Wax Bayou

Oil & Gas Property in St. Mary Parish, LA

Property Summary

Key data points for Wax Bayou

CountySt. Mary Parish, LA
Production DatesJan 1977 - Aug 2017
Total Oil Production174,878 BBLs
Total Gas Production2,715,987 MCF
Recent Oil ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Recent Gas ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Wells on Property79

Our Valuation Estimates for Wax Bayou


$36,444 *


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Wax Bayou Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Wax Bayou
from Jan 1977 to Aug 2017

Wells on Wax Bayou

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-101-01621WAX BAYOU CO INC 029TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.644415-91.273712
17-101-01622WAX BAYOU CO INC 006WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.642313-91.261912
17-101-01625WAX BAYOU CO INC 018WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -No Future USt. Mary Parish, LA29.642114-91.270314
17-101-01627WAX BAYOU CO.,INC. 020WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.634015-91.264014
17-101-01628WAX BAYOU CO INC 028WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.640813-91.259511
17-101-01629WAX BAYOU CO INC 034-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilSt. Mary Parish, LA29.634113-91.256711
17-101-01630WAX BAYOU CO INC 002WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.642215-91.253214
17-101-01631WAX BAYOU CO INC 003WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged Back - No PerforationsSt. Mary Parish, LA29.645813-91.251111
17-101-01632WAX BAYOU CO INC 005WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.645815-91.254414
17-101-01633WAX BAYOU CO INC 032WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilSt. Mary Parish, LA29.639513-91.255111
17-101-01638WAX BAYOU CO INC 009TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.627515-91.269914
17-101-01640WAX BAYOU CO INC 010TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.630515-91.265612
17-101-01641WAX BAYOU CO INC 008WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.620714-91.259712
17-101-01642WAX BAYOU CO INC 015WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.620216-91.262913
17-101-01643WAX BAYOU CO INC 012TEXACO, INC.Permit ExpiredSt. Mary Parish, LA29.622815-91.264013
17-101-01643WAX BAYOU CO INC 012ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.622815-91.264013
17-101-01644WAX BAYOU 026TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.618814-91.260113
17-101-01646WAX BAYOU CO INC A 006TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.605715-91.274013
17-101-01647WAX BAYOU CO INC 011ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.612814-91.259513
17-101-01648WAX BAYOU CO INC 013TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.615015-91.261614
17-101-01649WAX BAYOU CO INC 014DENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.617614-91.262512
17-101-01649WAX BAYOU CO INC 014ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.617614-91.262512
17-101-01650WAX BAYOU CO INC 021ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.612815-91.261511
17-101-01651WAX BAYOU CO INC 022WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.615415-91.259111
17-101-01652WAX BAYOU CO INC 023TEXACO E & P INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.612715-91.264312
17-101-01652WAX BAYOU CO INC 023DTEXACO E & P INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.612715-91.264312
17-101-01657WAX BAYOU CO INC A 002ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.605614-91.263713
17-101-01658WAX BAYOU CO INC A 004-DENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.609216-91.257713
17-101-01660WAX BAYOU CO INC A 019WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilSt. Mary Parish, LA29.606716-91.258212
17-101-01660WAX BAYOU CO INC A 019DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionSt. Mary Parish, LA29.606716-91.258212
17-101-01661WAX BAYOU CO INC A 020-DENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.609216-91.262814
17-101-01661WAX BAYOU CO INC A 020ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.609216-91.262814
17-101-01662WAX BAYOU CO INC A 021DTEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.606314-91.261614
17-101-01662WAX BAYOU CO INC A 021TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.606314-91.261614
17-101-01666WAX BAYOU CO INC A 003WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilSt. Mary Parish, LA29.605616-91.252913
17-101-01711WAX BAYOU CO INC A 018WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -No Future USt. Mary Parish, LA29.605714-91.255512
17-101-01714WAX BAY OU CO., INC. 013TEXACO, INC.Permit ExpiredSt. Mary Parish, LA29.602917-91.254413
17-101-01714WAX BAYOU CO INC A 013WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -No Future USt. Mary Parish, LA29.602917-91.254413
17-101-01715WAX BAYOU CO INC A 016WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -No Future USt. Mary Parish, LA29.599317-91.254212
17-101-01722WAX BAYOU CO INC A 014DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionSt. Mary Parish, LA29.602816-91.261113
17-101-01722WAX BAYOU CO INC A 014WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -No Future USt. Mary Parish, LA29.602816-91.261113
17-101-01723WAX BAYOU CO INC A 015TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.599814-91.258513
17-101-01723WAX BAYOU CO INC A 015DTEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.599814-91.258513
17-101-01724WAX BAYOU CO INC A 023TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.599615-91.265813
17-101-01725WAX BAYOU CO INC A 024DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCReverted To Single CompletionSt. Mary Parish, LA29.598515-91.256113
17-101-01725WAX BAYOU CO INC A 024WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -No Future USt. Mary Parish, LA29.598515-91.256113
17-101-01761WAX BAYOU CO INC 001TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.638615-91.248914
17-101-01762WAX BAYOU CO INC 004WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilSt. Mary Parish, LA29.638315-91.244013
17-101-01763WAX BAYOU CO INC 031WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.639815-91.249813
17-101-01937WAX BAYOU CO., INC. 035TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.664214-91.257312
17-101-02038WAX BAYOU CO 030TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.667113-91.250414
17-101-02170WAX BAYOU CO INC A 031TEXACO, INC.Permit ExpiredSt. Mary Parish, LA29.604016-91.253213
17-101-02174WAX BAYOU CO INC 039TEXACO E & P INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.665112-91.270812
17-101-02214WAX BAYOU CO INC 041TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.660813-91.269213
17-101-20119WAX BAYOU CO INC 042DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilSt. Mary Parish, LA29.638115-91.252912
17-101-20147WAX BAYOU CO INC 044TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.642315-91.275713
17-101-20161WAX BAYOU CO INC 046ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.648013-91.271714
17-101-20177WAX BAYOU CO INC 047TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.668212-91.262114
17-101-20180WAX BAYOU CO INC 045TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.667712-91.245013
17-101-20186WAX BAYOU CO INC 048-DTEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.646513-91.244711
17-101-20186WAX BAYOU CO INC 048TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.646513-91.244711
17-101-20221WAX BAYOU CO INC 049ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.645415-91.272714
17-101-20483WAX BAYOU CO INC A 034TEXACO, INC.Permit ExpiredSt. Mary Parish, LA29.593574-91.266525
17-101-20516WAX BAYOU CO INC 051TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.639315-91.282712
17-101-20720WAX BAYOU CO INC 054WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.648813-91.263913
17-101-20908WAX BAYOU CO INC 056TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.662512-91.253513
17-101-20920WAX BAYOU CO INC 055DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.643614-91.266913
17-101-21051WAX BAYOU CO INC 058-DTEXACO E & P INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.635657-91.249404
17-101-21051WAX BAYOU CO INC 058TEXACO E & P INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.635615-91.249414
17-101-21080WAX BAYOU A 033WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilSt. Mary Parish, LA29.610081-91.251468
17-101-21119WAX BAYOU CO INC 059-DWHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.635380-91.250915
17-101-21119WAX BAYOU CO INC 059WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.635380-91.250915
17-101-21208WAX BAYOU CO INC 053TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.672629-91.248551
17-101-21269WAX BAYOU CO INC 062TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.663681-91.253439
17-101-21361WAX BAYOU CO INC 063ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C.Plugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.645266-91.270170
17-101-21454WAX BAYOU CO INC 064WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCShut-In Dry Hole -Future UtilitSt. Mary Parish, LA29.630469-91.265836
17-101-22064WAX BAYOU CO INC 066TEXACO E & P INC.Permit ExpiredSt. Mary Parish, LA29.625605-91.287000
17-101-88055WAX BAYOU CO INC SWD 001WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.646417-91.244682
17-101-88057WAX BAYOU CO INC SWD 002WHITNEY OIL & GAS, LLCPlugged And AbandonedSt. Mary Parish, LA29.646315-91.244339

Leases included in Wax Bayou

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCounty
040751-2WAX BAYOUTEXACO E & P INC.St. Mary Parish, LA
047192-3WAX BAYOU CO INC ATEXACO E & P INC.St. Mary Parish, LA
067813-3WAX BAYOU CO INC ATEXACO E & P INC.St. Mary Parish, LA
505115-1WAX BAYOU CO INCTEXACO E & P INC.St. Mary Parish, LA
513007-2WAX BAYOU CO INCTEXACO, INC.St. Mary Parish, LA
513009-2WAX BAYOU INCTEXACO, INC.St. Mary Parish, LA
513406-2WAX BAYOU INC ATEXACO, INC.St. Mary Parish, LA
515811-2WAX BAYOU COTEXACO, INC.St. Mary Parish, LA
531739-1WAX BAYOU CO INCTEXACO, INC.St. Mary Parish, LA

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 4 properties to the Wax Bayou property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
SL 341St. Mary Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFJan 2000
SL 341 Bateman LakeSt. Mary Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFFeb 1993
W J PughSt. Mary Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFMay 2024
Woodward KepperSt. Mary Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFDec 1998

Companies in the Area

These are the closest 6 companies operating near the Wax Bayou property.

Company Name
Enervest Operating LLC
Hilcorp Energy Company
Inactive Operator
Texaco E & P Inc
Texaco Inc
Whitney Oil & Gas, LLC