State Chester

Oil & Gas Property in Otsego County, MI

Property Summary

Key data points for State Chester

CountyOtsego County, MI
Production DatesJan 1982 - Jan 2025
Total Oil Production1,220,862 BBLs
Total Gas Production47,565,058 MCF
Recent Oil Production0 BBLs in Dec 2024
Recent Gas Production25,074 MCF in Dec 2024
Wells on Property253

Our Valuation Estimates for State Chester


$105,504 *


$60,138 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

State Chester Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for State Chester
from Jan 1982 to Jan 2025

Wells on State Chester

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
21-137-00582State Chester & MRCSP 1CORE CO2 SERVICES LLCTemporarily AbandonedOtsego County, MI44.920067-84.539730
21-137-00582State Chester & MRCSP 1CORE CO2 SERVICES LLCPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.920067-84.539730
21-137-16902STATE CHESTER HE 1A N R PIPELINE COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.912808-84.529369
21-137-16902STATE CHESTER "HE" 1A N R PIPELINE COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.912808-84.529369
21-137-20180STATE CHESTER-HE 3DOW CHEMICAL COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.912820-84.528820
21-137-20192STATE CHESTER-WN 1DOW CHEMICAL COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.890250-84.512840
21-137-20237STATE CHESTER 5WELCH MURELLPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.912830-84.529590
21-137-20237STATE CHESTER-HE 4DOW CHEMICAL COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.912830-84.529590
21-137-26074STATE CHESTER 1V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.912799-84.524130
21-137-26381STATE CHESTER 3V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.912794-84.534960
21-137-26801STATE CHESTER 8V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.912913-84.544692
21-137-28218STATE CHESTER 1-25PAN AMERICAN PETROLEUM CORPTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.967570-84.502670
21-137-28512STATE CHESTER & LEACOCK 1-21GUNGOLL HENRY H AND ASSOCIATES AND SWEPI LPTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.899050-84.548570
21-137-31294STATE CHESTER HUTCHINS ET AL 1-35GETTY OIL COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.868240-84.510650
21-137-31954STATE CHESTER "B" UNIT 1B-31B P AMERICA PRODUCTION COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.947750-84.588150
21-137-31954STATE CHESTER "B" UNIT 1A-31B P AMERICA PRODUCTION COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.947750-84.588150
21-137-31954STATE CHESTER B UNIT 1-31SWEPI LPPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.947750-84.588150
21-137-32157STATE CHESTER UNIT C 1-5B P AMERICA PRODUCTION COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.943200-84.569740
21-137-32158STATE CHESTER D 1-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.963158-84.501808
21-137-32251STATE CHESTER D 2-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCActiveOtsego County, MI44.960203-84.488131
21-137-32796STATE CHESTER "H" 1-26B P AMERICA PRODUCTION COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.959060-84.525160
21-137-33228STATE CHESTER M 1-27B P AMERICA PRODUCTION COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.960161-84.535972
21-137-33228STATE CHESTER M 1-27V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960161-84.535972
21-137-33336STATE CHESTER M 1A-28V C P MICHIGAN, LLCActiveOtsego County, MI44.960187-84.549470
21-137-33336STATE CHESTER M 1-28B P AMERICA PRODUCTION COPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.960060-84.549540
21-137-33705STATE CHESTER "M" (ASE#2) 2-28V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.971441-84.555508
21-137-34339STATE CHESTER 2-31 SWDRIVERSIDE ENERGY MICHIGAN LLCPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.955267-84.589213
21-137-34344STATE CHESTER 2-10V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.925386-84.545189
21-137-34369STATE CHESTER DISPOSAL 3V C P MICHIGAN, LLCActiveOtsego County, MI44.913734-84.538122
21-137-36017STATE CHESTER 6-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960238-84.490118
21-137-36017STATE CHESTER (ASE#3) 6-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960238-84.490118
21-137-36018STATE CHESTER 5-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960331-84.500290
21-137-36019STATE CHESTER 4-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.967447-84.490118
21-137-36019STATE CHESTER (ASE #3) 4-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.967447-84.490118
21-137-36020STATE CHESTER 3-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.971217-84.505452
21-137-36773STATE CHESTER 5-28V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.964147-84.556199
21-137-37677STATE CHESTER 2-27V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.964185-84.536325
21-137-37686STATE CHESTER 7-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.963899-84.495122
21-137-37687STATE CHESTER 8-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.967358-84.500403
21-137-37688STATE CHESTER (ASE#3A STATE) 9-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960354-84.505332
21-137-37688STATE CHESTER 9-25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960354-84.505332
21-137-37690STATE CHESTER 6-28V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960688-84.551444
21-137-38126STATE CHESTER 2-27AMILLER BROTHERSPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.873630-84.525850
21-137-38126STATE CHESTER 2-27MILLER BROTHERSPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.873630-84.525850
21-137-38391STATE CHESTER "M" 2-26AMOCO PRODUCTION CO AND C M S OIL AND GASPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.970080-84.527620
21-137-38430STATE CHESTER "U" 2-27AMOCO PRODUCTION CO AND C M S OIL AND GASPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.959170-84.546170
21-137-38668STATE CHESTER "V" 3A-26AMOCO PRODUCTION CO AND C M S OIL AND GASPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.969750-84.505930
21-137-38668STATE CHESTER "V" 3-26AMOCO PRODUCTION CO AND C M S OIL AND GASPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.969750-84.505930
21-137-38818STATE CHESTER 2-15SCANDIA ENERGY CO INC AND PANGBORN EXPLORATIONTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.913290-84.528500
21-137-39040STATE CHESTER VENTURE 20V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.905733-84.554506
21-137-39041STATE CHESTER VENTURE 21V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.912881-84.554499
21-137-39042STATE CHESTER VENTURE 22V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.902038-84.539397
21-137-39043STATE CHESTER VENTURE 23V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.902065-84.549456
21-137-39044STATE CHESTER VENTURE 25V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.916520-84.549424
21-137-39045STATE CHESTER VENTURE 26V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.920134-84.554541
21-137-39046STATE CHESTER VENTURE 27V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.923466-84.549515
21-137-39380STATE CHESTER VENTURE 24V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.909346-84.559546
21-137-39811STATE CHESTER "V" 1-25AMOCO PRODUCTION CO AND C M S OIL AND GASTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.970820-84.504740
21-137-40009STATE CHESTER VENTURE 29V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.909116-84.514226
21-137-40010STATE CHESTER VENTURE 30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.920056-84.534382
21-137-40011STATE CHESTER VENTURE 28V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.901933-84.514153
21-137-40014STATE CHESTER VENTURE 31V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.902058-84.559514
21-137-40033STATE CHESTER 1-35WEST BAY EXPLORATION COMPANYPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.959050-84.521210
21-137-40033STATE CHESTER 1-26WEST BAY EXPLORATION COMPANYPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.959040-84.521270
21-137-40074STATE CHESTER 1-34EMPIRE OIL AND GAS TWO LTDPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.956540-84.545830
21-137-40143STATE CHESTER 1-27CORE ENERGY LLCTemporarily AbandonedOtsego County, MI44.967978-84.533098
21-137-40236STATE CHESTER 2-27WEST BAY EXPLORATION COMPANYPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.961500-84.527340
21-137-40614STATE CHESTER 3-13MILLER OIL CORPPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.913530-84.488130
21-137-40709STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 2-35V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.953369-84.520529
21-137-40710STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 3-35V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.949734-84.515387
21-137-40711STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 4-35V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.946111-84.510309
21-137-40712STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 5-35V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.946223-84.520370
21-137-40713STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 3-36V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.945837-84.490099
21-137-40714STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 4-36V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.945665-84.499891
21-137-40786STATE CHESTER 3-27AC M S OIL AND GAS CO AND AMOCO PRODUCTIONPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.961370-84.543910
21-137-40786STATE CHESTER 3-27C M S OIL AND GAS CO AND AMOCO PRODUCTIONPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.961370-84.543520
21-137-41085STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 7-35V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.953241-84.510284
21-137-41086STATE CHESTER (ASE. #5) 1-34V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.957039-84.530947
21-137-41190STATE CHESTER (A.S.E. #6) 4-32V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.946538-84.570646
21-137-41190STATE CHESTER (A.S.E. #6) 4-32V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.946538-84.570646
21-137-41283STATE CHESTER A.S.E. #6 2-30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.964584-84.596397
21-137-41284STATE CHESTER A.S.E. #6 3-30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960972-84.601415
21-137-41285STATE CHESTER A.S.E. #6 3-32V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.950031-84.575942
21-137-41313STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 3-5V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.939147-84.570860
21-137-41313STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 3-5ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.939147-84.570860
21-137-41314STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 4-30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.964241-84.603909
21-137-41379STATE CHESTER (SCV) 38ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.898979-84.520421
21-137-41380STATE CHESTER (SCV) 39ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.899277-84.507837
21-137-41383STATE CHESTER 43V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.886646-84.515511
21-137-41383STATE CHESTER (SCV) 43ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.886646-84.515511
21-137-41430STATE CHESTER (SCV) 47ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.887576-84.534342
21-137-41430STATE CHESTER 47V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.887576-84.534342
21-137-41629STATE CHESTER 1-35ASWEPI LPPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.871830-84.519470
21-137-41629STATE CHESTER 1-35SWEPI LPPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.871830-84.519470
21-137-41964STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 8-34V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.946187-84.535662
21-137-41988STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 3-34V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.956977-84.541122
21-137-41989STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 7-34V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.949839-84.530629
21-137-42050STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 4-34V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.953350-84.545555
21-137-42050STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 4-34V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.953350-84.545555
21-137-42113STATE CHESTER VENTURE 32V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.934220-84.524800
21-137-42114STATE CHESTER VENTURE 33V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.930794-84.519117
21-137-42220STATE CHESTER VENTURE 35V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.938227-84.544373
21-137-42229STATE CHESTER VENTURE 54V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.898495-84.544352
21-137-42230STATE CHESTER VENTURE 34V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.934585-84.514024
21-137-42231STATE CHESTER VENTURE 36V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.934574-84.539298
21-137-42231STATE CHESTER VENTURE 36V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.934574-84.539298
21-137-42232STATE CHESTER VENTURE 37V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.930942-84.544428
21-137-42304STATE CHESTER (ASE) 4-5V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.939215-84.580932
21-137-42305STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 6-5ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.934385-84.583791
21-137-42305STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 6-5V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.934385-84.583791
21-137-42306STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 8-30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960952-84.591328
21-137-42306STATE CHESTER (ASE#6) 8-30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960952-84.591328
21-137-42307STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 5-30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.967698-84.591314
21-137-42311STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 5-5ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.935330-84.575947
21-137-42311STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 5-5V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.935330-84.575947
21-137-42355STATE CHESTER 1-28LAMBDA ENERGY RESOURCES LLCPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.886431-84.550850
21-137-42435STATE CHESTER VENTURE 48V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.934579-84.560368
21-137-42436STATE CHESTER VENTURE 49V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.930877-84.564306
21-137-42824STATE CHESTER ASE 6 1-31V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.957351-84.604396
21-137-42825STATE CHESTER ASE 6 6-30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.971820-84.596333
21-137-42825STATE CHESTER ASE 6 6-30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.971820-84.596333
21-137-42834STATE CHESTER ASE 6 3-31V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.950164-84.604234
21-137-42835STATE CHESTER ASE 6 2-31V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.953790-84.601023
21-137-42835STATE CHESTER ASE 6 2-31V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.953790-84.601023
21-137-42836STATE CHESTER ASE 5 3-12V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.920431-84.499812
21-137-42837STATE CHESTER ASE 5 4-12V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.923825-84.494851
21-137-42838STATE CHESTER (ASE#5) 5-12V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.927087-84.488052
21-137-42839STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 6-12ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.927659-84.498120
21-137-42839STATE CHESTER ASE 5 6-12V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.927659-84.498120
21-137-42848STATE CHESTER ASE 6 7-30V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.968225-84.601481
21-137-43072STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 1-6V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.931597-84.589902
21-137-43074STATE CHESTER (ASE #3A STATE) 6-26V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.964007-84.510411
21-137-43077STATE CHESTER (ASE #3A STATE) 5-26V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.964167-84.525710
21-137-43078STATE CHESTER (ASE #3A) 7-26ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.960505-84.520558
21-137-43078STATE CHESTER (ASE #3A STATE) 7-26V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960505-84.520558
21-137-43079STATE CHESTER (ASE #3A STATE) 8-26V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.959401-84.513024
21-137-43161STATE CHESTER SCV 3-10 SWDV C P MICHIGAN, LLCActiveOtsego County, MI44.925619-84.544863
21-137-43162STATE CHESTER ASE #6 1-8V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.920268-84.568616
21-137-43393STATE CHESTER 3 SWDMUSKEGON OPERATING COMPANY LLCActiveOtsego County, MI44.934972-84.527769
21-137-43403STATE CHESTER A4-3MUSKEGON OPERATING COMPANY LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.942770-84.528189
21-137-43405STATE CHESTER A3-3MUSKEGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANYTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.942580-84.532980
21-137-43408STATE CHESTER B3-2MUSKEGON OPERATING COMPANY LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.937071-84.513968
21-137-43481STATE CHESTER (ASE#6) 5-32V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.946061-84.579823
21-137-43482STATE CHESTER (SCV) 62ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.920146-84.564579
21-137-43482STATE CHESTER (SCV) 62V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.920146-84.564579
21-137-43483STATE CHESTER (SCV) 61ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.923778-84.559506
21-137-43483STATE CHESTER (SCV) 61V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.923778-84.559506
21-137-43484STATE CHESTER (SCV) 60V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.927416-84.554508
21-137-43513STATE CHESTER 7-27LITHOS EXPLORATION INCPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.963810-84.545230
21-137-43565STATE CHESTER SCV-55V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.912609-84.494166
21-137-43566STATE CHESTER SCV-57V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.905484-84.493916
21-137-43567STATE CHESTER (SCV) 59ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.901956-84.488811
21-137-43567STATE CHESTER SCV-59V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.901956-84.488811
21-137-43568STATE CHESTER (SCV) 56ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.909072-84.488827
21-137-43568STATE CHESTER SCV-56V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.909072-84.488827
21-137-43754STATE CHESTER SCV-53V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.913534-84.502860
21-137-43754STATE CHESTER (SCV) 53ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.913534-84.502860
21-137-43961STATE CHESTER ASE #6 1-7V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.924815-84.593643
21-137-44259STATE CHESTER VENTURE 51V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.900370-84.558809
21-137-44260STATE CHESTER VENTURE 58ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.902821-84.502801
21-137-44260STATE CHESTER VENTURE 58V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.902821-84.502801
21-137-44261STATE CHESTER VENTURE 52V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.898541-84.553611
21-137-44262STATE CHESTER VENTURE 50V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.903402-84.563615
21-137-44437STATE CHESTER 8-27LITHOS EXPLORATION INCPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.964150-84.535710
21-137-44444STATE CHESTER SCV 63ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.934900-84.519570
21-137-44445STATE CHESTER SCV 64ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.939030-84.538070
21-137-44446STATE CHESTER SCV 65ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.930060-84.537960
21-137-44447STATE CHESTER SCV 66ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.930910-84.558750
21-137-44448STATE CHESTER SCV 67ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.937770-84.548350
21-137-44449STATE CHESTER SCV 68ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.926950-84.560540
21-137-44450STATE CHESTER SCV 69ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.928160-84.549180
21-137-44451STATE CHESTER SCV 70ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.913020-84.565700
21-137-44452STATE CHESTER SCV 71ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.909410-84.565620
21-137-44453STATE CHESTER SCV 72ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.905810-84.565540
21-137-44454STATE CHESTER SCV 73ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.898510-84.549340
21-137-44455STATE CHESTER SCV 74ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.888470-84.527970
21-137-44456STATE CHESTER SCV 75ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.887550-84.508830
21-137-44766STATE CHESTER (ASE #5-12) 7-12ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.927000-84.493890
21-137-44767STATE CHESTER (ASE #5-12) 9-12ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.923450-84.498870
21-137-44768STATE CHESTER (ASE#5-12) 10-12V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.915426-84.500133
21-137-44769STATE CHESTER (ASE #5-12) 8-12V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.923410-84.488894
21-137-44817STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 9-34V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.945734-84.529979
21-137-44818STATE CHESTER A.S.E. #5 10-36V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.949348-84.487685
21-137-45086STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 6-31V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.948254-84.591020
21-137-45088STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 1-29V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.969885-84.573938
21-137-45090STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 4-29V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.960592-84.581362
21-137-45169STATE CHESTER (ASE #2) 9-28V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.968009-84.563862
21-137-45170STATE CHESTER (ASE #2) 8-27V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.969599-84.538943
21-137-45178STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 5-29V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.961533-84.572682
21-137-45179STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 8-36ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.945380-84.505440
21-137-45180STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 9-36V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.944143-84.495120
21-137-45181STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 8-35V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.949798-84.519186
21-137-45182STATE CHESTER (ASE #5) 10-34V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.952530-84.529461
21-137-45297STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 3-6V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.941087-84.590961
21-137-45299STATE CHESTER (ASE #3A) 10-26V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.969556-84.520761
21-137-45300STATE CHESTER (ASE #3A) 9-26V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.969450-84.510509
21-137-45326STATE CHESTER VENTURE 76V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.923670-84.530232
21-137-45459STATE CHESTER (ASE #2) 6-27V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.963346-84.544930
21-137-45467STATE CHESTER VENTURE 77ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.906610-84.545680
21-137-45851STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 10-30SWDV C P MICHIGAN, LLCActiveOtsego County, MI44.960585-84.592084
21-137-46082STATE CHESTER (ASE#6) 7-5V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.932518-84.576638
21-137-46190STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 3-29V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.966361-84.570172
21-137-46794STATE CHESTER (ASE #2) 5-27ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.970460-84.529590
21-137-46795STATE CHESTER(SCV) 1-22ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.894880-84.539210
21-137-46886STATE CHESTER (ASE #6) 2-6V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.931286-84.596118
21-137-47220STATE CHESTER (SCV) 1-11V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.926543-84.519144
21-137-47221STATE CHESTER (SCV) 1-16V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.913980-84.564250
21-137-47222STATE CHESTER (SCV) 1-23ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.891200-84.524160
21-137-47223STATE CHESTER (SCV) 2-11ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.920880-84.519070
21-137-47224STATE CHESTER (SCV) 1-4ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.930840-84.559370
21-137-47225STATE CHESTER (SCV) 1-2ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.934180-84.519350
21-137-47540STATE CHESTER(ASE#6) 7-31V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.945641-84.603639
21-137-47562STATE CHESTER (ASE#3A) 11-26ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.963790-84.525440
21-137-48136STATE CHESTER (SCV) 67V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.937842-84.548473
21-137-48245STATE CHESTER (SCV) 4-10V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.927823-84.538151
21-137-48266STATE CHESTER (SCV) 5-10ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.927610-84.527990
21-137-48465STATE CHESTER (ASE#3A) 3-26ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.971230-84.513270
21-137-48848STATE CHESTER (SCV) 1-15V C P MICHIGAN, LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.911986-84.538195
21-137-49303STATE CHESTER (ASE #2) 5-27ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.970460-84.529590
21-137-49304STATE CHESTER (ASE #3A) 11-26ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.963790-84.525440
21-137-49387STATE CHESTER 1-28DON YOHE ENTERPRISES INCPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.958849-84.546156
21-137-49522STATE CHESTER (SCV) 2-13ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.900990-84.492770
21-137-49524STATE CHESTER (SCV) 1-13ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.913470-84.487940
21-137-49525STATE CHESTER(SCV) 1-2ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.934180-84.519350
21-137-49526STATE CHESTER (SCV) 64ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.939040-84.545380
21-137-49527STATE CHESTER (SCV) 1-4ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.930840-84.559370
21-137-49528STATE CHESTER (SCV) 2-11ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.920880-84.519070
21-137-49529STATE CHESTER (SCV) 1-22ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.894880-84.539210
21-137-49530STATE CHESTER (SCV) 74ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.888470-84.527970
21-137-49531STATE CHESTER (SCV) 75ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.887550-84.508830
21-137-50549STATE CHESTER (ASE #3A) 3-26ANTRIM GAS INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.965850-84.513220
21-137-50566STATE CHESTER 24-21RIVERSIDE ENERGY MICHIGAN LLCPlugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.887218-84.556724
21-137-50567STATE CHESTER 23-21RIVERSIDE ENERGY MICHIGAN LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.890876-84.556692
21-137-55869STATE CHESTER A2-28S R W INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.886400-84.556260
21-137-55870STATE CHESTER A4-28S R W INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.886070-84.549120
21-137-55871STATE CHESTER A1-27RIVERSIDE ENERGY MICHIGAN LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.886091-84.545523
21-137-55872STATE CHESTER A3-28RIVERSIDE ENERGY MICHIGAN LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.886207-84.553325
21-137-55873STATE CHESTER A2-27S R W INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.886270-84.538830
21-137-57251STATE CHESTER D4-27ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.960930-84.529840
21-137-57252STATE CHESTER ETAL C2-28ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.961790-84.560320
21-137-57253STATE CHESTER D2-27ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.960260-84.541010
21-137-57262STATE CHESTER A4-14ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.911330-84.508880
21-137-57444STATE CHESTER ETAL C2-28ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.961460-84.560320
21-137-57912STATE CHESTER A4-27ENERVEST OPERATING LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.970470-84.529590
21-137-58444STATE CHESTER C1-27 HDMUSKEGON OPERATING COMPANY LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.876270-84.525880
21-137-58445STATE CHESTER B3-35 HDMUSKEGON OPERATING COMPANY LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.871710-84.512980
21-137-58446STATE CHESTER C1-35 HDMUSKEGON OPERATING COMPANY LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.871690-84.523310
21-137-58446STATE CHESTER C1-35 HD2MUSKEGON OPERATING COMPANY LLCProducingOtsego County, MI44.871690-84.523310
21-137-59826STATE CHESTER & WEIMER B4-28S R W INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.886070-84.549120
21-137-59827STATE CHESTER & WIEMER B2-27S R W INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.886270-84.538770
21-137-60369STATE CHESTER & WIEMER B4-28S R W INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.886070-84.549120
21-137-60370STATE CHESTER & WIEMER B2-27S R W INCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.886270-84.538830
21-137-62018STATE CHESTER DEEP 1-15LAMBDA ENERGY RESOURCES LLCTerminated PermitOtsego County, MI44.913376-84.536487

Leases included in State Chester

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Gas Prod.

Nearby Properties

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Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
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BaileyOtsego County, MI0 BBLs245 MCFJan 2025
ChesterOtsego County, MI10,413 BBLs14,452 MCFJan 2025
ChesterOtsego County, MI5,177 BBLs7,016 MCFJan 2025
ComfortOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFJul 2019
GelowOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFSep 2024
Godin TrustOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFJul 2019
GuthrieOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFJul 2019
JaruzelOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFJul 2018
KenneyOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFFeb 1986
MichelsonOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFJun 1992
Ocrc Etal 12-21Otsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFOct 2024
PewinskiOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFOct 2022
Rachow-LatuszekOtsego County, MI0 BBLs2,040 MCFJan 2025
SamkowiakOtsego County, MI437 BBLs714 MCFJan 2025
SklarczykOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFJul 1996
State CHOtsego County, MI300 BBLs863 MCFJan 2025
StraleOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFNov 1985
VeraghenOtsego County, MI1,542 BBLs6,630 MCFJan 2025
WesanenOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024