
Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Landowner. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesJan 1980 - Dec 2008
Total Oil Production433,460 BBLs
Total Gas Production1,697,916 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Landowner Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Landowner
from Jan 1980 to Dec 2008

Wells Operated by Landowner

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
15-091-20543 ANDERSON 1 Plugged and AbandonedJohnson County, KS38.962540-94.892221
15-091-19006 BURGER OW-1 Plugged and AbandonedJohnson County, KS38.847983-94.650746
15-205-19027 CITY OF FREDONIA 1 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545069-95.821137
15-205-19031 CITY OF FREDONIA 10 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545920-95.820066
15-205-19032 CITY OF FREDONIA 11 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545898-95.818922
15-205-19033 CITY OF FREDONIA 12 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545881-95.817798
15-205-19026 CITY OF FREDONIA 2 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545050-95.820065
15-205-19028 CITY OF FREDONIA 3 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.544986-95.818935
15-205-19029 CITY OF FREDONIA 4 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.544974-95.817739
15-205-19022 CITY OF FREDONIA 8 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545509-95.821208
15-205-19030 CITY OF FREDONIA 9 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545955-95.821118
15-205-19024 CITY OF FREDONIA I-61 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545344-95.818204
15-205-19025 CITY OF FREDONIA I-62 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545354-95.819238
15-205-19023 CITY OF FREDONIA I-63 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.545332-95.816963
15-019-24083 COMSTOCK 1-B Plugged and AbandonedChautauqua County, KS37.117539-96.379685
15-073-01788 FANKHAUSER 4 C-8 Plugged and AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.114307-96.040638
HALL 1 Plugged and AbandonedKS37.528809-95.606974
15-205-22565 HALL 1 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.528809-95.606974
15-205-70260 HALL 2 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.528776-95.609266
15-205-70261 HALL 3 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.522943-95.614403
HENRY 1 KS37.478906-95.425296
HENRY 2 KS37.479836-95.426393
15-125-02876 JG OW 1 Plugged and AbandonedMontgomery County, KS37.213510-95.744944
15-125-02879 JG OW 1 Plugged and AbandonedMontgomery County, KS37.124628-95.758350
15-125-02878 JG OW 2 Plugged and AbandonedMontgomery County, KS37.212412-95.747940
15-125-02877 JG OW 3 Plugged and AbandonedMontgomery County, KS37.211557-95.747801
15-051-23097 JOHNSON-WEILERT 1 KCC Fee Fund PluggingEllis County, KS38.831810-99.413880
15-205-01297 MARY BRINKMAN 1 UnknownWilson County, KS37.543327-95.618606
15-121-02659 OLD RESIDENTIAL 1 ProducingMiami County, KS38.431782-94.855679
15-133-19126 PECK PEC-01 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.595006-95.243237
15-133-19132 PECK PEC-02 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.594668-95.243521
15-133-19131 PECK PEC-03 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.594116-95.243423
15-133-19130 PECK PEC-04 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.595393-95.243445
15-133-19128 PECK PEC-05 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.594210-95.244318
15-133-19125 PECK PEC-06 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.595786-95.243457
15-133-19123 PECK PEC-07 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.594689-95.245297
15-133-19124 PECK PEC-08 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.595958-95.245396
15-133-19127 PECK PEC-09 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.596061-95.244430
15-133-19129 PECK PEC-10 Plugged and AbandonedNeosho County, KS37.595130-95.244045
15-121-19006 RAY CAYLOR 9 Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.539354-95.056473
15-125-02845 Reichenberger OW1 Plugged and AbandonedMontgomery County, KS37.119455-95.754888
15-125-02844 Reichenberger OW2 Plugged and AbandonedMontgomery County, KS37.123054-95.747915
15-037-01828 SMITH 1 Inactive WellCrawford County, KS37.382059-95.004781
15-037-01829 SMITH 2 Inactive WellCrawford County, KS37.382075-95.001391
15-107-20367 STROUP 31 B 12 Plugged and AbandonedLinn County, KS38.352137-94.900107
15-091-19250 SUBURBAN LAWN AND GARDEN 1 Plugged and AbandonedJohnson County, KS38.772794-94.960069
15-209-19000 TURNER HIGH SCHOOL OW-1 Plugged and AbandonedWyandotte County, KS39.062093-94.704501
15-091-19007 WEBER CARPET OW-1 Plugged and AbandonedJohnson County, KS38.918017-94.744175
15-205-70267 WING 1 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.533310-95.689064
15-205-70270 WING 1 Plugged and AbandonedWilson County, KS37.534186-95.686519

Leases Operated by Landowner

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
1001177510 ADAMS 9-1 Meade County, KS
1001141263 ALLRED Cowley County, KS
1001150191 BATTERY 1-23 Pratt County, KS
1001126149 BREWER Miami County, KS
1001175194 BUNKER S W D Trego County, KS
1001176107 BYERS STATION Pratt County, KS
1001106766 CARL ELSHEIMER Montgomery County, KS
1001140853 CLARK 1 Kiowa County, KS
1001141420 CUNNINGHAM B Kingman County, KS
1001127205 DIEHL RICHARD Allen County, KS
1001138189 E. F. ALLEN 1 Stafford County, KS
1001177909 ECK 3-10 Elk County, KS
1001139886 FARNEY Barber County, KS
1001149837 FERGUSON BATTER Barber County, KS
1001151972 GOERING #1 Kingman County, KS
1001175384 GREENSBURG Kiowa County, KS
1001151959 HARDING Montgomery County, KS
1001128752 HONN (A) Harper County, KS
1001129421 HOWELL (B) Montgomery County, KS
1001175246 HOXIE STORAGE Sheridan County, KS
1001175251 HOXIE TANK YARD Sheridan County, KS
1001176312 JERRY HALL Wilson County, KS
1001149632 JUDY PLD Elk County, KS
1020035825 KANSAS WASTE CR Allen County, KS
1003203339 KINSLER CTB Morton County, KS
1001133482 KIRKPATRICK (2- Ford County, KS
1001118846 KUHN Hodgeman County, KS
1001151282 LASSITER/PALLIS Rice County, KS
1008441193 MARTIN 1-H Marion County, KS
1001106676 MCHALE Miami County, KS
1001107745 MCMILLEN Montgomery County, KS
1001177812 MEGA DELIVERY Morton County, KS
1001176274 ML TANK SWD Graham County, KS
1001175490 NEWMAN STORAGE Sheridan County, KS
1001138982 OLE B. S. Chautauqua County, KS
1001132862 PETERSON CHARL Montgomery County, KS
1001175974 RUSH SWD Trego County, KS
1001141208 SELFRIDGE 'A' Hodgeman County, KS
1001146900 SETTER #1 GREEL Anderson County, KS
1001135023 SPEIRS DANIEL Montgomery County, KS
1001117474 STAAB Ellis County, KS
1013358201 STEWART'S STORAGE Bourbon County, KS
1001175547 STORAGE Finney County, KS
1001175493 SWISHER Pratt County, KS
1001175249 TANK Butler County, KS
1001143140 THOMAS SEYB 1-27 Stanton County, KS
1001175726 VEATCH Miami County, KS
1001176024 WIEDERHOLT R WH Anderson County, KS
1001151201 WILSON Stafford County, KS
1001175525 YARD Greenwood County, KS

Properties Operated by Landowner

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
CITY OF FREDONIAWilson County, KS0 MCFMar 1981 - Jan 20001
FANKHAUSERGreenwood County, KS0 MCFJan 1980 - Jan 19861
HENRYNeosho County, KSOct 202455 MCFSep 2002 - Nov 20243

Recent Permits Filed by Landowner

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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