Berwind Land Co

Gas Property in McDowell County, WV

Property Summary

Key data points for Berwind Land Co

CountiesMcDowell County, WV
Wyoming County, WV
Production DatesDec 1991 - Dec 2021
Total Oil Production0 BBLs
Total Gas Production11,177,371 MCF
Recent Oil Production0 BBLs in Dec 2021
Recent Gas Production2,251 MCF in Dec 2021
Wells on Property52

Our Valuation Estimates for Berwind Land Co


Not Available


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Berwind Land Co Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Berwind Land Co
from Dec 1991 to Dec 2021

Wells on Berwind Land Co

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
47-047-00965BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND 1ASHLAND EXPLORATION PROPERTIES INCPluggedMcDowell County, WV37.466304-81.553686
47-047-01115BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1278PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedMcDowell County, WV37.502164-81.609041
47-047-01116BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1280DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.495331-81.606451
47-047-01117BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1281DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.492428-81.600448
47-047-01118BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1282DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.487494-81.603176
47-047-01140BERWIND LAND CO. 1349DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.466158-81.603176
47-047-01141BERWIND LAND CO. 1351DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.460933-81.605724
47-047-01142BERWIND LAND CO. 1353DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.455841-81.595354
47-047-01144BERWIND LAND CO. 1348DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.471527-81.602267
47-047-01146BERWIND LAND CO. 1352DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.460933-81.595172
47-047-01170BERWIND LAND CO. 1325DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCPluggedMcDowell County, WV37.489827-81.565533
47-047-01173BERWIND LAND CO. 1383DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.457728-81.588623
47-109-01200BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1301DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.497218-81.596264
47-109-01201BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1302PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedWyoming County, WV37.499830-81.588986
47-109-01203BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1304PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedWyoming County, WV37.507534-81.598836
47-109-01211BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1279PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedWyoming County, WV37.500277-81.601935
47-109-01230BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1366PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedWyoming County, WV37.504777-81.586810
47-109-01231BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1367MERIDIAN EXPLORATION CORP.Never DrilledWyoming County, WV37.496818-81.584261
47-109-01232BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1368MERIDIAN EXPLORATION CORP.Never DrilledWyoming County, WV37.491830-81.580744
47-109-01233BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1372MERIDIAN EXPLORATION CORP.Never DrilledWyoming County, WV37.501763-81.581124
47-109-01234BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1373PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedWyoming County, WV37.509130-81.583043
47-109-01235BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1374MERIDIAN EXPLORATION CORP.Never DrilledWyoming County, WV37.498448-81.575709
47-109-01246BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1326PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedWyoming County, WV37.494315-81.558780
47-109-01247BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1327PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedWyoming County, WV37.497363-81.551139
47-109-01266BERWIND LAND CO. 1328PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.491703-81.552413
47-109-01267BERWIND LAND COMPANY 1398PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedWyoming County, WV37.499394-81.557506
47-109-01887BERWIND LAND COMPANY 53-A, S-3APINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCActive WellWyoming County, WV37.496782-81.566056
47-109-01888BERWIND LAND COMPANY 53-B, S-3BPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.497363-81.565329
47-109-01889BERWIND LAND COMPANY 53-C, S-3CPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.496202-81.565329
47-109-01890BERWIND LAND COMPANY 54-A, S-4APINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCActive WellWyoming County, WV37.496637-81.575334
47-109-01891BERWIND LAND COMPANY 54-B, S-4BPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCPluggedWyoming County, WV37.497218-81.574424
47-109-01892BERWIND LAND COMPANY 54-C, S-4CPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.495912-81.574424
47-109-01893BERWIND LAND COMPANY 55-A, S-5APINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCActive WellWyoming County, WV37.496492-81.584803
47-109-01894BERWIND LAND COMPANY S-5-B, S-5BPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.497072-81.583893
47-109-01895BERWIND LAND COMPANY 55-C, S-5CPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.495911-81.583893
47-109-01896BERWIND LAND COMPANY 55-D, S-5DPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.497217-81.585530
47-109-01897BERWIND LAND COMPANY 55-E, S-5EPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.495911-81.585530
47-109-01907BERWIND LAND CO. S-6AVITRUVIAN EXPLORATION, LLCNever DrilledWyoming County, WV37.496338-81.557332
47-109-01908BERWIND LAND CO. S-6BVITRUVIAN EXPLORATION, LLCNever DrilledWyoming County, WV37.497028-81.556647
47-109-01909BERWIND LAND CO. S-6CGEOMET OPERATING COMPANY INCNever DrilledWyoming County, WV37.495915-81.556811
47-109-01910BERWIND LAND CO. S-6DVITRUVIAN EXPLORATION, LLCNever DrilledWyoming County, WV37.497160-81.557855
47-109-01911BERWIND LAND CO. S-6EGEOMET OPERATING COMPANY INCNever DrilledWyoming County, WV37.495924-81.557846
47-109-01948BERWIND LAND CO. S-2APINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCActive WellWyoming County, WV37.496637-81.557506
47-109-01949BERWIND LAND CO. S-2BPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.497073-81.557325
47-109-01950BERWIND LAND CO. S-2CPINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.496202-81.557870
47-109-01951BERWIND LAND CO. S-2DVITRUVIAN EXPLORATION, LLCNever DrilledWyoming County, WV37.496615-81.556817
47-109-01952BERWIND LAND CO. S-2EVITRUVIAN EXPLORATION, LLCNever DrilledWyoming County, WV37.496065-81.556985
47-109-01953BERWIND LAND CO. S-6A(r)ULTRA PRODUCTION COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.493880-81.598810
47-109-01954BERWIND LAND CO. S-6B(r)PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.494605-81.598265
47-109-01955BERWIND LAND CO. S-6C(r)ULTRA PRODUCTION COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.493154-81.597901
47-109-01956BERWIND LAND CO. S-6D(r)PINNACLE MINING COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.494315-81.599356
47-109-01957BERWIND LAND CO. S-6E(r)ULTRA PRODUCTION COMPANY, LLCAbandoned WellWyoming County, WV37.493154-81.599356

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Pinnacle Land Company, LLC 1004Wyoming County, WV0 BBLs0 MCFJun 2012
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