Sterling Drillin

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Sterling Drillin. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesJan 1980 - Mar 1992
Total Oil Production129,651 BBLs
Total Gas Production135,681 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Sterling Drillin Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Sterling Drillin
from Jan 1980 to Mar 1992

Wells Operated by Sterling Drillin

API #Well NameStatusCountyLatitudeLongitude
No Wells Associated with Sterling Drillin

Leases Operated by Sterling Drillin

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
1001156925 ALTMAN Rice County, KS
1001157198 ANDERSON 'A' 1 Saline County, KS
1001113951 ARBUCKLE 'A' Rice County, KS
1001157270 BARBER Rice County, KS
1001157356 BARBER 'A' Rice County, KS
1024462882 CARLSON Rice County, KS
1001156958 CHRONISTER Rice County, KS
1024462883 CLEVINGER Rice County, KS
1001157342 COLLE 'C' Rice County, KS
1001156959 COLLE 'G' Rice County, KS
1001117243 CROSS 'A' 1 Edwards County, KS
1001113953 EKHOLM Rice County, KS
1001158050 ELLIOTT 'A' Pratt County, KS
1001160725 ENG-HUMPHREY Rice County, KS
1001157264 ENGLAND 'E' Rice County, KS
1001112489 FAIR 'F' Rice County, KS
1001157339 FAIR 'H' Rice County, KS
1001111990 FRY Rice County, KS
1001112008 FRY 'E' Rice County, KS
1001157199 G. E. BENGSTON Saline County, KS
1001158155 GILBERT Reno County, KS
1001158297 GRAY Stafford County, KS
1001129353 GULLICK EST Rice County, KS
1024462884 HARDER 'B' Rice County, KS
1001161484 HODGE ESTATE Reno County, KS
1001157250 HOWE Rice County, KS
1001132675 JOHN MAYHEW 'B' Edwards County, KS
1001113764 JOHNSON Rice County, KS
1001156624 JOHNSON Rice County, KS
1024462885 JOHNSON 'B' Rice County, KS
1001112011 LIBBY Rice County, KS
1024462886 LIBBY 'A' Rice County, KS
1001158298 MALIN T A Stafford County, KS
1001156635 MATTSON McPherson County, KS
1024462887 MATTSON Rice County, KS
1001111978 MATTSON Rice County, KS
1001147760 MAYHEW J Edwards County, KS
1001156960 MCDILL Rice County, KS
1024462012 MILLER Barton County, KS
1001156625 MILLER Rice County, KS
1024462888 MILLER 'B' Rice County, KS
1001146252 MILLER 'C' Pawnee County, KS
1001156626 MILLER 'C' Rice County, KS
1001125571 MILLER 'E' Pawnee County, KS
1001156627 MILLER 'G' Rice County, KS
1001156628 MILLER 'H' Rice County, KS
1024460409 MILLER C Barton County, KS
1001113794 NIMS Rice County, KS
1001156961 RAMSEY Rice County, KS
1001156629 RAMSEY Rice County, KS

Properties Operated by Sterling Drillin

No Properties Associated with Sterling Drillin

Recent Permits Filed by Sterling Drillin

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Sterling Drillin