Oilwell Acquisition Co

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Oilwell Acquisition Co. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesLA, MS
Production DatesDec 1976 - Jun 1999
Total Oil Production7,604,905 BBLs
Total Gas Production2,439,900 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Oilwell Acquisition Co Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Oilwell Acquisition Co
from Dec 1976 to Jun 1999

Wells Operated by Oilwell Acquisition Co

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-047-88054 A B SMITH SWD 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDIberville Parish, LA30.469126-91.540480
17-025-01476 A T HUNT A020 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDCatahoula Parish, LA31.385781-91.800533
17-025-01464 A T HUNT SWD A007 UNABLE TO LOCATE WELL-NO PLUGGECatahoula Parish, LA31.383881-91.785233
17-047-20400 ANGELLOZ A 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDIberville Parish, LA30.415898-91.454819
17-029-01690 ASHLAND 007 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDConcordia Parish, LA31.321376-91.585328
17-029-20006 ASHLAND 012 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDConcordia Parish, LA31.324278-91.585428
17-029-01687 ASHLAND SWD 004 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDConcordia Parish, LA31.321676-91.588726
23-001-20160 BAKER UNIT 4 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.476190-91.235201
17-047-00112 D D ANGELLOZ SWD 001 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-INJECTION AIberville Parish, LA30.421199-91.461117
17-041-20227 GOODMAN 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDFranklin Parish, LA32.325168-91.603074
17-041-20118 GOODMAN B 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDFranklin Parish, LA32.325539-91.605359
17-029-20960 GRAHAM SWD 002 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDConcordia Parish, LA31.444875-91.579829
23-063-20238 HALL 4 Plugged and AbandonedJefferson County, MS31.661909-91.160599
23-063-20285 HALL 5 Plugged and AbandonedJefferson County, MS31.664183-91.160049
23-063-20323 HALL 7 Plugged and AbandonedJefferson County, MS31.658869-91.161246
23-063-00381 HALL A-1 Plugged and AbandonedJefferson County, MS31.662507-91.157655
23-063-00297 HALL-ARMSTRONG UNIT 1 Plugged and AbandonedJefferson County, MS31.656259-91.165842
17-025-21635 HUNT 002 DRY AND PLUGGEDCatahoula Parish, LA31.392463-91.784628
23-001-00387 JUNKIN A 9 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.686490-91.378480
17-025-21634 KIME ESTATE 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDCatahoula Parish, LA31.389439-91.801694
23-001-21940 LAMBDIN /LP/ 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.620360-91.324710
23-001-22122 LAMBDIN /LP/ 4 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.620180-91.327290
23-001-21975 LAMBDIN'LP'#3 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.620990-91.327110
17-029-22901 MARY T SMITH ETAL 002 DRY AND PLUGGEDConcordia Parish, LA31.602342-91.809573
17-029-22684 PEABODY 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDConcordia Parish, LA31.685781-91.412231
17-029-22706 PEABODY NBF 001 PERMIT EXPIREDConcordia Parish, LA31.327509-91.591699
17-029-22826 PEABODY NBF 005 DRY AND PLUGGEDConcordia Parish, LA31.324110-91.587287
17-029-22848 PEABODY NBF 006 DRY AND PLUGGEDConcordia Parish, LA31.314676-91.596269
23-001-22861 QUITMAN BAYOU 34 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.680469-91.368194
23-001-22850 QUITMAN BAYOU FIELD 33 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.679534-91.373869
23-001-22849 QUITMAN BAYOU FIELD 35 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.678567-91.372192
23-001-00082 QUITMAN BAYOU FIELD UNIT 10 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.681170-91.370550
23-001-00385 QUITMAN BAYOU FIELD UNIT 17 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.675220-91.379770
23-001-00363 QUITMAN BAYOU FIELD UNIT 2 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.678280-91.365860
23-001-00375 QUITMAN BAYOU FIELD UNIT 5 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.674620-91.373540
23-001-00376 QUITMAN BAYOU FIELD UNIT 6 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.674270-91.375750
23-001-21210 QUITMAN BAYOU FLD 25 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.678901-91.368590
23-001-22816 QUITMAN BAYOU FLD 31 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.681404-91.367582
23-001-22869 QUITMAN BAYOU FLD 36 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.679438-91.369839
23-001-23129 QUITMAN BAYOU FLD 40 Orphaned P&AAdams County, MS31.681673-91.366370
23-001-21547 QUITMAN BAYOU UNIT # 3 Expired PermitAdams County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-001-00383 QUITMAN BAYOU UNIT SWDW#1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.686710-91.378480
23-001-00089 QUITMAN BAYOU UNIT#21 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.684130-91.374550
23-001-22630 QUITMN BAYOU FLD UN 28 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.682694-91.364196
23-001-22629 QUITMN BAYOU FLD UN 29 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.677084-91.370903
17-029-22898 RISHER DP 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDConcordia Parish, LA31.435278-91.579873
23-157-21025 ROSENBLATT /A/ 1 Plugged and AbandonedWilkinson County, MS31.104471-91.540098
23-157-20250 ROSENBLATT 1 Plugged and AbandonedWilkinson County, MS31.103028-91.542162
23-157-20156 SHARP #37-6 Plugged and AbandonedWilkinson County, MS0.0000000.000000
17-029-22809 YAKEY SOF 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDConcordia Parish, LA31.311653-91.630036

Leases Operated by Oilwell Acquisition Co

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.
Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.
021864-2 A T HUNT Catahoula Parish, LA
021191-2 A T HUNT Catahoula Parish, LA
046465-1 ANGELLOZ A Iberville Parish, LA
024422-2 ASHLAND Concordia Parish, LA
024425-2 ASHLAND Concordia Parish, LA
046836-1 CONN Concordia Parish, LA
443910-2 GOODMAN Franklin Parish, LA
443768-1 GOODMAN Franklin Parish, LA
177746-3 GOODMAN B Franklin Parish, LA
023115-2 HUNT Catahoula Parish, LA
038307-1 LOUTEX-WATSON Pointe Coupee Parish, LA
046049-1 PEABODY NBF Concordia Parish, LA
046223-1 PEABODY NBF (E) Concordia Parish, LA
047226-1 RISHER DP Concordia Parish, LA
046528-2 YAKEY SOF Concordia Parish, LA
046460-1 YAKEY SOF Concordia Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Oilwell Acquisition Co

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
A B SMITHIberville Parish, LAJun 20241 BBLsSep 1981 - Jul 20241
A T HUNTCatahoula Parish, LAJun 2024382 BBLsJan 1977 - Jun 20244
BAKER UNITAdams County, MS0 BBLsDec 1976 - Jul 19866
JUNKINAdams County, MS0 BBLsDec 1976 - Nov 201923
KIME ECatahoula Parish, LAJun 2024278 BBLsJan 1977 - Jun 20241
LAMBDINAdams County, MS0 BBLsDec 1976 - Nov 20248
QUITMAN BAYOUAdams County, MSOct 2024312 BBLsDec 1976 - Dec 202433

Recent Permits Filed by Oilwell Acquisition Co

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Oilwell Acquisition Co. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

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No Contact Information Available