Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesAL, LA, MS, ND
Production DatesDec 1976 - Nov 2022
Total Oil Production10,393,421 BBLs
Total Gas Production49,354,493 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC
from Dec 1976 to Nov 2022

Wells Operated by Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-113-88068 A BROUSSARD ET AL SWD 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDVermilion Parish, LA30.080725-92.247153
17-113-21373 AIMEE BROUSSARD ETAL 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDVermilion Parish, LA30.080149-92.246895
17-097-00456 BOTANY BAY LBR CO MIN FEE TR 2 053 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDSt. Landry Parish, LA30.525900-91.924125
23-067-20667 City of Laurel 31-13 Expired PermitJones County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-067-20654 City of Laurel 6-4 Expired PermitJones County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-067-20710 City of Laurel 6-4 Expired PermitJones County, MS0.0000000.000000
17-039-20591 CL&M 030-ALT PERMIT EXPIREDEvangeline Parish, LA30.767007-92.446531
33-009-02178 CRAMER 7 - 1 Permit Now CancelledBottineau County, ND48.790710-101.345756
17-039-20591 CROWELL LAND & MINERAL CORP 030 PERMIT EXPIREDEvangeline Parish, LA30.759871-92.463012
33-009-02170 DEIBLER 25-16 Dry HoleBottineau County, ND48.822475-101.369247
23-089-20167 Denmiss L.L.C. Expired PermitMadison County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-089-20163 Denmiss L.L.C. 34-11 Permit CancelledMadison County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-089-20168 Denmiss L.L.C. 34-11 Expired PermitMadison County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-089-20166 Denmiss L.L.C. 34-11 Expired PermitMadison County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-089-20162 Denmiss L.L.C. 34-11 Expired PermitMadison County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-089-20165 Denmiss LLC 34-11 Permit CancelledMadison County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-089-20161 Denmiss LLC 34-11 Expired PermitMadison County, MS0.0000000.000000
33-013-01609 DUSTIN 29-1 Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.743929-102.373637
33-013-01465 EARL CHREST JR 2H Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.747902-102.456566
33-009-02193 ERICKSON ET AL 3A Permit Now CancelledBottineau County, ND48.822104-101.352784
33-009-02192 ERICKSON ET AL 4 B Permit Now CancelledBottineau County, ND48.821557-101.352261
33-009-02194 ERICKSON ET AL 4A Permit Now CancelledBottineau County, ND48.822105-101.352265
01-075-20604 GARDNER 9-2 #1 Plugged and AbandonedLamar County, AL33.690190-88.216580
33-009-02227 GREEK 1-2 Dry HoleBottineau County, ND48.804665-101.373688
23-111-20163 J. C. Hillman 36-12 Expired PermitPerry County, MS0.0000000.000000
33-013-01648 JAYDEN 29-2H Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.740731-102.381057
17-011-21218 KINGREY 001 PERMIT EXPIREDBeauregard Parish, LA30.599710-93.084885
23-023-20816 KIRKLAND 5-4 2 Plugged and AbandonedClarke County, MS32.051571-88.689551
17-039-20248 LAHAYE BROS 004 PERMIT EXPIREDEvangeline Parish, LA30.767120-92.447140
33-013-01826 LIG1 17-20 162-91 A Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.864354-102.517155
33-013-01827 LIG1 17-20 162-91 C Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.864354-102.517072
23-023-00331 Longbell Petroleum 10-12 4 Plugged and AbandonedClarke County, MS32.028020-88.652150
23-023-00045 Longbell Petroleum Co. #2 Plugged and AbandonedClarke County, MS32.025430-88.647940
01-075-20517 MCNEES 9-1 #1 Plugged and AbandonedLamar County, AL33.690410-88.212410
33-013-01815 MILLER 8-1H Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.966116-102.638630
17-039-20078 MOLITAR 001 PERMIT EXPIREDEvangeline Parish, LA30.694519-92.528829
01-075-20554 PATTERSON 9-9 #1 Plugged and AbandonedLamar County, AL33.682670-88.213910
23-023-20020 QFU 10-9 Plugged and AbandonedClarke County, MS32.029670-88.639630
23-023-20019 QFU 11-5 Plugged and AbandonedClarke County, MS32.030960-88.636320
33-009-02241 RICE 13X Permit Now CancelledBottineau County, ND48.782897-101.313151
33-009-02237 RIISE 4 Permit Now CancelledBottineau County, ND48.771320-101.318238
23-153-20117 SAOPU Plugged and AbandonedWayne County, MS31.761740-88.555690
33-013-01850 STC1 35-26 164-93 B Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.980463-102.708211
33-013-01851 STC1 35-26 164-93 C Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.980463-102.708003
33-013-01852 STC1 35-26 164-93 D Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.980463-102.707795
33-013-01703 SWENSON 5H Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.923679-102.710525
33-013-01610 UNDHJEM 14-3 Permit Now CancelledBurke County, ND48.950412-102.703028
23-023-20012 Unit 10-5 NO. 1 Plugged and AbandonedClarke County, MS32.032601-88.652150
23-023-20431 UNIT 32-13 2 Plugged and AbandonedClarke County, MS32.052385-88.688481
23-111-20164 USA 15-14 Expired PermitPerry County, MS0.0000000.000000

Leases Operated by Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
052067-2 1900 RA SUA; St. Landry Parish, LA
052068-2 1900 RA SUB; St. Landry Parish, LA
051910-2 ALBERT DECUIR ETAL Iberia Parish, LA
051457-2 CL&M Evangeline Parish, LA
051463-2 CL&M Evangeline Parish, LA
051734-2 CL&M Evangeline Parish, LA
051650-2 CL&M Evangeline Parish, LA
051732-2 CL&M Evangeline Parish, LA
051548-2 CL&M Evangeline Parish, LA
802153-5 CROWELL COMP SCRUBBER Evangeline Parish, LA
306663-7 CROWELL LAND & MINERALS CORP Evangeline Parish, LA
051874-2 HELIS Iberia Parish, LA
051758-2 HELIS Iberia Parish, LA
051355-2 J P DUEH ET AL Iberia Parish, LA
051576-2 LAHAYE BROS Evangeline Parish, LA
802154-5 PINE PRAIRIE #1 COMP SCRUBBER Evangeline Parish, LA
802144-5 PINE PRAIRIE CL&M COMP SCRUB Evangeline Parish, LA
052289-2 SP L RA SUA; Evangeline Parish, LA
802155-5 ST 7042 COMP SCRUBBER Evangeline Parish, LA
052120-2 U WX RA SUX; Evangeline Parish, LA
052327-2 U WX RB SUK; Evangeline Parish, LA
052202-2 U WX RC SUFF; Evangeline Parish, LA
052008-2 U WX RC SUHH; Evangeline Parish, LA
617774-2 V ARDOIN ETAL Evangeline Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
BOTANY BAY LBR COSt. Landry Parish, LAJun 2024277 BBLs0 MCFJan 1977 - Jun 20247
CRAMERBottineau County, ND0 BBLs0 MCFAug 2000 - Aug 20195
CROWELL LANDEvangeline Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1977 - Feb 20143
ERICKSON ET ALBottineau County, ND0 BBLs0 MCFJun 2010 - Jan 20216
LAHAYEEvangeline Parish, LAJun 2024523 BBLs140 MCFMar 1981 - Jun 20242
PATTERSONLamar County, AL0 BBLs0 MCFSep 1984 - Jul 20245
RICEBottineau County, ND0 BBLs0 MCFMay 1980 - Jan 202113
SAOPUWayne County, MS0 BBLs0 MCFDec 1976 - Jan 20052
SWENSONBurke County, ND0 BBLs0 MCFDec 1963 - Oct 20243
UNDHJEM 1Burke County, NDDec 2024222 BBLs1,452 MCFOct 1984 - Dec 20243
WOB1Burke County, NDDec 2024761 BBLs7,827 MCFDec 2019 - Dec 20242
ZARAKStark County, ND0 BBLs0 MCFNov 1969 - Sep 19711

Recent Permits Filed by Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
No Contact Information Available