Berwind Land Co

Gas Property in McDowell County, WV

Property Summary

Key data points for Berwind Land Co

CountyMcDowell County, WV
Production DatesJan 1988 - Dec 2021
Total Oil Production0 BBLs
Total Gas Production13,942,977 MCF
Recent Oil Production0 BBLs in Dec 2021
Recent Gas Production54,813 MCF in Dec 2021
Wells on Property99

Our Valuation Estimates for Berwind Land Co


$145,847 *


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Berwind Land Co Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Berwind Land Co
from Jan 1988 to Dec 2021

Wells on Berwind Land Co

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
47-047-00115BERWIND LAND COMPANY 6800K. PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellMcDowell County, WV37.276983-81.683573
47-047-00148BERWIND LAND COMPANY 8125COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION, LLCPluggedMcDowell County, WV37.278871-81.691381
47-047-00158BERWIND LAND COMPANY 8379K. PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellMcDowell County, WV37.274226-81.696467
47-047-00916BERWIND LAND CO. POCA 5-AR & B PETROLEUM, INC.Never DrilledMcDowell County, WV37.261583-81.727994
47-047-01102BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND 1TUSCANY GAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.257535-81.650260
47-047-01103BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND 2TUSCANY GAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.254052-81.669771
47-047-01104BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND 3WACO OIL & GAS CO., INC.Never DrilledMcDowell County, WV37.258516-81.630230
47-047-01197BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND 9TUSCANY GAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.244316-81.656383
47-047-01198BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND 11TUSCANY GAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.250569-81.644085
47-047-01202BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND 10WACO OIL & GAS CO., INC.PluggedMcDowell County, WV37.279596-81.660794
47-047-01232BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 16WACO OIL & GAS CO., INC.Never DrilledMcDowell County, WV37.251657-81.693574
47-047-01320BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND 19DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCAbandoned WellMcDowell County, WV37.239961-81.674480
47-047-01326BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 20DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.222255-81.658922
47-047-01345BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND LAND 21DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.265227-81.655708
47-047-01352BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND LAND 18DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCAbandoned WellMcDowell County, WV37.235172-81.662003
47-047-01385BERWIND LAND CO BERWIND LAND 16CABOT OIL & GAS CORPORATIONNever DrilledMcDowell County, WV37.251424-81.693555
47-047-01386BERWIND LAND CO BERWIND LAND 27CABOT OIL & GAS CORPORATIONPluggedMcDowell County, WV37.236767-81.709256
47-047-01423BERWIND LAND CO. 28DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.235173-81.643509
47-047-01492BERWIND LAND CO. 30CABOT OIL & GAS CORPORATIONNever DrilledMcDowell County, WV37.257741-81.660836
47-047-01517BERWIND LAND CO. BERWIND 26DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.227044-81.671216
47-047-01577BERWIND LAND CO. EDC-BANDY 3ENERGY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONAbandoned WellMcDowell County, WV37.218481-81.677925
47-047-01590BERWIND LAND COMPANY EDC BANDY 5ENERGY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONAbandoned WellMcDowell County, WV37.219062-81.666865
47-047-01612BERWIND LAND CORP. BERWIND 30RDIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.267695-81.665334
47-047-01774BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND LAND 34DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.262035-81.641723
47-047-01822BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 16NYTIS EXPLORATION COMPANY LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.251584-81.693924
47-047-02114BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC69POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.247073-81.727206
47-047-02115BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC70POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.250423-81.726693
47-047-02116BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC71POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.253471-81.726693
47-047-02117BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC72POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.252165-81.739769
47-047-02118BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC73POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.253761-81.736500
47-047-02119BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC75POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.257825-81.723243
47-047-02120BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC76POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.251584-81.730870
47-047-02121BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC77POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.251004-81.734866
47-047-02122BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC78POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.256228-81.733231
47-047-02123BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC79POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.256664-81.729417
47-047-02137BERWIND LAND CO. MC63CNX GAS COMPANY LLCNever DrilledMcDowell County, WV37.256663-81.739950
47-047-02138BERWIND LAND CO. MC64CNX GAS COMPANY LLCNever DrilledMcDowell County, WV37.264646-81.735592
47-047-02139BERWIND LAND CO. MC65POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.269726-81.733049
47-047-02140BERWIND LAND CO. MC84POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.261744-81.728328
47-047-02141BERWIND LAND CO. MC85POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.261308-81.731778
47-047-02142BERWIND LAND CO. MC87POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.269871-81.722515
47-047-02145BERWIND LAND CO. MC86POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.261018-81.736319
47-047-02182BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC74POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.262615-81.717794
47-047-02185BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC88POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.266678-81.723061
47-047-02363BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 2055K. PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellMcDowell County, WV37.280649-81.652592
47-047-02364BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 2056K. PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellMcDowell County, WV37.274877-81.652920
47-047-02365BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 2058K. PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellMcDowell County, WV37.233314-81.674943
47-047-02366BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 2059K. PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellMcDowell County, WV37.232703-81.685590
47-047-02367BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 2057K. PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellMcDowell County, WV37.242918-81.708994
47-047-02368BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 2060K. PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellMcDowell County, WV37.214649-81.671891
47-047-02378BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC92CNX GAS COMPANY LLCNever IssuedMcDowell County, WV37.279130-81.733888
47-047-02379BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC93CNX GAS COMPANY LLCNever IssuedMcDowell County, WV37.276400-81.739895
47-047-02380BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC94CNX GAS COMPANY LLCNever IssuedMcDowell County, WV37.273876-81.743721
47-047-02400BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 2070K. PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellMcDowell County, WV37.244985-81.699516
47-047-02408BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC89POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.271428-81.737526
47-047-02409BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC90CNX GAS COMPANY LLCNever IssuedMcDowell County, WV37.273876-81.743721
47-047-02410BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC91POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.273951-81.722682
47-047-02428BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC67POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.239179-81.718444
47-047-02451BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND LAND 46NYTIS EXPLORATION COMPANY LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.249473-81.686151
47-047-02483BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND LAND 22DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.237178-81.681524
47-047-02484BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND LAND 45DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.245739-81.714523
47-047-02521BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC 107POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.278128-81.720280
47-047-02522BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC 108POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.261746-81.721585
47-047-02523BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC 109POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.249335-81.737958
47-047-02573BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND LAND 35DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.246664-81.638490
47-047-02574BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND LAND 47CABOT OIL & GAS CORPORATIONNever IssuedMcDowell County, WV37.284788-81.675617
47-047-02605BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC111POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.273644-81.728042
47-047-02606BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC113POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.277535-81.734199
47-047-02607BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC114POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.272819-81.732589
47-047-02616BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC112POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.252263-81.720000
47-047-02617BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC115POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.255400-81.723724
47-047-02640BERWIND LAND COMPANY BERWIND 54DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.249674-81.653260
47-047-02737BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC94CNX GAS COMPANY LLCNever IssuedMcDowell County, WV37.272615-81.743227
47-047-02794BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC118POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.259008-81.726681
47-047-02795BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC119POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.269039-81.726227
47-047-02796BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC120POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.267885-81.719495
47-047-02797BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC121POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.265429-81.719008
47-047-02798BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC122POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.270488-81.713951
47-047-02799BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC123POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.270253-81.709634
47-047-02800BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC124POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.271862-81.718399
47-047-02812BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC90CNX GAS COMPANY LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.273876-81.743721
47-047-02813BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC126POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.231309-81.716015
47-047-02814BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC127POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.249002-81.734071
47-047-02815BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC128POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.252814-81.728701
47-047-02816BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC130POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.259547-81.724005
47-047-02817BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC134POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.264709-81.724518
47-047-02818BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC135POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.270886-81.716224
47-047-02819BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC136POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.269906-81.719240
47-047-02820BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC137POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.272476-81.721327
47-047-02821BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC138POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.289783-81.730518
47-047-02822BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC141POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.258438-81.730130
47-047-02823BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC129POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.254605-81.721242
47-047-02824BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC139POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.276372-81.722172
47-047-02825BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC140POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.278055-81.723254
47-047-02826BERWIND LAND COMPANY MC143POCAHONTAS GAS LLCActive WellMcDowell County, WV37.279790-81.724938

Nearby Properties

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Harman, A. MMcDowell County, WV0 BBLs557 MCFDec 2021
Heartwood ForestMcDowell County, WV0 BBLs16,997 MCFDec 2021
Island Creek Coal CMcDowell County, WV0 BBLs1,181 MCFDec 2021
N RV&Poc Con CoalMcDowell County, WV0 BBLs6,086 MCFDec 2021
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North America Timber GPPC-0McDowell County, WV0 BBLs5,054 MCFDec 2021
North American TimberMcDowell County, WV0 BBLs2,360 MCFDec 2021
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Plum CRK. Timberlands 10McDowell County, WV0 BBLs10,254 MCFDec 2021
Pocahontas MiningMcDowell County, WV0 BBLs37,866 MCFDec 2021
The Forestland GroupMcDowell County, WV0 BBLs2,698 MCFDec 2021