SL 21880

Oil & Gas Property in Cameron Parish, LA

Property Summary

Key data points for SL 21880

CountyCameron Parish, LA
Production DatesMay 2020 - May 2024
Total Oil Production138,579 BBLs
Total Gas Production666,537 MCF
Recent Oil ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Recent Gas ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Wells on Property21

Our Valuation Estimates for SL 21880


Not Available


$512,745 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

SL 21880 Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for SL 21880
from May 2020 to May 2024

Wells on SL 21880

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-700-20136SL 21880 005CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.766925-93.199558
17-700-20254SL 21880 006-DCREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.766140-93.193626
17-700-20254SL 21880 006CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.766140-93.193626
17-700-20259SL 21880 007CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.759789-93.191765
17-700-20259SL 21880 007-DCREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.759789-93.191765
17-700-20261SL 21880 008-DCREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.763833-93.195922
17-700-20261SL 21880 008CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.763743-93.196270
17-700-20264SL 21880 002CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.758733-93.191332
17-700-20264SL 21880 002-DCREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.758733-93.191332
17-700-20265SL 21880 009-DCREOLE OPERATING, LLCReverted To Single CompletionCameron Parish, LA29.758734-93.191298
17-700-20265SL 21880 009CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.758734-93.191298
17-700-20269SL 21880 001CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.760481-93.201902
17-700-20270SL 21880 003CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.751303-93.187803
17-700-20270SL 21880 003-DCREOLE OPERATING, LLCReverted To Single CompletionCameron Parish, LA29.751303-93.187803
17-700-20273SL 21880 004CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.758714-93.191313
17-700-20273SL 21880 004-DCREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.758679-93.191281
17-700-20274SL 21880 013CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.760445-93.201902
17-700-20275SL 21880 014CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.751264-93.187837
17-700-20276SL 21880 010CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.751265-93.187733
17-700-20277SL 21880 011CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.756554-93.186520
17-700-20279SL 21880 012CREOLE OPERATING, LLCShut-In Productive -Future UtilCameron Parish, LA29.756558-93.186488

Leases included in SL 21880

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCounty
052230-1SL 21880CREOLE OPERATING, LLCCameron Parish, LA

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SL 16097Cameron Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFSep 2005

Companies in the Area

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Company Name
Texas Petroleum Investment Company