
Oil & Gas Property in Calhoun County, WV

Property Summary

Key data points for McDonald

CountyCalhoun County, WV
Production DatesJan 1988 - Dec 2021
Total Oil Production20,513 BBLs
Total Gas Production395,453 MCF
Recent Oil Production37 BBLs in Dec 2021
Recent Gas Production1,261 MCF in Dec 2021
Wells on Property53

Our Valuation Estimates for McDonald


$2,034 *


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

McDonald Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for McDonald
from Jan 1988 to Dec 2021

Wells on McDonald

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
47-013-00305McDONALD, LOGAN 1HILDRETH, ROY G & SON INCActive WellCalhoun County, WV38.853905-81.104858
47-013-00359MCDONALD, CLAY 7749HOPE GAS, INC.PluggedCalhoun County, WV38.858840-81.126507
47-013-00418MCDONALD, SCOTCH 1MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.840333-81.079875
47-013-00439MCDONALD, SCOTCH 2MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.835946-81.080009
47-013-00541McDONALD, EDITH Z. 2MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.837789-81.084533
47-013-00554MCDONALD, EDITH Z. 3MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.839432-81.082977
47-013-00583MCDONALD, EDITH Z. 4MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.840714-81.082435
47-013-00600MCDONALD, TELL 1OPERATOR UNKNOWNAbandoned WellCalhoun County, WV38.862117-81.099843
47-013-00605MCDONALD, EDITH Z. 1MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.842960-81.089877
47-013-00606MCDONALD, SCOTCH 2MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.836616-81.077748
47-013-00632McDONALD, EDITH 1MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.843737-81.089137
47-013-00659McDONALD, EDITH Z. 2MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.840720-81.090281
47-013-00665MCDONALD, EDITH Z. 2MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.844203-81.089674
47-013-00673MCDONALD, SCOTCH 3MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.836212-81.080423
47-013-00674McDONALD, LAUREL 3732OPERATOR UNKNOWNAbandoned WellCalhoun County, WV38.838731-81.092352
47-013-00682MCDONALD, EDITH Z. 3MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.844272-81.093820
47-013-00683MCDONALD, SCOTCH 3MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.840786-81.077864
47-013-00701MCDONALD, CLAY 1MORRIS OIL & GAS CO., INCActive WellCalhoun County, WV38.847329-81.102950
47-013-00702MCDONALD, EDITH Z. 3BOWSER, PAULPluggedCalhoun County, WV38.841442-81.088486
47-013-00703McDONALD, EDITH Z. 4MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.842286-81.087752
47-013-00709McDONALD, LAUREL 3737OPERATOR UNKNOWNAbandoned WellCalhoun County, WV38.842353-81.096620
47-013-00720MCDONALD, CLAY 1MORRIS OIL & GAS CO., INCPluggedCalhoun County, WV38.847225-81.091645
47-013-00721MCDONALD, CLAY 3MORRIS OIL & GAS CO., INCAbandoned WellCalhoun County, WV38.847286-81.095159
47-013-00724MCDONALD, SCOTCH 4MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.838767-81.077552
47-013-00725MCDONALD, EDITH Z. 5OPERATOR UNKNOWNNever DrilledCalhoun County, WV38.835687-81.089380
47-013-00757McDONALD, LOGAN 8661DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellCalhoun County, WV38.853099-81.108714
47-013-00769McDONALD, L. J. 4MEADOWS JR, S. L. PRODUCTION INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.842918-81.097140
47-013-00788MCDONALD, LOGAN 8863HOPE GAS, INC.PluggedCalhoun County, WV38.850787-81.113195
47-013-00825McDONALD, CLAY 8950DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellCalhoun County, WV38.850942-81.116710
47-013-00828McDONALD, SCOTCH 6MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.839106-81.074798
47-013-00829McDONALD, SCOTCH 7MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.837343-81.073598
47-013-00836McDONALD, T. 1STEPHEN L SATTERFIELD PRODUCTION COMPANYActive WellCalhoun County, WV38.851827-81.098797
47-013-00850MCDONALD, SCOTCH 8MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.840490-81.069280
47-013-00854McDONALD, SCOTCH 8MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.842247-81.070415
47-013-00895McDONALD, SCOTCH 2MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.841647-81.067691
47-013-00912MCDONALD, SCOTCH 10MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.841268-81.068540
47-013-00946MCDONALD, SCOTCH 11MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.839263-81.068728
47-013-00961MCDONALD, BROWN 9168HOPE GAS, INC.PluggedCalhoun County, WV38.848217-81.109393
47-013-00962McDONALD, CLAY 9169ROSS AND WHARTON GAS COMPANY, INC.Abandoned WellCalhoun County, WV38.856522-81.115798
47-013-01005MCDONALD, EDITH Z. 4MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.841983-81.090316
47-013-01008MCDONALD, EDITH ZEE 5MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.841574-81.089598
47-013-01246MCDONALD, EDITH ZEE 4OPERATOR UNKNOWNAbandoned WellCalhoun County, WV38.838708-81.086089
47-013-01574MCDONALD, BROWN 1MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.846299-81.096785
47-013-01589MCDONALD, BROWN 2MOUNTAINEER STATE ENERGY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.849271-81.097556
47-013-01615MCDONALD, BROWN 10136HOPE GAS, INC.PluggedCalhoun County, WV38.845569-81.102268
47-013-01628MCDONALD, LAUREL J. 5OPERATOR UNKNOWNNever DrilledCalhoun County, WV38.841145-81.101368
47-013-01673MCDONALD & HARDMAN 4GOFF, DELBERTAbandoned WellCalhoun County, WV38.855463-81.092212
47-013-02741McDONALD, L. J. 1MEADOWS JR, S. L. PRODUCTION INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.841013-81.091561
47-013-02742McDONALD, L. J. 2EAST RESOURCES, INC.PluggedCalhoun County, WV38.842061-81.093625
47-013-02743McDONALD, L. J. 3MEADOWS JR, S. L. PRODUCTION INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.843141-81.095422
47-013-02861McDONALD, TELL 1STANDARD OIL COMPANY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.857351-81.102869
47-013-02932McDONALD, LOGAN 6458DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION LLCActive WellCalhoun County, WV38.858063-81.106903
47-013-02955McDONALD, TELL 2STANDARD OIL COMPANY, INC.Active WellCalhoun County, WV38.856260-81.107827

Nearby Properties

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