Sonny King Production

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Sonny King Production. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateLA
Production DatesJun 1977 - Jan 2025
Total Oil Production258,789 BBLs
Total Gas Production531,520 MCF
Estimated Daily Oil Prod.5 BBLs
Estimated Daily Gas Prod.0 MCF
Estimated Daily Water Prod.0 BBLs
Producing Wells10

Sonny King Production Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Sonny King Production
from Jun 1977 to Jan 2025

Wells Operated by Sonny King Production

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-127-21636 CLARENCE JONES 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDWinn Parish, LA31.876963-92.408946
17-127-20586 CROWN ZELLERBACH 002 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDWinn Parish, LA31.922168-92.471751
17-127-20685 CROWN ZELLERBACH 003 DRY AND PLUGGEDWinn Parish, LA31.923064-92.471109
17-127-21620 CROWN ZELLERBACH 006 DRY AND PLUGGEDWinn Parish, LA31.920729-92.467919
17-127-21621 CROWN ZELLERBACH 007 PERMIT EXPIREDWinn Parish, LA31.920977-92.471787
17-127-21622 CROWN ZELLERBACH 008 PERMIT EXPIREDWinn Parish, LA31.923533-92.468305
17-127-21641 CROWN ZELLERBACH 010 DRY AND PLUGGEDWinn Parish, LA31.922105-92.472463
17-127-00985 CZ SALT 002 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.840972-92.382149
17-127-00951 CZ SALT 003 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.841871-92.385249
17-127-00950 CZ SALT 004 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.843672-92.385250
17-127-00925 CZ SALT 006 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.844572-92.380048
17-127-00946 CZ SALT 014 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.843472-92.386349
17-127-00982 CZ SALT 015 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILWinn Parish, LA31.839972-92.382147
17-127-00945 CZ SALT 017 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILWinn Parish, LA33.840820-93.578292
17-127-20127 CZ SALT 021 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILWinn Parish, LA31.841771-92.386447
17-127-20825 CZ SALT 022 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.842826-92.385824
17-127-20927 CZ SALT 023 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILWinn Parish, LA31.839599-92.383928
17-127-21383 CZ SALT 025 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.843868-92.380348
17-127-21521 CZ SALT 026 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.844011-92.385855
17-127-22533 CZ SALT 027 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.841686-92.380818
17-127-22534 CZ SALT 028 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGWinn Parish, LA31.841432-92.386277
17-127-22893 CZ SALT 029 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILWinn Parish, LA31.841645-92.387046
17-127-22894 CZ SALT 030 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILWinn Parish, LA31.842249-92.386769
17-127-22895 CZ SALT 031 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILWinn Parish, LA31.839541-92.383359
17-127-22896 CZ SALT 032 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILWinn Parish, LA31.842461-92.380862
17-127-88028 CZ SALT SWD 002 ACTIVE- INJECTIONWinn Parish, LA31.839858-92.383896
17-127-21223 CZ SALT SWD 024 ACTIVE- INJECTIONWinn Parish, LA31.840711-92.384603
17-127-20849 DAVIS JONES 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDWinn Parish, LA31.909322-92.492899
17-127-21438 DAVIS JONES 006 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDWinn Parish, LA31.908857-92.491417
17-127-88023 DAVIS JONES SWD 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDWinn Parish, LA31.907881-92.491127
17-059-24909 PENDARVIS 006 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.812276-92.336135
17-043-20438 ROY O MARTIN 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDGrant Parish, LA31.592950-92.362035
17-059-21523 T A HOPKINS 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.864620-92.220873
17-059-21431 Y W FLOWERS 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.857271-92.224045
17-059-01007 Y W FLOWERS SWD 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.857369-92.225246

Leases Operated by Sonny King Production

Lease #Lease NameCounty
043140-2 T A HOPKINS LaSalle Parish, LA
043541-2 Y W FLOWERS LaSalle Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Sonny King Production

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
CROWN ZELLERBACHWinn Parish, LADec 202455 BBLsJun 1977 - Jan 20252
DAVIS JONESWinn Parish, LADec 202455 BBLsAug 1981 - Jan 20254
PENDARVISLaSalle Parish, LADec 2024132 BBLsJan 1977 - Jan 202519
T A HOPKINSLaSalle Parish, LADec 2024179 BBLsJan 1977 - Jan 20251

Recent Permits Filed by Sonny King Production

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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