Lobo Operating, Inc

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Lobo Operating, Inc. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesLA, TX
Production DatesJun 1994 - Dec 2024
Total Oil Production7,880,533 BBLs
Total Gas Production28,912,460 MCF
Estimated Daily Oil Prod.81 BBLs
Estimated Daily Gas Prod.44 MCF
Estimated Daily Water Prod.0 BBLs
Producing Wells0

Lobo Operating, Inc Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Lobo Operating, Inc
from Jun 1994 to Dec 2024

Wells Operated by Lobo Operating, Inc

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-075-01059 GPLD 001 REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.334821-89.298059
17-075-01059 GPLD 001-D PA-35 TEMPORARY INACTIVE WELL TPlaquemines Parish, LA29.334821-89.298059
17-075-01000 GPLD A 004 ACTIVE- INJECTIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.322023-89.296960
17-075-01000 GPLD A 004D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.322023-89.296960
17-075-00759 GPLD A 014-ALT PA-35 TEMPORARY INACTIVE WELL TPlaquemines Parish, LA29.323722-89.286157
17-075-00759 GPLD A 014D PA-35 TEMPORARY INACTIVE WELL TPlaquemines Parish, LA29.323722-89.286157
17-075-00818 GPLD A 015 PA-35 TEMPORARY INACTIVE WELL TPlaquemines Parish, LA29.324722-89.293660
17-075-00753 GPLD A 016 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILPlaquemines Parish, LA29.324022-89.283157
17-075-00754 GPLD A 017 REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.320421-89.280359
17-075-00754 GPLD A 017-D SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILPlaquemines Parish, LA29.320421-89.280359
17-075-00754 GPLD A 017-T SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILPlaquemines Parish, LA29.320421-89.280359
17-075-00760 GPLD A 021 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILPlaquemines Parish, LA29.315022-89.280859
17-075-00862 GPLD A 022 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILPlaquemines Parish, LA29.313022-89.285359
17-075-00861 GPLD A 025 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILPlaquemines Parish, LA29.304879-89.287530
17-075-01006 GPLD A 028 PA-35 TEMPORARY INACTIVE WELL TPlaquemines Parish, LA29.328921-89.293060
17-075-00945 GPLD A 029 REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.319123-89.300760
17-075-00945 GPLD A 029D SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILPlaquemines Parish, LA29.319123-89.300760
17-075-00752 GPLD A 034 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILPlaquemines Parish, LA29.316023-89.286459
17-075-00752 GPLD A 034-D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.316023-89.286459
17-075-00751 GPLD A 036 PA-35 TEMPORARY INACTIVE WELL TPlaquemines Parish, LA29.317121-89.282658
17-075-00751 GPLD A 036-D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.317121-89.282658
17-075-00751 GPLD A 036-T REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.300123-89.268957
17-075-00750 GPLD A 038D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.314623-89.283958
17-075-00840 GPLD A 043 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTILPlaquemines Parish, LA29.311822-89.288860
17-075-00840 GPLD A 043-D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.311822-89.288860
17-075-00821 GPLD A 066D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.326622-89.290260
17-075-00790 GPLD A 068 REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.316423-89.285660
17-075-00939 GPLD A 074D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.318522-89.296959
17-075-00822 GPLD A 134D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.322721-89.292659
17-075-20530 GPLD A 158D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.317123-89.298258
17-075-21522 GPLD A 164D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.310823-89.288460
17-075-22363 GPLD A 167 REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.312223-89.291259
17-726-20420 SL 1227 006 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGPlaquemines Parish, LA29.556541-89.323365
17-726-20505 SL 1227 014 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGPlaquemines Parish, LA29.560456-89.323239
17-726-20604 SL 1227 029 ACTIVE - PRODUCINGPlaquemines Parish, LA29.562744-89.316458
17-726-00286 SL 1227 L001D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.565313-89.327357
17-726-00308 SL 1227 N001 REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.565413-89.333358
17-725-20609 SL 16432 010-D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.527663-89.407962
17-725-20697 SL 195 QQ 001-D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.364872-89.293164
17-075-20480 SL 195 QQ 015D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.353121-89.287259
17-075-00859 SL 195 QQ 079D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.311524-89.285760
17-075-01024 SL 195 QQ 085D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.328422-89.287160
17-075-00853 SL 195 QQ 099D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.306023-89.275259
17-075-04254 SL 195 QQ 147 REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.301723-89.274657
17-075-04534 SL 195 QQ 149D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.306524-89.278757
17-075-20420 SL 195 QQ 161D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.303724-89.278058
17-075-20624 SL 195 QQ 165D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.305623-89.279758
17-075-00797 SL 335 DP 001D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.321823-89.282358
17-075-03883 SL 335 LP 004D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONPlaquemines Parish, LA29.327821-89.292360
17-705-00008 SL 3762 001-D REVERTED TO SINGLE COMPLETIONVermilion Parish, LA29.536526-92.412745

Leases Operated by Lobo Operating, Inc

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
04-144773 FITZSIMMONS 1 Duval County, TX
616994-2 GPLD A Plaquemines Parish, LA
616774-2 GPLD A Plaquemines Parish, LA
050480-2 GPLD A Plaquemines Parish, LA
03-147887 J.M. MOORE "G" 1 Fort Bend County, TX
03-20826 MOORE, J. M. "A" Fort Bend County, TX
03-21141 MOORE, J. M. "B" Fort Bend County, TX
03-21242 MOORE, J. M. "C" Fort Bend County, TX
03-21404 MOORE, J. M. "E" Fort Bend County, TX
03-22665 MOORE, J. M. "G" Fort Bend County, TX
03-21871 MOORE, J.M. "H" Fort Bend County, TX
306459-7 OA A0311 St. Mary Parish, LA
051361-1 SL 16386 St. Bernard Parish, LA
615537-2 SL 195 QQ Plaquemines Parish, LA
306495-7 SL 20034 Plaquemines Parish, LA
051091-1 SL 20433 Plaquemines Parish, LA
306590-7 SL 20433 Plaquemines Parish, LA
050796-1 SL 20436 Plaquemines Parish, LA
306771-7 SL 21563 Plaquemines Parish, LA
306942-7 SL 21645 Plaquemines Parish, LA
306602-7 SL 3763 Vermilion Parish, LA
06-11579 TEMPLE-EASTEX "147-A" Sabine County, TX
06-135513 TEMPLE-EASTEX "147A" 40 Sabine County, TX
06-13123 TI-E Sabine County, TX
03-12088 WING, F. SARAH Polk County, TX

Properties Operated by Lobo Operating, Inc

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
GPLDPlaquemines Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1977 - May 202110
MOOREFort Bend County, TXNov 2024876 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 202439
SL 12Plaquemines Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1977 - Aug 20145
SL 12Plaquemines Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFFeb 1990 - Oct 20071
SL 16Plaquemines Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFSep 1999 - Apr 20241
SL 17Plaquemines Parish, LADec 202415,725 BBLs50,904 MCFNov 2001 - Dec 20243
SL 19Plaquemines Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1977 - May 20219
SL 335Plaquemines Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1977 - Oct 20152
SL 376Vermilion Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1977 - Jul 20181
WING SARAH FPolk County, TXNov 20243,741 BBLs7,896 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 202414

Recent Permits Filed by Lobo Operating, Inc

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Lobo Operating, Inc

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Lobo Operating, Inc. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
2000 S DAIRY ASHFORD ST STE 410 HOUSTON, TX 77077(713) 531-0022