Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateTX
Production DatesNov 2003 - Sep 2013
Total Oil Production490,393 BBLs
Total Gas Production4,038,922 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD
from Nov 2003 to Sep 2013

Wells Operated by Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
42-173-33886 CR FOSTER 2905 Plugged Oil WellGlasscock County, TX31.996590-101.297203
42-399-34823 FCOLU 2619 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX32.009438-100.204637
42-399-34822 FCOLU 2621 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX31.994851-100.205338
42-399-34886 FCOLU 3316 Plugged Oil WellRunnels County, TX31.987985-100.233768
42-399-34885 FCOLU 3317 Plugged Oil WellRunnels County, TX31.991061-100.228266
42-399-34894 FCOLU 3318 Plugged Oil WellRunnels County, TX31.986037-100.225856
42-081-31847 FCOLU 3325 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.980689-100.239764
42-081-31874 FCOLU 3337 Plugged Oil/Gas WellCoke County, TX31.979284-100.236280
42-081-31856 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 1103 Permitted LocationCoke County, TX32.035632-100.237962
42-399-34918 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 204 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX32.058977-100.217597
42-081-31863 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 2502 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.981814-100.250870
42-081-31866 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 2503 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.980794-100.253393
42-081-31855 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 3327 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.978026-100.238605
42-081-31853 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 3328 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.979639-100.242598
42-081-31854 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 3329 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.982764-100.241196
42-081-31865 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 3332 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.978125-100.245198
42-081-31861 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 3333 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.977373-100.247762
42-399-34834 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 3416 Dry HoleRunnels County, TX31.983369-100.220850
42-399-34914 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 4061 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX32.056773-100.211612
42-399-34913 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 4062 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX32.054951-100.209026
42-399-34915 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 4063 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX32.057179-100.204884
42-399-34916 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 4064 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX32.054500-100.204163
42-399-34919 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 6017 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX32.051004-100.192796
42-399-34917 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 6018 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX32.053478-100.185304
42-081-31850 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 8038 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.990639-100.236175
42-081-31842 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 8047 Permitted LocationCoke County, TX32.013753-100.240310
42-081-31862 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 8054 Permitted LocationCoke County, TX31.990241-100.250636
42-081-31869 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 8055 Permitted LocationCoke County, TX31.988176-100.248444
42-081-31868 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT 8057 Plugged Oil WellCoke County, TX31.983481-100.248408
42-399-34838 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT A108 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX32.032026-100.212075
42-399-34861 FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNIT A111 Permitted LocationRunnels County, TX31.995668-100.234548
42-227-36737 JP HAMLIN 1609 Plugged Oil WellHoward County, TX32.418609-101.595862
42-317-35494 OTB BEALL 51 11 Permitted LocationMartin County, TX32.376383-101.714968
42-317-37459 OTB BLAGRAVE 1 12 Permitted LocationMartin County, TX32.399405-101.815574
42-317-37476 OTB BLAGRAVE 1 13 Permitted LocationMartin County, TX32.395423-101.814273
42-317-35490 OTB JOHNSON FM TR 42 13 Permitted LocationMartin County, TX32.347720-101.692521
42-317-35495 OTB LLOYD 42 5 Permitted LocationMartin County, TX32.354711-101.694761
42-227-36364 OTB LLOYD 42 7 Plugged Oil WellHoward County, TX32.359124-101.687973
42-115-33375 SPL ECHOLS & CLAY "268" B 601 Permitted LocationDawson County, TX32.584814-102.057440
42-115-33319 SPL MORGAN RANCH 3610 Permitted LocationDawson County, TX32.545290-101.906706
42-115-33279 SPL PETERSON 28 15 Plugged Oil WellDawson County, TX32.566505-101.860163
42-115-33283 SPL WHITE 2205 Permitted LocationDawson County, TX32.589499-101.858122

Leases Operated by Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD

Lease #Lease NameCounty
7C-14565 ODOM, SALLIE "F" UNIT 5 Coke County, TX

Properties Operated by Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
CR FOSTERGlasscock County, TX0 BBLs0 MCFMar 2011 - May 20241
FORT CHADBOURNE ODOM LIME UNITCoke County, TX0 BBLs0 MCFFeb 2014 - Mar 20201
OTB BLAGRAVE 1Martin County, TXNov 2024489 BBLs0 MCFFeb 2009 - Nov 20242
OTB JOHNSON FMartin County, TXNov 202438 BBLs2,916 MCFAug 2011 - Dec 20242

Recent Permits Filed by Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Mak-J Energy Partners(TX),LTD. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
PO BOX 6977 DENVER, CO 80206(303) 468-0090