Oil & Gas Property in Terrebonne Parish, LA

Property Summary

Key data points for LL&E B

CountyTerrebonne Parish, LA
Production DatesJan 1977 - Jan 2025
Total Oil Production722,318 BBLs
Total Gas Production5,590,525 MCF
Recent Oil Production92 BBLs in Dec 2024
Recent Gas Production447 MCF in Dec 2024
Wells on Property110

Our Valuation Estimates for LL&E B


$129,912 *


$18,291 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

LL&E B Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for LL&E B
from Jan 1977 to Jan 2025

Wells on LL&E B

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-109-00426LL&E B 007WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.539017-90.829899
17-109-00426LL&E B 007-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.539183-90.830011
17-109-00428LL&E B 014DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.534218-90.834002
17-109-00430LL&E B 016UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.532320-90.836002
17-109-00432LL&E B-23UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536218-90.838602
17-109-00433LL&E B 024UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536519-90.842600
17-109-00434LL&E B 022UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533820-90.842202
17-109-00435LL&E B 020DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.530717-90.842100
17-109-00436LL&E B 025UNION OIL CO OF CALIFORNIAPlugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537219-90.846701
17-109-00437LL&E B 026WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537718-90.850802
17-109-00437LL&E B 26-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537778-90.850833
17-109-00438LL&E B 029WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536618-90.850700
17-109-00438LL&E B 029-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536618-90.850700
17-109-00439LL&E B 035WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533418-90.849502
17-109-00441LL&E B 031WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533419-90.848301
17-109-00442LL&E B 027UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.539417-90.854502
17-109-00443LL&E B SWD 033WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive- InjectionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536818-90.855001
17-109-00443LL&E B 033-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536818-90.855001
17-109-00444LL&E B 028WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537818-90.858500
17-109-00445LL&E B-4UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Dry And PluggedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.538718-90.867401
17-109-00447LL&E B19UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Dry And PluggedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.525048-90.874348
17-109-00448LL&E B-6UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Dry And PluggedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.520319-90.875501
17-109-00450LL&E B 013DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.525819-90.869002
17-109-00451LL&E B010UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.527718-90.867100
17-109-00452LL&E B8 SWD 003UNION OIL CO OF CALIFORNIAPlugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.524118-90.867001
17-109-00453LL&E B11 SWD 002UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.527719-90.862903
17-109-00456LL&E B 034WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.530820-90.850401
17-109-00456LL&E B 34-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.530661-90.850603
17-109-00463LL&E B 003AUSTRAL OIL COMPANY INCPlugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.529119-90.824701
17-109-00464LL & E B 002INACTIVE OPERATORPlugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.527419-90.822301
17-109-03528LL&E B 017AUNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536495-90.836160
17-109-20068LL&E B-37UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Dry And PluggedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.525419-90.840900
17-109-20069LL&E B 038WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.525918-90.869002
17-109-20619LL&E B 039-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533919-90.849701
17-109-20619LL&E B 039WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533919-90.849701
17-109-20704LL&E B 040DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533718-90.851202
17-109-20704LL&E B 040-DDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533718-90.851202
17-109-20907LL&E B 041WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.539317-90.835700
17-109-20926LL&E B 042WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.532319-90.848202
17-109-20926LL&E B 042-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.532319-90.848202
17-109-20929LL&E B 043DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533218-90.847500
17-109-20929LL&E B 043-DDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533218-90.847500
17-109-20973LL&E B 044WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.529019-90.871201
17-109-21087LL&E B 002PEL-TEX - MCMORANPermit ExpiredTerrebonne Parish, LA29.516518-90.869702
17-109-21135LL&E B 005-DGRAHAM ROYALTY, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.515819-90.858701
17-109-21135LL&E B 005GRAHAM ROYALTY, LTD.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.515819-90.858701
17-109-21173LL&E B 008PEL-TEX - MCMORANPermit ExpiredTerrebonne Parish, LA29.520612-90.860323
17-109-21563LL&E B 045WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.529420-90.832001
17-109-21564LL&E /B/ 046UNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Dry And PluggedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.527317-90.847000
17-109-21862LL&E B 047DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.542318-90.830002
17-109-22346LL&E B 050DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.538692-90.826916
17-109-22854LL&E B 051DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.528005-90.840343
17-109-22870LL&E B 052-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536103-90.851373
17-109-22870LL&E B 052WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536103-90.851373
17-109-23617LL&E B 056WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.539588-90.854567
17-109-23630LL&E B 058WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537829-90.846669
17-109-23630LL&E B 058-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537813-90.846669
17-109-23637LL&E B 055UNION OIL CO OF CALIFORNIAPermit ExpiredTerrebonne Parish, LA29.538592-90.858845
17-109-23638LL&E B 054DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.532573-90.836208
17-109-23720LL&E B 59-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537387-90.846766
17-109-23720LL&E B 59WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537387-90.846766
17-109-23726LL&E B 060DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Permit ExpiredTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537500-90.850833
17-109-23726LL&E B 60DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Permit ExpiredTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537500-90.850833
17-109-23778LL&E B 061DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Permit ExpiredTerrebonne Parish, LA29.542720-90.841766
17-109-23780LL&E B 062-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.538553-90.858433
17-109-23780LL&E B 062WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.538553-90.858433
17-109-23817LL&E B 063WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533553-90.847599
17-109-23817LL&E B 063-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.533553-90.847599
17-109-23845LL&E B 64-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.527778-90.863333
17-109-23845LL&E B 064WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.527778-90.863333
17-109-23864LL&E B 065DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Dry And PluggedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.524701-90.858685
17-109-23868LL&E B 066DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Permit ExpiredTerrebonne Parish, LA29.526857-90.855649
17-109-23868LL&E B 066-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.526879-90.855656
17-109-23868LL&E B 066WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.526857-90.855649
17-109-23883LL&E B 069WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Dry Hole -Future UtilitTerrebonne Parish, LA29.532046-90.829912
17-109-23884LL&E B 067-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537720-90.846766
17-109-23884LL&E B 067WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537500-90.846667
17-109-23917LL&E B 068WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.531111-90.869444
17-109-23917LL&E B 068DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.531111-90.869444
17-109-23941LL&E B 070WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.527683-90.865777
17-109-23941LL&E B 070-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.527683-90.865777
17-109-24045LL&E B 071WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.524092-90.867181
17-109-24045LL&E B 071-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.524092-90.867181
17-109-24097LL&E B 072-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537791-90.846670
17-109-24097LL&E B 072WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537791-90.846670
17-109-24145LL&E B 073-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.526137-90.867381
17-109-24145LL&E B 073WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.526137-90.867381
17-109-24177LL&E B 074-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536961-90.851369
17-109-24177LL&E B 074WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536961-90.851369
17-109-24182LL&E B 075-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536684-90.842640
17-109-24182LL&E B 075WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536684-90.842640
17-109-24186LL&E B 076-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.528683-90.859603
17-109-24191LL&E B 077WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.522476-90.860843
17-109-24191LL&E B 077-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.522476-90.860843
17-109-24213LL&E B 078WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.531551-90.860111
17-109-24213LL&E B 078-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.531570-90.860092
17-109-24216LL&E B 079-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.525953-90.868891
17-109-24216LL&E B 079WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.525953-90.868891
17-109-24220LL&E B 080-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537864-90.858415
17-109-24220LL&E B 080WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537864-90.858415
17-109-24232LL&E B 081-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.538634-90.858540
17-109-24232LL&E B 081WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.538634-90.858540
17-109-24234LL&E B 082DIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536424-90.867123
17-109-24234LL&E B 082-DDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.536424-90.867123
17-109-24239LL&E B 083-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.539472-90.854363
17-109-24239LL&E B 083WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilTerrebonne Parish, LA29.539472-90.854363
17-109-24243LL&E B 084-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537131-90.846704
17-109-24243LL&E B 084WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive - ProducingTerrebonne Parish, LA29.537131-90.846704
17-109-88034LL&E BB SWD 001TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYDry And PluggedTerrebonne Parish, LA29.514134-90.859653
17-109-88062LL&E B SWD 001WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCActive- InjectionTerrebonne Parish, LA29.524365-90.860076

Leases included in LL&E B

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
043489-2LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
046854-2LL&E BUNION OIL CO OF CALIFORNIATerrebonne Parish, LA
051404-2LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
051510-1LL&E BHILCORP ENERGY COMPANYTerrebonne Parish, LA
071509-3LL&E BUNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Terrebonne Parish, LA
088572-3LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
117817-3LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
130033-3LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
136453-3LL&E BUNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Terrebonne Parish, LA
136630-3LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
147288-3LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
170847-3LL&E BUNION EXPL. PARTNERS, LTD.Terrebonne Parish, LA
221088-3LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
223105-3LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA
532249-2LL&E BDIMENSION ENERGY CO., L.L.C.Terrebonne Parish, LA

Nearby Properties

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LL&E ETerrebonne Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
LL&E FTerrebonne Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFMar 2018
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