Roland Oil Company

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Roland Oil Company. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateTX
Production DatesJan 1993 - Mar 2025
Total Oil Production89,174 BBLs
Total Gas Production622 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Roland Oil Company Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Roland Oil Company
from Jan 1993 to Mar 2025

Wells Operated by Roland Oil Company

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
42-013-02200 ALENE 1 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.836874-98.742577
42-013-02187 ALENE 2 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.835021-98.737181
42-013-80530 ALENE 3 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.834485-98.741015
42-013-80531 ALENE 4 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.832943-98.736635
42-013-80532 ALENE 5 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.836041-98.744048
42-013-02199 ALENE 6 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.832589-98.733447
42-013-02406 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT H001P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.877077-98.750792
42-013-01581 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT H001R Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.879721-98.736347
42-013-02405 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT H002P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.879777-98.751670
42-013-01583 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT H003R Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.876705-98.744674
42-013-01584 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT H004R Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.876031-98.747207
42-013-02683 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT H006P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.876259-98.757468
42-013-80442 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT H007P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.879014-98.754404
42-013-80443 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT H008P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.875116-98.759712
42-013-02172 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT H011P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.866605-98.727477
42-013-01635 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S001H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.883571-98.735699
42-013-01636 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S002H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.887408-98.730336
42-013-01589 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S002P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.879533-98.741115
42-013-01637 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S003H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.885337-98.733764
42-013-01590 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S003P Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.878527-98.744991
42-013-01638 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S004H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.884908-98.731017
42-013-01529 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S005H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.885855-98.727592
42-013-01536 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S006H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.888883-98.727669
42-013-02408 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S006P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.880101-98.749531
42-013-01585 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S007P Atascosa County, TX28.881880-98.748370
42-013-01586 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S008P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.880181-98.746594
42-013-01587 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S009P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.882820-98.744307
42-013-01579 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S010H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.881853-98.733631
42-013-01588 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S010P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.882775-98.741598
42-013-01580 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S011H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.884328-98.737513
42-013-80450 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S011P Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.881720-98.740411
42-013-01610 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S012H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.886902-98.735109
42-013-01632 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S014H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.887913-98.732320
42-013-01633 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S017H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.889670-98.730334
42-013-01520 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S018H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.891277-98.725957
42-013-30521 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S019H Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.885909-98.738170
42-013-30539 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT S021H Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.888927-98.732040
42-013-02216 STEINLE, A. N. -B- 1 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.861743-98.700991
42-013-01525 SUTTON SUSSEX E. CROWN FLOOD UNI 15 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.909549-98.736003
42-013-03051 SUTTON SUSSEX E. CROWN FLOOD UNI 17 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.912599-98.727988
42-013-80566 SUTTON SUSSEX E. CROWN FLOOD UNI 22 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.905623-98.730542
42-013-80568 SUTTON SUSSEX E. CROWN FLOOD UNI 24 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.907767-98.725408
42-013-01578 SUTTON SUSSEX E. CROWN FLOOD UNI 4 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.903964-98.742784
42-013-01616 SUTTON SUSSEX E. CROWN FLOOD UNI 5 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.903134-98.739579
42-013-01641 SUTTON SUSSEX E. CROWN FLOOD UNI 9 Plugged Oil WellAtascosa County, TX28.901724-98.735219

Leases Operated by Roland Oil Company

Lease #Lease NameCounty
01-03314 ALENE Atascosa County, TX
01-05608 HENRY, D. M. Atascosa County, TX
01-03220 NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNIT Atascosa County, TX
01-03307 STEINLE, A. N. -B- Atascosa County, TX
01-03387 SUTTON SUSSEX E. CROWN FLOOD UNI Atascosa County, TX

Properties Operated by Roland Oil Company

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
NORTH CHARLOTTE FIELD UNITAtascosa County, TX0 BBLsJan 1993 - Jun 20136
STEINLEAtascosa County, TXNov 2024183 BBLsJan 1993 - Nov 20241
SUTTON-SUSSEX E.CROWN FLOOD UNIAtascosa County, TX0 BBLsJan 1993 - Dec 20178

Recent Permits Filed by Roland Oil Company

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Roland Oil Company

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Roland Oil Company. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
P O BOX 459 CHARLOTTE, TX 78011(830) 277-1533
PO BOX 459, CHARLOTTE, TX 78011-0459