Boone County Coal

Oil & Gas Property in Logan County, WV

Property Summary

Key data points for Boone County Coal

CountiesBoone County, WV
Logan County, WV
Production DatesJan 1988 - Dec 2021
Total Oil Production6 BBLs
Total Gas Production1,729,348 MCF
Recent Oil Production0 BBLs in Dec 2021
Recent Gas Production829 MCF in Dec 2021
Wells on Property40

Our Valuation Estimates for Boone County Coal


$3,124 *


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Boone County Coal Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Boone County Coal
from Jan 1988 to Dec 2021

Wells on Boone County Coal

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
47-005-01076BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 12371OPERATOR UNKNOWNPluggedBoone County, WV37.831706-81.739804
47-005-01266BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 12369ROSS AND WHARTON GAS COMPANY, INC.Abandoned WellBoone County, WV37.836574-81.735377
47-005-01267BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 12443ROSS AND WHARTON GAS COMPANY, INC.Abandoned WellBoone County, WV37.838576-81.743013
47-045-00002BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 5CLEAR FORK GAS CO.PluggedLogan County, WV37.897087-81.887528
47-045-00066BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 18-9267OPERATOR UNKNOWNAbandoned WellLogan County, WV37.912568-81.895819
47-045-00069BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 19-9268OPERATOR UNKNOWNAbandoned WellLogan County, WV37.907459-81.896822
47-045-00074BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 26EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.902342-81.897699
47-045-00086BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 9278EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.934944-81.844545
47-045-00260BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 9649EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.886615-81.824475
47-045-00287BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 9677EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.891525-81.841421
47-045-00288BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 9715EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.842707-81.812109
47-045-00294BOONE COUNTY COAL 9720MINGO LOGAN COAL LLCAbandoned WellLogan County, WV37.873930-81.835688
47-045-00298BOONE COUNTY COAL 9726BASE PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellLogan County, WV37.883298-81.817589
47-045-00303BOONE COUNTY COAL 9755MINGO LOGAN COAL COMPANYPluggedLogan County, WV37.869165-81.841422
47-045-00319BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 9770EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.911250-81.796423
47-045-00320BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 9771EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.894806-81.814824
47-045-00322BOONE COUNTY COAL 9772BASE PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellLogan County, WV37.878151-81.841053
47-045-00343BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 9816EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.833076-81.757274
47-045-00344BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 9822EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.889072-81.815681
47-045-00345BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 9823EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.897823-81.830160
47-045-00370BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 9845EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.897506-81.808095
47-045-00372BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 9844EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.899775-81.820261
47-045-00373BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 9846EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.902223-81.813899
47-045-00418BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 9887ICG TYGART VALLEY, LLCPluggedLogan County, WV37.858746-81.835840
47-045-00431BOONE COUNTY COAL 9909BASE PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellLogan County, WV37.831749-81.814890
47-045-00452BOONE COUNTY COAL 9928BASE PETROLEUM, INC.Active WellLogan County, WV37.841370-81.815224
47-045-00519BOONE COUNTY COAL 9987MINGO LOGAN COAL LLCAbandoned WellLogan County, WV37.872238-81.851984
47-045-00603BOONE COUNTY COAL 10043MINGO LOGAN COAL LLCPluggedLogan County, WV37.866632-81.848590
47-045-00835BOONE COUNTY COAL 10523EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.932866-81.809449
47-045-00847BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 10658EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.893286-81.863575
47-045-00850BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 10694EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.863332-81.800925
47-045-00851BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 10699EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.837882-81.806024
47-045-00868BOONE COUNTY COAL 10844CNX GAS COMPANY LLCPluggedLogan County, WV37.825668-81.780675
47-045-00873BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP 10878EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.922522-81.820477
47-045-00939BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 11850OPERATOR UNKNOWNPluggedLogan County, WV37.829590-81.791103
47-045-00943BOONE COUNTY COAL 11964DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellLogan County, WV37.818002-81.750796
47-045-00952BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 12147EASTERN GAS TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE, INCPluggedLogan County, WV37.811134-81.767592
47-045-00953BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 12148DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCAbandoned WellLogan County, WV37.819721-81.757985
47-045-00954BOONE COUNTY COAL CORP. 12163DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCAbandoned WellLogan County, WV37.825830-81.744074
47-045-01084BOONE COUNTY COAL 986GREYLOCK CONVENTIONAL, LLCAbandoned WellLogan County, WV37.823610-81.750024

Nearby Properties

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Lawson HeirsLogan County, WV0 BBLs806 MCFDec 2021
Natural Resource PartnersLogan County, WV0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2009
Nunnenkamp, HBoone County, WV0 BBLs1,031 MCFDec 2021
Pardee Exploration Co. 50Logan County, WV0 BBLs2,124 MCFDec 2021
Spruce Boone Land CoBoone County, WV0 BBLs683 MCFDec 2021
United AffilLogan County, WV0 BBLs103 MCFDec 2021
Western Pocahontas PropLogan County, WV0 BBLs5,446 MCFDec 2021
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