Mica Energy Corp

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Mica Energy Corp. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesKS, NE
Production DatesJan 1980 - Dec 2010
Total Oil Production594,725 BBLs
Total Gas Production22,892 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Mica Energy Corp Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Mica Energy Corp
from Jan 1980 to Dec 2010

Wells Operated by Mica Energy Corp

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
26-057-21469 BENKELMAN CATTLE COMPANY 1-21 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.045275-101.495623
26-057-21111 BURROWS 1-1113 Plugged and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.051650-101.449160
15-137-20422 Connell 1 Plugged and AbandonedNorton County, KS39.860725-100.153616
26-057-21250 COX 1-25 Plugged and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.279950-101.680490
26-057-21463 DOWNEY 15-8 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.063050-101.519660
15-153-20823 Dozbaba 1-19 Plugged and AbandonedRawlins County, KS39.956355-101.059118
26-057-21417 ELS 16-35 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.004477-101.345298
15-063-20752 FLAX 'J' 1 Plugged and AbandonedGove County, KS38.729976-100.155123
15-151-10054 Fred H. Kerr 2 Plugged and AbandonedPratt County, KS37.485790-98.841890
15-151-10072 Fred H. Kerr 3 Plugged and AbandonedPratt County, KS37.487640-98.844150
15-151-10055 Fred H. Kerr 4 Plugged and AbandonedPratt County, KS37.489510-98.842000
26-057-21396 FRISBIE J & J INC 3-32 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.015265-101.411314
26-057-21439 G & F INC 12-16 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.052310-101.510040
26-057-21440 G & F INC 14-16 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.048510-101.505390
26-057-21486 GARDNER 3-22 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.131470-101.373710
26-057-21395 GORDON 7-35 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.011973-101.351143
15-137-20443 Hale 4-36 Plugged and AbandonedNorton County, KS39.841299-100.092869
15-137-20474 JOHN AND ANNA M KINGHAM 2-18 Plugged and AbandonedNorton County, KS39.969144-99.951162
26-057-21308 KITT-LINGO 3-26 Plugged and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.279903-101.688529
15-101-20253 LOHOFF 'A' 1 Plugged and AbandonedLane County, KS38.619415-100.508893
15-039-20988 MILLER 5-32 Plugged and AbandonedDecatur County, KS39.663241-100.270926
26-057-21251 NEBRASKA STATE (WIDGET PROJECT) 5-36 Plugged and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.269000-101.679350
26-057-21270 NEBRASKA STATE (WIDGET PROJECT) 7-36 Plugged and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.265930-101.680200
26-145-21732 O'DEA 5-2 Dry and AbandonedRed Willow County, NE40.082588-100.682368
26-057-21480 PARMAN 15-22 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.207220-101.594200
26-145-21744 RANDEL FARMS 3-28 Dry and AbandonedRed Willow County, NE40.113120-100.713280
26-057-21479 RICHARD 13-20 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.033920-101.417440
26-057-21507 RICHARD 9-19 Plugged and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.037110-101.421540
15-179-21142 Shaw 7-6 Plugged and AbandonedSheridan County, KS39.564422-100.597860
26-057-21460 STAMM 1-30 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.029520-101.421590
26-057-21450 STAMM 11-30 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.022860-101.429850
26-057-21428 STATE "B" 9-36 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.008030-101.439730
26-057-21433 STATE "D" 3-16 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.059220-101.505020
26-057-21459 STATE "E" 10-16 Dry and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.139680-101.387580
26-057-21202 STATE (WIDGET PROJECT) 1 Plugged and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.269380-101.670550
26-057-21307 STATE (WIDGET PROJECT) 9-36 Plugged and AbandonedDundy County, NE40.265230-101.681660
15-007-21148 Swartz 1 RecompletedBarber County, KS37.310999-98.554885

Leases Operated by Mica Energy Corp

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.
34000 BURROWS Dundy County, NE
35200 COX Dundy County, NE
1001134603 FLAX 'J' Gove County, KS
1001135262 FLAX 1-24 Gove County, KS
1001115437 KERR FRED H. Pratt County, KS
35225 KITT-LINGO Dundy County, NE
1001124544 LOHOFF 'A' Lane County, KS
89625 RICHARD Dundy County, NE
35175 STATE(WIDGET PROJECT) Dundy County, NE

Properties Operated by Mica Energy Corp

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
FLAXGove County, KSOct 2024154 BBLsSep 1984 - Oct 20241
G & F INCDundy County, NEDec 2023118 BBLsJan 2005 - Dec 20232
KITT-LINGODundy County, NEDec 202337 BBLsJan 2005 - Dec 20231
PARMANDundy County, NEDec 2023438 BBLsApr 2015 - Dec 20234
RICHARDDundy County, NEDec 20232,078 BBLsAug 2007 - Dec 20231
STAMMDundy County, NEDec 2023156 BBLsJun 2012 - Dec 20232
SWARTZBarber County, KS0 BBLsJan 1982 - Dec 20202

Recent Permits Filed by Mica Energy Corp

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Mica Energy Corp. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
6121 S. 58TH ST., STE B, LINCOLN NE 68516(405) 620-7008