SL 378 Catfish Lake

Oil & Gas Property in Lafourche Parish, LA

Property Summary

Key data points for SL 378 Catfish Lake

CountyLafourche Parish, LA
Production DatesJan 1977 - Jun 2024
Total Oil Production5,054,708 BBLs
Total Gas Production5,625,822 MCF
Recent Oil Production6,816 BBLs in Jun 2024
Recent Gas Production522 MCF in Jun 2024
Wells on Property90

Our Valuation Estimates for SL 378 Catfish Lake


$501,605 *


$493,978 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

SL 378 Catfish Lake Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
Subscribe for Full Access Subscribe now to gain immediate access
to oil and gas production for SL 378 Catfish Lake
from Jan 1977 to Jun 2024

Wells on SL 378 Catfish Lake

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-057-01636SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 021APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.387726-90.319986
17-057-01642SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 054TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.384433-90.318110
17-057-01651SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 056INACTIVE OPERATORDry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.383227-90.312587
17-057-01653SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 022TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.379526-90.310587
17-057-01669SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 043APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.379427-90.302189
17-057-02216SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 052APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.372825-90.305088
17-057-02219SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 046TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.372227-90.309487
17-057-03584SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 057TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.373325-90.296986
17-057-03632SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 058TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.376825-90.312988
17-057-03643SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 060APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.387927-90.307289
17-057-03666SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 067APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.388327-90.305686
17-057-03673SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 068TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.389527-90.305486
17-057-03675SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 061TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.386827-90.303786
17-057-03798SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 070TEXACO, INC.Permit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.389225-90.306688
17-057-20022SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 071TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.376525-90.300287
17-057-20056SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 072TEXACO, INC.Permit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.381239-90.318928
17-057-20131SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 072TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.381127-90.318687
17-057-20241SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 078APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.372925-90.295788
17-057-20284SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 079TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.381926-90.304788
17-057-20408SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 084TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.376827-90.317088
17-057-20448SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 086TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.393627-90.312487
17-057-20569SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 080APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.381525-90.317587
17-057-20629SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 090TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.380426-90.317988
17-057-20701SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 092TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.384827-90.315987
17-057-20740SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 093APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.382326-90.312389
17-057-20794SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 097TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.370928-90.298088
17-057-20841SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 098TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.381425-90.309688
17-057-21015SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 103TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.382325-90.313689
17-057-21024SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 104TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.383625-90.312187
17-057-21288SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 108TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.367925-90.311088
17-057-21366SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 109APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.375727-90.317489
17-057-21385SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 110APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.369927-90.315287
17-057-21395SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 111TEXACO, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.371226-90.312888
17-057-21577SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 112TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.377044-90.317444
17-057-21616SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 113TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.379344-90.309417
17-057-21971SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 115APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.383222-90.319737
17-057-22080SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 116APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.376700-90.308593
17-057-22378SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 120TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.383429-90.318460
17-057-22395SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 123APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.387375-90.304299
17-057-22396SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 122APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.388501-90.304435
17-057-22468SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 127TEXACO, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.384229-90.322647
17-057-22707SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 130TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.381646-90.315495
17-057-22708SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 131TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.381407-90.316866
17-057-22709SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 132APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.381487-90.314096
17-057-22712SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 134APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.365117-90.320871
17-057-22714SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 133APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.390261-90.345085
17-057-22722SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 135APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.378531-90.321916
17-057-22722SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 135APACHE CORPORATIONDry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.378531-90.321916
17-057-22723SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 137TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.381368-90.320063
17-057-22727SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 136TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.382601-90.319046
17-057-22739SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 138APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.387060-90.317773
17-057-22746SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 134APACHE CORPORATIONDry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.382885-90.319190
17-057-22760SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 140APACHE CORPORATIONDry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.383298-90.318486
17-057-22813SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 141TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.377650-90.305548
17-057-22866SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 142APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.379961-90.307037
17-057-23084SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 144TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.374654-90.291534
17-057-23085SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 145APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.374638-90.291535
17-057-23085SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 145TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.388154-90.303295
17-057-23092SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 146TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.387337-90.304356
17-057-23092SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 146APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.377509-90.294299
17-057-23119SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 148APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.392664-90.308242
17-057-23119SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 148TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.373446-90.295908
17-057-23120SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 147APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.373551-90.305332
17-057-23120SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 147APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.392689-90.308254
17-057-23162SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 149APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.373715-90.297933
17-057-23177SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 150TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.383578-90.320926
17-057-23178SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 151TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.387636-90.308805
17-057-23179SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 152TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.388344-90.304801
17-057-23184SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 153APACHE CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.373097-90.299440
17-057-23185SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 154APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.373282-90.300553
17-057-23185SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 154TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.388361-90.304800
17-057-23194SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 155APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.373032-90.302672
17-057-23194SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 155TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.387644-90.308789
17-057-23195SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 156APACHE CORPORATIONPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.373180-90.304039
17-057-23195SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 156TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.386864-90.310703
17-057-23204SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 157TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.388350-90.307636
17-057-23207SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 158TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.373119-90.299453
17-057-23239SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 159TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.385602-90.318048
17-057-23254SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 162TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.387056-90.307461
17-057-23255SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 164TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.388511-90.308489
17-057-23256SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 165TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.386872-90.310684
17-057-23264SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 160TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.389838-90.305247
17-057-23265SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 161TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.388200-90.305697
17-057-23266SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 163TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.387056-90.307442
17-057-23267SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 166TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.382886-90.317197
17-057-23268SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 167TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.373726-90.297949
17-057-23269SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 168TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.373282-90.300553
17-057-23308SL 378 CATFISH LAKE 170TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.378144-90.301618
17-057-88174SL 378 CATFISH LAKE SWD 001TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive- InjectionLafourche Parish, LA29.383569-90.309528
17-057-88175SL 378 CATFISH LAKE SWD 002TEXAS PETROLEUM INVESTMENT COMPANYActive- InjectionLafourche Parish, LA29.384480-90.304683

Leases included in SL 378 Catfish Lake

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
140657-3SL 378 CATFISH LAKETEXACO, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
154496-3SL 378 CATFISH LAKETEXACO, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
187559-3SL 378 CATFISH LAKETEXACO, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA

Nearby Properties

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LaterreLafourche Parish, LA5,160 BBLs9,562 MCFJun 2024
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