Loe Pipe Yard, Inc

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Loe Pipe Yard, Inc. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateLA
Production DatesJan 1977 - Jan 1997
Total Oil Production586,703 BBLs
Total Gas Production522,432 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Loe Pipe Yard, Inc Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Loe Pipe Yard, Inc
from Jan 1977 to Jan 1997

Wells Operated by Loe Pipe Yard, Inc

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-059-01378 GALLAHER ETAL 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.711975-92.306247
17-059-22570 HARTER GALLAHER ET AL 007 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.715404-92.312462
17-059-22659 HARTER-GALLAHER ET AL 009 PERMIT EXPIREDLaSalle Parish, LA31.716643-92.313682
17-059-22660 HARTER-GALLAHER ET AL 010 PERMIT EXPIREDLaSalle Parish, LA31.717330-92.313616
17-059-23637 HARTER-GALLAHER ET AL 011 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.717742-92.313648
17-059-01532 L W MILES 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.721875-92.316244
17-059-22225 LENA MAXWELL ET AL 005 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.731979-92.326292
17-059-22357 LENA MAXWELL ET AL 008 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.732824-92.325197
17-059-22459 LENA MAXWELL ET AL 009 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.734502-92.325870
17-059-01498 LENA MAXWELL SWD A-1 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.733375-92.324045
17-059-22679 MRS B T GALLAHER ET AL 019 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.713986-92.302046
17-059-01388 MRS B T GALLAHER SWD 006 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.713975-92.303544
17-059-22204 TANNEHILL-CALLAGHER 018 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.719205-92.306251
17-059-21566 TANNEHILL-GALLAGHER 016 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.718949-92.311687
17-059-21655 TANNEHILL-GALLAGHER 017 DRY AND PLUGGEDLaSalle Parish, LA31.714673-92.303813
17-043-00257 URANIA LBR CO B 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDGrant Parish, LA31.714776-92.385647
17-043-00251 URANIA LBR CO B 003 UNABLE TO LOCATE WELL-NO PLUGGEGrant Parish, LA31.711675-92.385747
17-043-00255 URANIA LBR CO B 007 DRY AND PLUGGEDGrant Parish, LA31.713475-92.384346
17-043-00256 URANIA LBR CO B 008 DRY AND PLUGGEDGrant Parish, LA31.711476-92.384448
17-043-00242 W M SMITH EST 006 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDGrant Parish, LA31.713975-92.387146
17-043-20070 WILLIAM SMITH EST 020 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDGrant Parish, LA31.711976-92.386946
17-043-20088 WILLIAM SMITH EST 021 DRY AND PLUGGEDGrant Parish, LA31.714874-92.387148
17-043-00248 WM SMITH EST 012 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDGrant Parish, LA31.711675-92.388249
17-043-00237 WM. SMITH ESTE 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDGrant Parish, LA31.714176-92.388146

Leases Operated by Loe Pipe Yard, Inc

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.
042529-1 GRAY ESTATE LaSalle Parish, LA
043155-2 LENA MAXWELL ETAL LaSalle Parish, LA
043156-2 LENA MAXWELL ETAL LaSalle Parish, LA
445196-1 TANNEHILL GALLAGHER LaSalle Parish, LA
156640-3 TANNEHILL GALLAGHER LaSalle Parish, LA
043157-2 TANNEHILL-GALLAG LaSalle Parish, LA
043158-2 TANNEHILL-GALLAG LaSalle Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Loe Pipe Yard, Inc

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
LENA MAXWELLLaSalle Parish, LADec 202469 BBLsJan 1977 - Dec 20242
MRS B T GALLAHERLaSalle Parish, LADec 2024148 BBLsJan 1977 - Dec 20248
TANNEHILLLaSalle Parish, LADec 202486 BBLsJan 1977 - Dec 20247

Recent Permits Filed by Loe Pipe Yard, Inc

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Loe Pipe Yard, Inc