Miss Lou Oil Producers, Inc

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Miss Lou Oil Producers, Inc. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesLA, MS
Production DatesDec 1976 - Dec 1998
Total Oil Production609,877 BBLs
Total Gas Production173,162 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Miss Lou Oil Producers, Inc Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Miss Lou Oil Producers, Inc
from Dec 1976 to Dec 1998

Wells Operated by Miss Lou Oil Producers, Inc

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
23-001-22460 Armstrong - Oakland "B" Expired PermitAdams County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-001-22409 ARMSTRONG-OAKLAND A-3 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.587380-91.169470
23-001-22514 ARMSTRONG-OAKLAND B 3-A Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.596380-91.178750
23-001-22191 ARMSTRONG-OAKLAND B 8 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.598170-91.179680
23-001-21706 ARMSTRONG-OAKLAND B-3 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.595390-91.178660
23-001-21750 ARMSTRONG-OAKLAND B-4 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.595420-91.176990
23-001-21815 ARMSTRONG-OAKLAND B-5 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.595310-91.180540
23-001-22288 ARMSTRONG-OAKLAND B-9 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.600780-91.180650
23-001-00654 BAKER HEIRS 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.485330-91.314301
23-157-20994 BUFFALO RIVER UNIT 1 Plugged and AbandonedWilkinson County, MS0.0000000.000000
17-025-01455 BURLEY 002A PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDCatahoula Parish, LA31.442177-91.723330
17-025-01453 BURLEY ET AL 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDCatahoula Parish, LA31.443978-91.723732
17-025-01458 BURLEY ET AL 003 DRY AND PLUGGEDCatahoula Parish, LA31.446779-91.723231
23-001-22369 CLOVER HILL 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.546501-91.246001
17-059-20994 COON 002 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.586680-92.094738
23-001-21732 DUCK POND PLTN 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.544090-91.252430
23-001-22320 DUCK POND PLTN 1-A Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.543440-91.251750
23-001-21797 DUCK POND PLTN 2 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.545820-91.252440
23-157-00359 E M KEE 1-A Appears P&A/No RecordsWilkinson County, MS31.199630-91.504500
17-025-20689 EXXON-TENSAS DELTA 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDCatahoula Parish, LA31.301486-91.953833
23-001-22211 GALILEE 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.599679-91.177592
23-001-22287 GALILEE 2 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.600290-91.175580
23-001-22148 HAMILTN-MCMILLAN UN 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.541760-91.260450
23-001-21993 HOLLAND-MC MILLAN 2 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.546380-91.258480
23-001-21573 HOLLAND-MCMILLAN UN 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.544910-91.260050
23-001-22080 HOLLAND-MCMILLAN UN 3 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.545550-91.258410
23-001-21597 HOLLINGER 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.361580-91.166980
23-001-00958 JANE W STEIN 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.461440-91.306080
23-001-00959 JANE W STEIN ETAL 2 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.459901-91.308360
23-001-21655 JOHN HAMILTON ETAL 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.537740-91.260810
17-029-22562 JUNKIN 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDConcordia Parish, LA31.458993-91.554993
17-029-22419 JUNKIN C 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDConcordia Parish, LA31.445350-91.524533
17-029-22566 JUNKIN C 002 DRY AND PLUGGEDConcordia Parish, LA31.441379-91.525530
23-157-00356 KEE 2 Appears P&A/No RecordsWilkinson County, MS31.198060-91.508210
23-063-20242 LAMBDIN-USA UNIT 2 Plugged and AbandonedJefferson County, MS31.677457-91.190652
23-157-21008 LARRIEU 1 Plugged and AbandonedWilkinson County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-001-21708 MC MILLAN-HILL UNIT 2 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.539410-91.256160
23-001-21444 MC MILLAN-ICGRR 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.546140-91.254220
17-029-21137 MILLER 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDConcordia Parish, LA31.686569-91.479525
17-029-20869 MILLER ET AL 004 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDConcordia Parish, LA31.659308-91.555015
17-029-22421 MORGAN B 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDConcordia Parish, LA31.451389-91.813082
23-063-00082 MRS.V.G.VALENTINE#1 Plugged and AbandonedJefferson County, MS31.680531-91.181898
23-063-20253 PATTERSON UNIT 1 Plugged and AbandonedJefferson County, MS31.683472-91.196932
17-025-21291 PLACID OIL CO FEE 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDCatahoula Parish, LA31.467164-91.883392
17-025-21336 PLACID OIL CO FEE 002 DRY AND PLUGGEDCatahoula Parish, LA31.460011-91.882252
23-001-21867 RATCLIFF 1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.552720-91.262090
23-157-21017 ROSENBLATT 1 Plugged and AbandonedWilkinson County, MS0.0000000.000000
23-001-21910 RUCKER HOME SWDW#1 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.594550-91.186550
23-005-20537 TUMINELLO C 1 Plugged and AbandonedAmite County, MS31.199105-91.044904
23-001-21221 V V HILL 3 Plugged and AbandonedAdams County, MS31.541130-91.253740

Leases Operated by Miss Lou Oil Producers, Inc

Lease #Lease NameCounty
041423-1 BELTZHOOVER Catahoula Parish, LA
034204-1 EXXON-TENSAS DELTA A Catahoula Parish, LA
020546-1 LA DELTA A Catahoula Parish, LA
033178-1 MILLER ET AL Concordia Parish, LA
043173-2 TANNEHILL-GALL A LaSalle Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Miss Lou Oil Producers, Inc

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
ARMSTRONGAdams County, MSOct 2024257 BBLs147 MCFDec 1976 - Dec 20247
BAKERAdams County, MSOct 2024443 BBLs0 MCFDec 1976 - Dec 20244
COONLaSalle Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFMar 1977 - Nov 20245
DUCK PONDAdams County, MS0 BBLs0 MCFMay 1979 - Aug 19833
EXXON-TENCatahoula Parish, LADec 20242,471 BBLs2,815 MCFJan 1977 - Jan 202520
GALILEEAdams County, MS0 BBLs0 MCFSep 1981 - Feb 19861
THOMASFranklin County, MS0 BBLs0 MCFDec 1976 - May 19861

Recent Permits Filed by Miss Lou Oil Producers, Inc

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Miss Lou Oil Producers, Inc. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
No Contact Information Available