Oil & Gas Property in Terrebonne Parish, LA

Property Summary

Key data points for LL&E F

CountyTerrebonne Parish, LA
Production DatesJan 1977 - Mar 2018
Total Oil Production1,135,641 BBLs
Total Gas Production3,022,416 MCF
Recent Oil ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Recent Gas ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Wells on Property22

Our Valuation Estimates for LL&E F


$85,303 *


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

LL&E F Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for LL&E F
from Jan 1977 to Mar 2018

Wells on LL&E F

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-109-20956LL&E F 001WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.520418-90.869200
17-109-21146LL&E FEE 001DDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.516719-90.855201
17-109-21146LL&E FEE 001DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.516719-90.855201
17-109-21172LL&E F SWD 007WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive- InjectionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.518818-90.862400
17-109-21192LL&E F 009WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.521219-90.863002
17-109-21535LL&E FEE 003LA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.516519-90.854800
17-109-21605LL&E FEE 004FORMAN PETROLEUM CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.522619-90.848900
17-109-21654LL&E FEE 005-DDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.511019-90.850902
17-109-21654LL&E FEE 005DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.511019-90.850902
17-109-21763LL&E FEE 006LA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.506618-90.855202
17-109-22045LL&E FEE 007LA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Dry And PluggedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.516485-90.834461
17-109-22058LL&E F 012-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.519705-90.864974
17-109-22155LL&E FEE 008LA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.513890-90.824693
17-109-24192LL&E F 015DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.506747-90.854925
17-109-24218LL&E F 013WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.520908-90.866827
17-109-24218LL&E F 013-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.520908-90.866877
17-109-24221LL&E F 014-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.524074-90.867171
17-109-24221LL&E F 014WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.524074-90.867171
17-109-24224LL&E F 016-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.506826-90.854893
17-109-24224LL&E F 016WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.506653-90.855042
17-109-24225LL&E F 017WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.513477-90.864324
17-109-24225LL&E F 017-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.513477-90.864324

Leases included in LL&E F

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCounty
Lease #Lease NameOperatorCounty
051836-1LL&E FDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
140035-3LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
146434-3LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
146618-3LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
147952-3LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
151027-3LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
151610-3LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
163452-3LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
303096-7LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
532409-1LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
606898-2LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA
608857-2LL&E FEELA. LAND & EXPL. CO.Terrebonne Parish, LA

Nearby Properties

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