
Oil & Gas Property in McKean County, PA

Property Summary

Key data points for Brooks

CountyMcKean County, PA
Production DatesJan 1993 - Dec 2022
Total Oil Production4,992 BBLs
Total Gas Production7 MCF
Recent Oil ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Recent Gas ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Wells on Property146

Our Valuation Estimates for Brooks


$1,673 *


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Brooks Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Brooks
from Jan 1993 to Dec 2022

Wells on Brooks

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
37-083-08083BROOKS 01PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968911-78.618703
37-083-08084BROOKS 02PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968800-78.617222
37-083-08085BROOKS 03PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968850-78.615867
37-083-08086BROOKS 04PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968669-78.614658
37-083-08087BROOKS 05PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968514-78.613211
37-083-08088BROOKS 06PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968514-78.612016
37-083-08089BROOKS 07PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968464-78.610844
37-083-08090BROOKS 08PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968378-78.609605
37-083-08091BROOKS 09PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968394-78.608272
37-083-08092BROOKS 010PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.969653-78.618541
37-083-08093BROOKS 011PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969731-78.617106
37-083-08094BROOKS 012PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969539-78.615819
37-083-08095BROOKS 013PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969394-78.614566
37-083-08096BROOKS 014PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969444-78.613141
37-083-08097BROOKS 015PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969325-78.612016
37-083-08098BROOKS 016PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969289-78.610661
37-083-08099BROOKS 017PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969222-78.609305
37-083-08100BROOKS 018PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969186-78.607997
37-083-08101BROOKS 020PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.970358-78.616933
37-083-08102BROOKS 021PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970436-78.615589
37-083-08103BROOKS 022PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970153-78.614497
37-083-08104BROOKS 023PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970133-78.613075
37-083-08105BROOKS 024PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970047-78.611788
37-083-08106BROOKS 025PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969961-78.610591
37-083-08107BROOKS 026PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969997-78.609352
37-083-08108BROOKS 027PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969875-78.608041
37-083-08109BROOKS 028PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.971519-78.618008
37-083-08110BROOKS 029PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.971347-78.617067
37-083-08111BROOKS 030PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.971314-78.615711
37-083-08112BROOKS 031PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.972697-78.616991
37-083-08113BROOKS 032PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.972261-78.615642
37-083-08114BROOKS 3PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.968361-78.617208
37-083-08115BROOKS 6PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968731-78.619933
37-083-08116BROOKS 8PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968558-78.620825
37-083-08117BROOKS 9PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968128-78.619128
37-083-08118BROOKS 10PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968094-78.618417
37-083-08119BROOKS 12PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969342-78.617578
37-083-08120BROOKS 17PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968567-78.612591
37-083-08121BROOKS 33PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.967861-78.613258
37-083-08122BROOKS 47PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.967706-78.608411
37-083-08123BROOKS 61PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.971811-78.617250
37-083-08124BROOKS 65PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.967517-78.609972
37-083-08125BROOKS 66PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.967636-78.610938
37-083-08126BROOKS NEW 8PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969850-78.620322
37-083-08127BROOKS W1PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968472-78.619428
37-083-08128BROOKS W2PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968386-78.617956
37-083-08129BROOKS W3PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968283-78.616511
37-083-08130BROOKS W4PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968189-78.615119
37-083-08131BROOKS W5PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968206-78.613969
37-083-08132BROOKS W6PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968103-78.612752
37-083-08133BROOKS W7PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968153-78.611444
37-083-08134BROOKS W8PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968033-78.610133
37-083-08135BROOKS W9PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.967997-78.608916
37-083-08136BROOKS W10PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.967894-78.607469
37-083-08137BROOKS W11PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969197-78.619492
37-083-08138BROOKS W12PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969247-78.617911
37-083-08139BROOKS W13PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969194-78.616531
37-083-08140BROOKS W14PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969014-78.615119
37-083-08141BROOKS W15PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968944-78.613925
37-083-08142BROOKS W16PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968894-78.612661
37-083-08143BROOKS W17PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968894-78.611397
37-083-08144BROOKS W18PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968739-78.609994
37-083-08145BROOKS W19PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968756-78.608847
37-083-08146BROOKS W20PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968706-78.607469
37-083-08147BROOKS W23PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970022-78.616508
37-083-08148BROOKS W24PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969842-78.615164
37-083-08149BROOKS W25PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969808-78.613808
37-083-08150BROOKS W26PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969789-78.612522
37-083-08151BROOKS W27PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969772-78.611213
37-083-08152BROOKS W28PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969653-78.609927
37-083-08153BROOKS W29PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969653-78.608777
37-083-08154BROOKS W30PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.969461-78.607330
37-083-08155BROOKS W33PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970711-78.616281
37-083-08156BROOKS W34PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970694-78.615017
37-083-08157BROOKS W35PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970686-78.613602
37-083-08158BROOKS W36PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970564-78.612225
37-083-08159BROOKS W37PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970564-78.611305
37-083-08160BROOKS W38PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970392-78.609811
37-083-08161BROOKS W39PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970306-78.608502
37-083-08162BROOKS W40PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970289-78.607261
37-083-08163BROOKS W42PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.971925-78.616341
37-083-08164BROOKS W43PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.971708-78.615092
37-083-11665BROOKS 18PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.971183-78.608153
37-083-11666BROOKS 22PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.971183-78.609442
37-083-11667BROOKS 20PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.971183-78.609919
37-083-11668BROOKS 25PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.971183-78.610911
37-083-11669BROOKS 50PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.971183-78.612531
37-083-11670BROOKS 024QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.971189-78.613875
37-083-11671BROOKS 025QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.970091-78.606223
37-083-11672BROOKS 026QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.970091-78.607879
37-083-11673BROOKS 027QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.970228-78.607327
37-083-11674BROOKS W26QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.970091-78.609129
37-083-11676BROOKS W28QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.970091-78.610178
37-083-11677BROOKS W29QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.970091-78.610638
37-083-11678BROOKS 015QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.970091-78.612293
37-083-11679BROOKS 016QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.970091-78.613765
37-083-11680BROOKS 017QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.970091-78.615145
37-083-11681BROOKS 018QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.969131-78.606039
37-083-11682BROOKS 36PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.969703-78.608392
37-083-11683BROOKS W16QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.969405-78.607511
37-083-11684BROOKS W17QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.969131-78.607658
37-083-11685BROOKS W18QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.969131-78.609129
37-083-11686BROOKS W19QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.969131-78.610638
37-083-11687BROOKS 26PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.969294-78.610453
37-083-11688BROOKS 49PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.969125-78.612381
37-083-11689BROOKS 17QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.969487-78.611925
37-083-11690BROOKS 06QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.969103-78.612698
37-083-11691BROOKS 07QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.969131-78.613765
37-083-11692BROOKS 08QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.969131-78.615145
37-083-11693BROOKS 09QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.968472-78.608762
37-083-11694BROOKS 48PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.968444-78.611428
37-083-11695BROOKS W6QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.968445-78.614133
37-083-11696BROOKS W7QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.968994-78.615420
37-083-11697BROOKS 67PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.968169-78.606039
37-083-11698BROOKS W8QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.968170-78.607695
37-083-11699BROOKS N6PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.968169-78.608983
37-083-11700BROOKS 35PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.968164-78.610875
37-083-11701BROOKS W9QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.968170-78.612293
37-083-11702BROOKS 24PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.968169-78.613725
37-083-11703BROOKS 33PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.968169-78.614814
37-083-11704BROOKS 66PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.967786-78.607014
37-083-11705BROOKS 27PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.967786-78.608872
37-083-11706BROOKS 65QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.967896-78.610822
37-083-11707BROOKS 47QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.967621-78.613397
37-083-11708BROOKS 28PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.967478-78.614956
37-083-11709BROOKS 0115PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.967750-78.616058
37-083-11710BROOKS 0116PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Orphan ListMcKean County, PA41.967478-78.616608
37-083-11711BROOKS W10QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.967484-78.605947
37-083-11712BROOKS W20QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.967484-78.607327
37-083-11713BROOKS W30QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.967484-78.608541
37-083-11715BROOKS W39QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.967484-78.610932
37-083-11716BROOKS W38QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.967484-78.612109
37-083-11717BROOKS W37QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.967484-78.613176
37-083-11718BROOKS W36QUAKER STATE CORPProposed But Never MaterializedMcKean County, PA41.967484-78.614317
37-083-14493BROOKS W21PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep Abandoned ListMcKean County, PA41.970408-78.620197
37-083-15605BROOKS 55PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968211-78.620089
37-083-15780BROOKS W32PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.970892-78.617880
37-083-15925BROOKS W44PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.972469-78.616400
37-083-15960BROOKS 35PA DEP OFC OIL & GAS MGMTDep PluggedMcKean County, PA41.968972-78.608250
37-083-22749BROOKS 5PEAK ENERGY LLCPlugged Og WellMcKean County, PA41.970183-78.623317
37-083-22786BROOKS 6PEAK ENERGY LLCPlugged Og WellMcKean County, PA41.975150-78.621950
37-083-22787BROOKS 7PEAK ENERGY LLCPlugged Og WellMcKean County, PA41.975711-78.622419
37-083-23406BROOKS 9PEAK ENERGY LLCPlugged Og WellMcKean County, PA41.975450-78.622305
37-083-23485BROOKS 10PEAK ENERGY LLCPlugged Og WellMcKean County, PA41.974072-78.622075
37-083-23486BROOKS 11PEAK ENERGY LLCPlugged UnverifiedMcKean County, PA41.975330-78.622274
37-083-23670BROOKS 12PEAK ENERGY LLCPlugged Og WellMcKean County, PA41.975192-78.623064

Nearby Properties

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Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
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Brooks HoffmanMcKean County, PA0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2022
Chip ChopMcKean County, PA0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2024
ChipchopCattaraugus County, NY919 BBLs1,405 MCFDec 2023
ClarkCattaraugus County, NY3,869 BBLs5,136 MCFDec 2023
DikemanMcKean County, PA0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2023
EakinCattaraugus County, NY207 BBLs1,018 MCFDec 2023
Earl E CarlsonMcKean County, PA0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2024
Fifth WardMcKean County, PA0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2020
GoodmanCattaraugus County, NY719 BBLs1,599 MCFDec 2023
McCrayMcKean County, PA2,852 BBLs5,255 MCFDec 2024
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Pa Chip ChopMcKean County, PA0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2024
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Sue 0Cattaraugus County, NY408 BBLs960 MCFDec 2023
TunaMcKean County, PA0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2022
WeaverMcKean County, PA0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2021
WilliamsCattaraugus County, NY604 BBLs929 MCFDec 2023