Shields Oil Prod

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Shields Oil Prod. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesJan 1980 - Aug 1995
Total Oil Production271,503 BBLs
Total Gas Production90,786 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Shields Oil Prod Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Shields Oil Prod
from Jan 1980 to Aug 1995

Wells Operated by Shields Oil Prod

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
15-167-22640 HOCH 1 Russell County, KS38.741213-98.500130

Leases Operated by Shields Oil Prod

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
1024460159 ALEY 'A' Russell County, KS
1001130597 ANDERSON 'C' Rooks County, KS
1024462294 ATHERTON 'B' Russell County, KS
1001135879 AXMAN 'C' Barton County, KS
1001137570 AXMAN (E) Barton County, KS
1001156967 BAXTER 'A' Russell County, KS
1024462389 BENGSTON Saline County, KS
1001112529 BOXBERGER Russell County, KS
1001120486 BRAUN Ellis County, KS
1001121817 BRAUN 'B' Ellis County, KS
1001116414 BROWN 'A' Reno County, KS
1001146413 BROWN 'A' Reno County, KS
1001145323 BROWN 'B' Reno County, KS
1001159078 CHRISLER Ellis County, KS
1001113039 CLEARWATER Butler County, KS
1001160148 DEWALD Rush County, KS
1001160347 DICKMAN Trego County, KS
1001157316 DRISCOLL Russell County, KS
1001157317 EDGINGTON Russell County, KS
1024462702 EICHMAN Russell County, KS
1020070667 ELMORE Ness County, KS
1001145599 FAIR Reno County, KS
1001158947 FEELY 'C' Decatur County, KS
1001159149 FEITZ 'B' Ellis County, KS
1024460283 FELTES Barton County, KS
1001156965 FOSTER-ALEY 'B' Russell County, KS
1020071118 FURY (1) Graham County, KS
1001156864 GREGORY Ellsworth County, KS
1001155609 HEDLUNE Chase County, KS
1001173784 HEIM McPherson County, KS
1020071578 HOMBURG 1 Ellis County, KS
1001113043 HUPFER Russell County, KS
1001157423 HUSEMAN Russell County, KS
1020071136 IMEL (A) Graham County, KS
1001157343 JENISCH Barton County, KS
1001112536 KEOUGH Russell County, KS
1024462295 KILLIAN Russell County, KS
1001160126 KUHLMANN Barton County, KS
1001157416 KUHN Russell County, KS
1024462390 LARSON 1 Saline County, KS
1001134825 LAYHER Russell County, KS
1020070913 MADDEN Ellis County, KS
1001124574 MAI Russell County, KS
1001157279 MERMIS EDWIN Russell County, KS
1024462296 MOHL Russell County, KS
1001173783 OTTE McPherson County, KS
1003544511 OWENS M T Russell County, KS
1024459906 OWENS M T 'B' Russell County, KS
1020071251 PABST Ness County, KS
1020071252 PABST (B) Ness County, KS

Properties Operated by Shields Oil Prod

No Properties Associated with Shields Oil Prod

Recent Permits Filed by Shields Oil Prod

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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