SL 328

Oil & Gas Property in Lafourche Parish, LA

Property Summary

Key data points for SL 328

CountyLafourche Parish, LA
Production DatesJan 1977 - Sep 2024
Total Oil Production2,983,228 BBLs
Total Gas Production39,334,843 MCF
Recent Oil ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Recent Gas ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Wells on Property39

Our Valuation Estimates for SL 328


$58,614 *


$2,136 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

SL 328 Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for SL 328
from Jan 1977 to Sep 2024

Wells on SL 328

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-057-01096SL 328 011DAMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.570519-90.538692
17-057-01096SL 328 011AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.570519-90.538692
17-057-01097SL 328 007AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.567519-90.538694
17-057-01099SL 328 017AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.575319-90.542593
17-057-01100SL 328 021EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.569519-90.542994
17-057-01100SL 328 021DEXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.569519-90.542994
17-057-01101SL 328 019DEXTEX OPERATING COReverted To Single CompletionLafourche Parish, LA29.571519-90.544394
17-057-01101SL 328 019EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.571519-90.544394
17-057-01106SL 328 020DAMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.572219-90.547493
17-057-01112SL 328 018INACTIVE OPERATORPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.568319-90.551094
17-057-01113SL 328-LAKE LONG 016INACTIVE OPERATORUnable To Locate Well-No PluggeLafourche Parish, LA29.581220-90.550695
17-057-01115SL 328 012KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.566619-90.550494
17-057-20702SL 328 025AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYDry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.575120-90.560894
17-057-20805SL 328 026EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.571419-90.541192
17-057-21761SL 328 001EDWIN L. COX & BERRY R. COXPermit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.581854-90.545552
17-057-21762SL 328 002EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.578274-90.541858
17-057-21817SL 328 003-ALTSOUTH OAK PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.575676-90.546139
17-057-21887SL 328 027-DEXTEX OPERATING COReverted To Single CompletionLafourche Parish, LA29.567558-90.543890
17-057-21887SL 328 027EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.567772-90.543753
17-057-22204SL 328 028EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.569495-90.545794
17-057-22281SL 328 029EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -No Future ULafourche Parish, LA29.570935-90.556739
17-057-22290SL 328 001ARCO O & G CO-DIV ATL RICH CODry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.577739-90.554447
17-057-22390SL 328 030EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.566438-90.548256
17-057-22402SL 328 031AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYDry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.573590-90.552406
17-057-22556SL 328 001EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -No Future ULafourche Parish, LA29.575605-90.546164
17-057-22572SL 328 003KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.564714-90.545976
17-057-22581SL 328 004KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Dry And PluggedLafourche Parish, LA29.563106-90.541991
17-057-22596SL 328 001BADGER OIL CORPORATIONPlugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.572552-90.557284
17-057-22608SL 328 031EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.570919-90.547639
17-057-22672SL 328 005EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.566281-90.548301
17-057-22731SL 328 006EXTEX OPERATING COActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.575773-90.535816
17-057-22823SL 328 007EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.582466-90.543911
17-057-22823SL 328 007KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Permit ExpiredLafourche Parish, LA29.582466-90.543911
17-057-22921SL 328 010EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.575547-90.549934
17-057-22965SL 328 008EXTEX OPERATING COActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.566647-90.543740
17-057-23012SL 328 011EXTEX OPERATING COActive - ProducingLafourche Parish, LA29.568089-90.550772
17-057-23027SL 328 009KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Plugged And AbandonedLafourche Parish, LA29.571881-90.547439
17-057-23305SL 328 032-DEXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.575883-90.535727
17-057-23305SL 328 032EXTEX OPERATING COShut-In Productive -Future UtilLafourche Parish, LA29.575883-90.535727

Leases included in SL 328

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCounty
Lease #Lease NameOperatorCounty
023165-3SL 328AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYLafourche Parish, LA
047324-1SL 328BADGER OIL CORPORATIONLafourche Parish, LA
049808-2SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
050044-1SL 328MUSTANG ENERGY L CLafourche Parish, LA
054082-3SL 328AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYLafourche Parish, LA
075300-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
084314-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
136571-3SL 328AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYLafourche Parish, LA
139367-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
171323-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
174268-3SL 328EDWIN L. COX & BERRY R. COXLafourche Parish, LA
177728-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
195934-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
201245-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
213599-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
214139-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
216040-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
220542-3SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
303107-7SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
305172-7SL 328PALACE OPERATING COMPANYLafourche Parish, LA
444976-1SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
504555-1SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
607434-2SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
609464-2SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
613321-2SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
613795-2SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
614252-2SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA
615269-2SL 328KRITI EXPLORATION, INC.Lafourche Parish, LA

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 3 properties to the SL 328 property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
GheensLafourche Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
RobichauxLafourche Parish, LA1,012 BBLs0 MCFDec 2024
ValentineLafourche Parish, LA825 BBLs611 MCFJan 2025