Texakoma Opr LP

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Texakoma Opr LP. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatePA
Production DatesJan 2006 - Dec 2012
Total Oil Production13,644 BBLs
Total Gas Production278,730 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Texakoma Opr LP Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Texakoma Opr LP
from Jan 2006 to Dec 2012

Wells Operated by Texakoma Opr LP

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
37-053-26790 ALLEGHENY NATL FOREST WARRANT 2018 19 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.537000-78.997417
37-053-26791 ALLEGHENY NATL FOREST WARRANT 2018 20 Operator Reported Not DrilledForest County, PA41.541674-78.958060
37-053-26788 ALLEGHENY NATL FOREST WARRANT 2018 21 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.538853-78.999794
37-053-26789 ALLEGHENY NATL FOREST WARRANT 2018 21 A Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.538811-78.997383
37-053-26783 ALLEGHENY NATL FOREST WARRANT 2023 13 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.536672-78.962970
37-053-26781 ALLEGHENY NATL FOREST WARRANT 2023 15 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.538134-78.965398
37-053-26782 ALLEGHENY NATL FOREST WARRANTT 2023 14 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.536542-78.965981
37-053-00857 COLLINS PINE P/A-6 (TOGC-A-1) Plugged UnverifiedForest County, PA41.534061-78.972320
37-053-00858 COLLINS PINE P/A-7 (TOGC-A-1) Plugged UnverifiedForest County, PA41.533155-78.969938
37-053-26768 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 1 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.522326-78.970843
37-053-26769 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 2 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.524109-78.970843
37-053-26794 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 22 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.529969-78.974916
37-053-26795 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 23 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.529832-78.977455
37-053-26796 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 24 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.527664-78.978313
37-053-26770 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 3 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.524109-78.973399
37-053-26802 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 30 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.533756-78.971557
37-053-26803 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 31 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.532137-78.973511
37-053-26804 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 32 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.531643-78.970899
37-053-26773 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 4 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.527814-78.970844
37-053-26826 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 48 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.527101-78.963667
37-053-26772 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 5 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.529736-78.970844
37-053-26829 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 51 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.525440-78.966168
37-053-26830 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 52 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.525262-78.963739
37-053-26771 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 6 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.530010-78.973401
37-053-26774 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 7 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.528638-78.966096
37-053-26775 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 8 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.531382-78.963904
37-053-26776 COLLINS PINE WARRANT 3665 9 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.532754-78.963722
37-053-28427 KNOX WARRANT 3665 1 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.533632-78.989295
37-053-00675 SPRING CREEK 10 Proposed But Never MaterializedForest County, PA41.532891-78.972432
37-053-00677 SPRING CREEK 12 Proposed But Never MaterializedForest County, PA41.531972-78.969711
37-053-00679 SPRING CREEK 14 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.533468-78.968250
37-053-00667 SPRING CREEK 17 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.522189-78.963867
37-053-00665 SPRING CREEK 27 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.528226-78.967556
37-053-00682 SPRING CREEK 34 Proposed But Never MaterializedForest County, PA41.528567-78.982621
37-053-00670 SPRING CREEK 4 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.533519-78.964721
37-053-00669 SPRING CREEK 41 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.523687-78.993911
37-053-00683 SPRING CREEK 42 Proposed But Never MaterializedForest County, PA41.527815-78.964762
37-053-00673 SPRING CREEK 8 Plugged OG WellForest County, PA41.534809-78.967989
37-053-00674 SPRING CREEK 9 Proposed But Never MaterializedForest County, PA41.533262-78.970296

Properties Operated by Texakoma Opr LP

Property NameCountyPeriodProduction RangeActive Wells
ALLEGHENY NATElk County, PAJan 1991 - Dec 202488
COLLINS PINEForest County, PAJan 1996 - Dec 201227
SPRING CREEKForest County, PAJan 1997 - Dec 20248

Recent Permits Filed by Texakoma Opr LP

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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