Laurel Operating Company, Inc

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Laurel Operating Company, Inc. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesLA, OK
Production DatesAug 1982 - Nov 2024
Total Oil Production7,784,980 BBLs
Total Gas Production34,327,224 MCF
Estimated Daily Oil Prod.7 BBLs
Estimated Daily Gas Prod.47 MCF
Estimated Daily Water Prod.0 BBLs
Producing Wells1

Laurel Operating Company, Inc Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Laurel Operating Company, Inc
from Aug 1982 to Nov 2024

Wells Operated by Laurel Operating Company, Inc

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
35-051-21907 ALINE 1-23A PLUGGED & ABANDONEDGrady County, OK
35-087-20801 BAXTER 1-20 ACTIVEMcClain County, OK34.982235-97.542800
17-109-23091 C L &F 009 DRY AND PLUGGEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.523424-90.878650
17-109-22859 CL&F 002 DRY AND PLUGGEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.525191-90.900130
17-109-22826 CL&F 004 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.528711-90.789463
17-109-22874 CL&F 006-D PERMIT EXPIREDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.530539-90.881303
17-109-00493 CL&F 007 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.525586-90.879650
17-109-23022 CL&F 008 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.523127-90.878633
17-109-23121 CL&F 010 DRY AND PLUGGEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.535565-90.881762
17-109-23172 CL&F 011 DRY AND PLUGGEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.526779-90.884984
17-109-22824 CL&F A 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.532539-90.797304
17-075-23577 CLEM PERRIN 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDPlaquemines Parish, LA29.732746-90.060617
17-109-23477 CONTINENTAL LAND & FUR CO INC 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.523400-90.945591
17-109-22697 CONTINENTAL LAND & FUR CO INC 002 PERMIT EXPIREDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.512978-90.981893
17-109-22942 CONTINENTAL LAND &FUR CO INC B 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.516043-90.883456
17-109-22696 CONTINENTAL LD & FUR CO INC 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.504001-90.987929
35-051-21646 DALE 1-21 PLUGGED & ABANDONEDGrady County, OK
35-081-20278 DENYER 1 ACTIVELincoln County, OK35.690940-96.949680
17-051-00350 E P BRADY 4-2 001-D PERMIT EXPIREDJefferson Parish, LA29.711615-90.051335
17-019-21768 E W BROWN A 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDCalcasieu Parish, LA30.093845-93.722292
35-103-22581 FERDA 21-1 PLUGGED & ABANDONEDNoble County, OK36.189222-97.424100
35-011-22644 G. BEDWELL 1-A ACTIVEBlaine County, OK36.147530-98.356280
35-087-20393 GARNER 1 McClain County, OK35.163500-97.569270
35-011-00067 GLADYS BEDWELL 1 PLUGGED & ABANDONEDBlaine County, OK
35-011-21586 GLADYS BEDWELL 2 ACTIVEBlaine County, OK36.148889-98.365220
35-087-20741 HUSKY 1-15 ACTIVEMcClain County, OK35.085128-97.508995
17-075-01114 I R PRICE ET AL 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDPlaquemines Parish, LA29.374822-89.378760
17-075-01113 I R PRICE ET AL 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDPlaquemines Parish, LA29.374822-89.374760
17-075-01111 I R PRICE ET AL 006 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDPlaquemines Parish, LA29.371721-89.376459
17-725-00174 I R PRICE ET AL 010 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDPlaquemines Parish, LA29.380920-89.374060
17-075-22712 I R PRICE ET AL 029 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDPlaquemines Parish, LA29.371105-89.376493
17-075-23766 I R PRICE ET AL 036 PERMIT EXPIREDPlaquemines Parish, LA29.382999-89.376447
17-075-23766 I R PRICE ET AL 036 PERMIT EXPIREDPlaquemines Parish, LA29.340213-89.358918
35-081-22041 IDA DENYER 2 ACTIVELincoln County, OK35.691040-96.949690
35-051-21483 KILGORE 1-31 Grady County, OK35.216332-97.977930
17-057-22145 L L & E 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDLafourche Parish, LA29.407826-90.182363
17-109-22884 L L & E A 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDTerrebonne Parish, LA29.521253-90.851161
35-051-20409 LAWRENCE /A/ 1 ACTIVEGrady County, OK35.324966-97.677190
35-087-21169 LEE 1-21 McClain County, OK35.245515-97.624440
35-087-21032 LEE 21-1 McClain County, OK35.241889-97.620020
35-087-21031 LONG (LONG 4-1) 1 ACTIVEMcClain County, OK35.286311-97.620020
35-117-23183 MAGGART 15 3 ACTIVEPawnee County, OK
35-117-21626 MAGGART 15-1 ACTIVEPawnee County, OK36.292466-96.758720
35-117-22795 MAGGART 22 22-5 ACTIVEPawnee County, OK36.285214-96.759840
35-117-23156 MAGGART 22 6 ACTIVEPawnee County, OK36.287027-96.759840
35-117-22283 MAGGART 22-2 ACTIVEPawnee County, OK36.283401-96.760960
35-117-22420 MAGGART 22-4 ACTIVEPawnee County, OK36.283401-96.763200
35-119-20340 MCGUIRE 1 ACTIVEPayne County, OK36.064538-97.061340
35-051-22210 SCHUTTEN 2 ACTIVEGrady County, OK
35-111-23644 VICTOR 1-3 ACTIVEOkmulgee County, OK35.801250-96.016167

Leases Operated by Laurel Operating Company, Inc

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Gas Prod.
Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Gas Prod.
046649-2 9450 RA SUA Jefferson Parish, LA
087-077124-0-0000 BAXTER 1-20 McClain County, OK
610320-2 BRADY 4 U1 Jefferson Parish, LA
444936-2 CL&F Terrebonne Parish, LA
193443-3 CL&F Terrebonne Parish, LA
606736-2 E P BRADY 4 Jefferson Parish, LA
610454-2 E P BRADY 4 Jefferson Parish, LA
610455-2 E P BRADY 4 Jefferson Parish, LA
610456-2 E P BRADY 4 Jefferson Parish, LA
031530-3 E P BRADY 4 Jefferson Parish, LA
033493-3 E P BRADY 4 Jefferson Parish, LA
032376-3 E P BRADY 4 SWD Jefferson Parish, LA
609446-2 E P BRADY 4-1 Jefferson Parish, LA
042622-3 E P BRADY 4-1 Jefferson Parish, LA
512413-2 E P BRADY 4-4 Jefferson Parish, LA
500446-1 E P BRADY ET AL 4 Jefferson Parish, LA
032076-3 E P BRADY ET AL 4 Jefferson Parish, LA
103-030337-0-0000 FERDA 21-1 Noble County, OK
011-100596-0-0000 G. BEDWELL 1-A Blaine County, OK
087-054584-0-0000 GARNER McClain County, OK
011-021964-0-0000 GLADYS BEDWELL 2,1-A Blaine County, OK
073-042318-0-0000 HOBBS 19-1 Kingfisher County, OK
063-118463-0-0000 HUNTER JOHNSON 1 Hughes County, OK
087-076472-0-0000 HUSKY 1-15 McClain County, OK
042369-3 I R PRICE ET AL Plaquemines Parish, LA
610917-2 I R PRICE ET AL Plaquemines Parish, LA
512160-2 I R PRICE ET AL Plaquemines Parish, LA
600966-2 I R PRICE ET AL Plaquemines Parish, LA
169711-3 I R PRICE ET AL Plaquemines Parish, LA
081-044559-0-0000 IDA DENYER 1, 2 Lincoln County, OK
093-043092-0-0000 INMAN ESTATE A Major County, OK
051-051509-1-0000 KILGORE 1-31 Grady County, OK
087-087529-0-0000 LEE 1-21 McClain County, OK
087-083745-0-0000 LEE 21-1 McClain County, OK
184883-3 LL&E Terrebonne Parish, LA
051-047118-1-0000 LOLA LAWRENCE A1,A2 Grady County, OK
087-083957-0-0000 LONG 4-1 McClain County, OK
117-076361-0-0000 MAGGART 15-1,2,3 Pawnee County, OK
117-074068-0-0000 MAGGART 22 1,2,3,4,5,6 Pawnee County, OK
087-002099-0-0000 MARCHANT McClain County, OK
119-043449-0-0000 MCGUIRE Payne County, OK
119-045233-0-0000 MOORE Payne County, OK
087-083351-0-0000 ROATH #1-28 McClain County, OK
132075-3 SL 2127 Plaquemines Parish, LA
611370-2 SL 2127 Plaquemines Parish, LA
211624-3 SL 706 Jefferson Parish, LA
046648-1 SL 706 Jefferson Parish, LA
087-002098-0-0000 THOMAS 1-3 McClain County, OK
111-076168-0-0000 VICTOR GRAF 1-3 Okmulgee County, OK
500434-2 VUA Jefferson Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Laurel Operating Company, Inc

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
BAXTERMcClain County, OKNov 20240 BBLs605 MCFJul 1990 - Nov 20241
LEE 1McClain County, OK0 BBLs0 MCFJul 1990 - Feb 20201
LL&E CTerrebonne Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1977 - Oct 20161
MAGGARTPawnee County, OK0 BBLs0 MCFJul 1990 - Sep 20155
RF PRICEPlaquemines Parish, LAJun 2024830 BBLs530 MCFOct 1991 - Jun 20244

Recent Permits Filed by Laurel Operating Company, Inc

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Laurel Operating Company, Inc

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Laurel Operating Company, Inc. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
403 S KNOBLOCK ST, STILLWATER, OK 74074-3025(405) 372-8984