L And G Drilling

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for L And G Drilling. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateMI
Production DatesNov 1985 - Jun 1987
Total Oil Production42,124 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

L And G Drilling Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for L And G Drilling
from Nov 1985 to Jun 1987

Wells Operated by L And G Drilling

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
21-073-40871 ALLGEYER 1-31 Terminated PermitIsabella County, MI43.644010-85.078340
21-027-38714 BAER 1-3 Plugging ApprovedCass County, MI41.979060-85.806020
21-027-38894 BAER 2-3 Plugging ApprovedCass County, MI41.979080-85.810870
21-093-39828 BALOGH 1-8B Plugging ApprovedLivingston County, MI42.486980-83.999470
21-093-39828 BALOGH ESTATE 1-8C Plugging ApprovedLivingston County, MI42.486980-83.999470
21-137-40274 BSA 1-8 Plugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI44.915240-84.472480
21-063-40440 CLANCY 1-2 Plugging ApprovedHuron County, MI44.012800-83.030100
21-075-42391 FLACK 1-10 Plugging ApprovedJackson County, MI42.132940-84.529240
21-025-39987 GILL 1-34 Plugging ApprovedCalhoun County, MI42.338990-84.760880
21-027-36425 HARRIS & MILLER 1 Plugging ApprovedCass County, MI41.813130-85.950710
21-045-39564 KIKENDALL 1-19 Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.454150-84.716600
21-045-39564 KIKENDALL 1-19A Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.454150-84.716600
21-101-35297 KRUGER 1-26 Terminated PermitManistee County, MI44.452430-86.081690
21-101-38140 LEDFORD 1-10 Plugging ApprovedManistee County, MI44.409580-85.986570
21-101-38140 LEDFORD 1-10A Plugging ApprovedManistee County, MI44.409580-85.986570
21-045-34846 MCELMURRY 2-8 Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.580480-84.699160
21-025-41105 MOORE 1-5 Plugging ApprovedCalhoun County, MI42.408870-85.155520
21-025-41105 MOORE 1-5A Plugging ApprovedCalhoun County, MI42.408870-85.155520
21-045-39496 MORGAN 1-29 Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.529640-84.683300
21-045-37777 MORGAN ET AL 1-32 Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.521910-84.684340
21-113-40051 MULDER 32-12 Plugging ApprovedMissaukee County, MI44.173840-85.069950
21-147-40602 NEDDERMEYER 1-11 Plugging ApprovedSt. Clair County, MI42.695690-82.644600
21-065-40229 OESTERLE 1-28 Plugging ApprovedIngham County, MI42.628490-84.215950
21-065-40229 OESTERLE 1-28A Plugging ApprovedIngham County, MI42.628490-84.215950
21-055-32620 PAVLIS, ELMER & KARCHER, J P ET AL 1-34B Plugging ApprovedGrand Traverse County, MI44.526010-85.740110
21-027-36714 PECK 1 Plugging ApprovedCass County, MI41.971680-85.762320
21-045-34917 RILEY 1-16 Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.562610-84.675540
21-045-35018 RILEY-PETERS 1-16 Terminated PermitEaton County, MI42.562460-84.669040
21-045-39643 SKITTENHELM 1-24 Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.456750-84.728410
21-055-38912 SNYDER ET AL 1-16 Plugging ApprovedGrand Traverse County, MI44.561670-85.643900
21-075-41167 SPINK 1-19 Plugging ApprovedJackson County, MI42.106480-84.462480
21-075-41167 SPINK 1-19A Plugging ApprovedJackson County, MI42.106480-84.462480
21-075-41167 SPINK 1-19B Plugging ApprovedJackson County, MI42.106480-84.462480
21-045-39052 SQUIRES 1-25 Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.449160-84.733860
21-055-39659 STATE WHITEWATER 1-32 Plugging ApprovedGrand Traverse County, MI44.698760-85.422930
21-045-38785 THUMA 1-19 Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.461530-84.716370
21-045-39597 VERHELLE 1-31 Terminated PermitEaton County, MI42.510640-84.711000
21-073-42160 WALKINGTON ET AL 1-29 Plugging ApprovedIsabella County, MI43.490410-85.063940

Properties Operated by L And G Drilling

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
LEDFORDManistee County, MIDec 2024404 BBLs1,367 MCFJan 1982 - Jan 20251
STATE WHITEWATERGrand Traverse County, MIDec 2024403 BBLs2,385 MCFJan 1982 - Jan 20255

Recent Permits Filed by L And G Drilling

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by L And G Drilling

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for L And G Drilling. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

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No Contact Information Available