Claiborne Parish, LA
037514-2 KENNEDY Claiborne Parish, LA
036652-2 KERMIT BOND Claiborne Parish, LA
036653-2 KERMIT BOND Claiborne Parish, LA
037210-2 R L BOND Claiborne Parish, LA
037309-2 R L BOND Claiborne Parish, LA
037310-2 R L BOND Claiborne Parish, LA
037311-2 R L BOND Claiborne Parish, LA
037313-2 R L BOND Claiborne Parish, LA
036971-1 R L BOND Claiborne Parish, LA
036868-1 S T HUNT Claiborne Parish, LA
036651-2 S T HUNT Claiborne Parish, LA
036650-2 S T HUNT A Claiborne Parish, LA
037515-2 TAYLOR Claiborne Parish, LA
037385-2 TAYLOR Claiborne Parish, LA
036979-2 TAYLOR Claiborne Parish, LA
036944-1 TAYLOR Claiborne Parish, LA

Properties Operated by White & Bancroft Et Al

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
GOODWINClaiborne Parish, LADec 2024193 BBLsDec 1979 - Jan 20253
R L BONDClaiborne Parish, LA0 BBLsDec 1978 - Nov 20241
S T HUNTClaiborne Parish, LADec 2024386 BBLsJun 1980 - Jan 20256
TAYLORClaiborne Parish, LASep 202450 BBLsJul 1977 - Nov 20246

Recent Permits Filed by White & Bancroft Et Al

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by White & Bancroft Et Al

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for White & Bancroft Et Al. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
No Contact Information Available