Stratakan Exploration, LLC

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Stratakan Exploration, LLC. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesMar 2001 - Nov 2024
Total Oil Production642,541 BBLs
Total Gas Production337,416 MCF
Estimated Daily Oil Prod.166 BBLs
Estimated Daily Gas Prod.201 MCF
Estimated Daily Water Prod.0 BBLs
Producing Wells8

Stratakan Exploration, LLC Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Stratakan Exploration, LLC
from Mar 2001 to Nov 2024

Wells Operated by Stratakan Exploration, LLC

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
15-109-21427 Beagley 2-1 Plugged and AbandonedLogan County, KS38.871674-100.950540
15-159-22850 BONNEWELL 18-1 Plugged and AbandonedRice County, KS38.484422-98.359758
15-159-22846 BONNEWELL-CARTER UNIT 18-1 Plugged and AbandonedRice County, KS38.483226-98.358834
15-009-25984 Bradley Unit 36-1 Plugged and AbandonedBarton County, KS38.532714-98.481608
15-163-21545 BUTCHER 3 Authorized Injection WellRooks County, KS39.274380-99.377655
15-163-21828 Casey 2 Authorized Injection WellRooks County, KS39.226171-99.451515
15-163-03220 Casey 3 ProducingRooks County, KS39.226159-99.450452
15-063-20252 Coberly 'JJ' 1 Inactive WellGove County, KS38.822947-100.422424
15-159-19134 D. KNOP 2 Plugged and AbandonedRice County, KS38.356600-98.471880
15-159-22760 Dohrman 1-27 ProducingRice County, KS38.451742-98.420429
15-185-23466 FANSHIER 1-21 Converted to SWD WellStafford County, KS38.217494-98.858680
15-185-23466 FANSHIER 1-21 Authorized Injection WellStafford County, KS38.217524-98.858669
15-185-23466 Fanshier 1-21 Converted to EOR WellStafford County, KS38.217494-98.858680
15-185-23226 FANSHIER 1-5 Authorized Injection WellStafford County, KS38.167285-98.780522
15-185-23884 Fanshier 15-1 ProducingStafford County, KS38.134060-98.743378
15-159-22837 HABIGER 18-1 ProducingRice County, KS38.487796-98.356937
15-159-22842 HABIGER 18-2 ProducingRice County, KS38.486387-98.350443
15-159-22843 HABIGER-CARTER UNIT 18-1 ProducingRice County, KS38.486116-98.357803
15-025-21534 Harper Ranch KC 7 ProducingClark County, KS37.103000-99.573858
15-163-22812 Hilgers 2 ProducingRooks County, KS39.265288-99.398994
15-163-23965 Hilgers 4-19 ProducingRooks County, KS39.261391-99.376405
15-035-24105 Hittle 'H' H-1 Inactive WellCowley County, KS37.340167-96.990282
15-035-22184 HITTLE 1 Plugged and AbandonedCowley County, KS37.344644-96.991435
15-159-22738 Hoelscher 2-27 ProducingRice County, KS38.453595-98.417730
15-109-21483 JANICE 8-1 Plugged and AbandonedLogan County, KS39.018579-101.006119
15-025-10098 JESS C. HARPER 'A' 2 Inactive WellClark County, KS37.110292-99.571158
15-025-10099 JESS C. HARPER 'A' 3 Inactive WellClark County, KS37.117701-99.575697
15-025-10150 JESS C. HARPER 'A' 4 ProducingClark County, KS37.106882-99.575539
15-025-10100 JESS C. HARPER 'A' 5 ProducingClark County, KS37.110580-99.575550
15-025-10101 JESS C. HARPER 'A' 6 Authorized Injection WellClark County, KS37.106792-99.571030
15-025-10109 K. C. HARPER 4 Inactive WellClark County, KS37.103131-99.566460
15-159-22812 KK 1-22 SWD Authorized Injection WellRice County, KS38.464468-98.407291
15-159-22776 KK 1-27 ProducingRice County, KS38.453591-98.420035
15-065-23988 Kraus 1 Plugged and AbandonedGraham County, KS39.361845-99.725483
15-065-24007 Kraus 3-14 Plugged and AbandonedGraham County, KS39.362131-99.730862
15-195-22981 LN 23-1 Plugged and AbandonedTrego County, KS38.734374-99.850848
15-195-22980 LN 23-2 Plugged and AbandonedTrego County, KS38.734505-99.840749
15-163-22686 Mayhew 1-31 ProducingRooks County, KS39.230145-99.379580
15-065-24149 MCFARLAND 2 Inactive WellGraham County, KS39.275231-99.699825
15-065-24151 MCFARLAND SWD Authorized Injection WellGraham County, KS39.277082-99.699466
15-063-21916 Missouri Flats Waterflood Unit 14 ProducingGove County, KS38.822906-100.427002
15-109-21610 MONUMENT SOUTH 7-1 Plugged and AbandonedLogan County, KS39.019924-101.020256
15-009-14212 MORGENSTERN 4 Inactive WellBarton County, KS38.597822-98.737042
15-077-21024 MORROW 2734 SWD Authorized Injection WellHarper County, KS37.136443-98.176082
15-077-22179 MORROW 2734H ProducingHarper County, KS37.131157-98.181828
15-163-21984 Ostmeyer 1 ProducingRooks County, KS39.444689-99.268814
15-185-23996 RADIUM EAST 4-1 ProducingStafford County, KS38.169836-98.872567
15-051-22451 SALINE RIVER GRAZING ASSOCIATION 5 Plugged and AbandonedEllis County, KS39.128139-99.342935
15-185-22679 Schultz 6-5 ProducingStafford County, KS38.168376-98.776462
15-185-23995 TITUS 21-1 ProducingStafford County, KS38.214385-98.865437

Leases Operated by Stratakan Exploration, LLC

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
1043502033 Allred 1-28 Cowley County, KS
1046092071 ANDREWS 22-1 Stafford County, KS
1053374777 BEDFORD Stafford County, KS
1045061972 BNE 19-22 Ellsworth County, KS
1001113511 BOGER (1) Barton County, KS
1001112363 DUESER Rice County, KS
1036379687 ECKERT #1 Rooks County, KS
1044230545 Eckert 'B' 2 Rooks County, KS
1037721169 FANSHIER 1-21 Stafford County, KS
1044904390 Fanshier 15-1 Stafford County, KS
1045109126 FANSHIER 20-1 Stafford County, KS
1046530463 GASKILL RB UNIT Logan County, KS
1046453503 HABIGER Rice County, KS
1001150121 HACKNEY 1-17 Comanche County, KS
1001117141 HARPER RANCH UNIT Clark County, KS
1001111008 HERREN Barton County, KS
1001176072 HITTLE SOUTH Cowley County, KS
1001111005 KENT Barton County, KS
1043948622 Kerstetter 1-25H Comanche County, KS
1043948593 Kerstetter 1-25H Comanche County, KS
1044173690 Kerstetter 2-25H Comanche County, KS
1044589140 Kerstetter 3-25H Comanche County, KS
1044578760 Kerstetter 3-25H Comanche County, KS
1044589184 Kerstetter 4-25H Comanche County, KS
1044589109 Kerstetter 4-25H Comanche County, KS
1001127090 KNOP D. Rice County, KS
1044241335 Leroy 1-5H Comanche County, KS
1044241405 Leroy 1-5H Comanche County, KS
1001176418 Lewis H-1 Cowley County, KS
1001175052 LIGHT DLM 1-17 Seward County, KS
1001177413 LOUSCH 'A' 1 Comanche County, KS
1044241379 Marie 3418 1-5H Comanche County, KS
1044230635 Marie 3418 1-5H Comanche County, KS
1051312478 MORROW 2734H Harper County, KS
1047193635 MORROW 2734H Harper County, KS
1001132496 OSTMEYER #1 Rooks County, KS
1046530461 RADIUM EAST 4-1 Stafford County, KS
1001119633 RUSS Rooks County, KS
1001127936 SALINE RIVER G Ellis County, KS
1001140831 SCHULTZ 6-5 Stafford County, KS
1046487349 SEWARD SW Stafford County, KS
1001120369 STAMPER 1-E Rooks County, KS
1008763357 STAMPER 3A Rooks County, KS
1001130335 STAMPER A #2 Rooks County, KS
1001176001 STAMPER C1 2&3 Rooks County, KS
1001142667 STAMPER F-1 Rooks County, KS
1033705527 STAMPER G Rooks County, KS
1001111009 THIES Barton County, KS
1051961015 THOMPSON Stafford County, KS
1001117214 VAVROCH Decatur County, KS

Properties Operated by Stratakan Exploration, LLC

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
BRADLEYBarton County, KSOct 2024806 BBLs0 MCFAug 2006 - Nov 20241
CASEYRooks County, KSOct 2024153 BBLs0 MCFOct 2011 - Oct 20241
COBERLYGove County, KSOct 2024961 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 202414
DOHRMANRice County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFSep 1980 - Nov 20243
FANSHIER 1-21Stafford County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFOct 2007 - Mar 20171
HABIGERRice County, KSOct 2024964 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 20247
HARPER RANCHClark County, KSOct 2024321 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 20241
HILGERSRooks County, KSOct 2024983 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 202414
HITTLECowley County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 20242
HOELSCHERRice County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFMar 1981 - Nov 20241
JESS C. HARPERClark County, KSOct 20240 BBLs270 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 20243
MAYHEWRooks County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFApr 1981 - Sep 20242
MORGENSTERNBarton County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFSep 1981 - Nov 20241
MORROWHarper County, KSOct 2024339 BBLs5,972 MCFAug 1983 - Nov 20241
SCHULTZStafford County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFOct 1990 - Aug 20241
STAMPERRooks County, KSOct 20241,156 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 202434
TITUSStafford County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Jul 20242

Recent Permits Filed by Stratakan Exploration, LLC

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Stratakan Exploration, LLC. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
100 S MAIN ST, PLAINVILLE KS 67663(785) 688-4241