Hickerson, Joe

Oil Property in Hart County, KY

Property Summary

Key data points for Hickerson, Joe

CountyHart County, KY
Production DatesJan 1997 - Dec 2013
Total Oil Production10,112 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Recent Gas ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Wells on Property22

Our Valuation Estimates for Hickerson, Joe


Not Available


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Hickerson, Joe Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Hickerson, Joe
from Jan 1997 to Dec 2013

Wells on Hickerson, Joe

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
16-099-00251HICKERSON, JOE 3LINCOLN OIL COUnknownHart County, KY37.244941-86.004095
16-099-00275HICKERSON, JOE 4LINCOLN OIL COUnknownHart County, KY37.251478-86.005676
16-099-00291HICKERSON, JOE 5LINCOLN OIL COUnknownHart County, KY37.244145-86.002034
16-099-00407HICKERSON, JOE 9MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.249803-86.006568
16-099-00408HICKERSON, JOE 10MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.248320-86.006156
16-099-00409HICKERSON, JOE 11MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.246672-86.002893
16-099-00411HICKERSON, JOE 7MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.250984-86.006913
16-099-00412HICKERSON, JOE 8MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.251972-86.007531
16-099-00415HICKERSON, JOE 15MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.245051-86.002790
16-099-00445HICKERSON, JOE 12MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.247210-86.001711
16-099-00446HICKERSON, JOE 13MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.245180-86.005459
16-099-00447HICKERSON, JOE 14MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.247166-86.006877
16-099-00448HICKERSON, JOE 16MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.246727-86.000454
16-099-00460HICKERSON, JOE 21MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.255727-86.004927
16-099-00462HICKERSON, JOE 6MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.248677-86.004267
16-099-00466HICKERSON, JOE 32MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.256065-86.007380
16-099-00467HICKERSON, JOE 31MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.243760-86.004442
16-099-00468HICKERSON, JOE 25MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.252750-86.006521
16-099-00474HICKERSON, JOE 41MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.250476-86.005487
16-099-00476HICKERSON, JOE 38MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.245049-86.001244
16-099-00477HICKERSON, JOE 39MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.246111-86.001604
16-099-00478HICKERSON, JOE 40MAJESTIC MANAGEMENT CORPUnknownHart County, KY37.249396-86.005221

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 2 properties to the Hickerson, Joe property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
Coghill, JoeHart County, KY0 BBLs0 MCFAug 2009
Gillock, JohnHart County, KY0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2013

Companies in the Area

These are the closest 0 companies operating near the Hickerson, Joe property.

Company Name