Ga Pac

Oil & Gas Property in East Baton Rouge Parish, LA

Property Summary

Key data points for Ga Pac

CountyEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA
Production DatesJan 1979 - Aug 1985
Total Oil Production2,059,140 BBLs
Total Gas Production13,263,574 MCF
Recent Oil ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Recent Gas ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Wells on Property7

Our Valuation Estimates for Ga Pac


Not Available


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Ga Pac Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Ga Pac
from Jan 1979 to Aug 1985

Wells on Ga Pac

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-033-20031GA PAC 001ORX RESOURCES, L.L.C.Shut-In Productive -Future UtilEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA30.658891-91.279717
17-033-20050GA PAC 003BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA30.657477-91.292365
17-033-20227GA PAC 004AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA30.656465-91.276309
17-033-20227GA PAC 004AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANYDry And PluggedEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA30.656465-91.276309
17-033-20227GA PAC 007BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA30.656465-91.276309
17-033-20276GA PAC 008ORX RESOURCES, L.L.C.Active - ProducingEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA30.657691-91.275841
17-033-20279GA PAC 009BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANYPlugged And AbandonedEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA30.648273-91.280174

Leases included in Ga Pac

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCounty
606054-2GA-PACIFICBTA OIL PRODUCERSEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 2 properties to the Ga Pac property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
Ann-FitzEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA40 BBLs0 MCFDec 2024
PenningtonEast Baton Rouge Parish, LA1,646 BBLs0 MCFDec 2024

Companies in the Area

These are the closest 5 companies operating near the Ga Pac property.

Company Name
Amoco Production Co.
BP America Production Company
Griffin & Griffin Exploration, LLC
J. P. Van Way
Orx Resources, L.L.C.