
Oil Property in Christian County, KY

Property Summary

Key data points for Wells

CountiesChristian County, KY
Muhlenberg County, KY
Todd County, KY
Production DatesJul 1997 - Aug 2022
Total Oil Production1,928 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Recent Gas ProductionNo Recent Prod.
Wells on Property100

Our Valuation Estimates for Wells


Not Available


Not Available

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Wells Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Wells
from Jul 1997 to Aug 2022

Wells on Wells

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
16-047-00000WELLS, L 7SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.089447-87.353771
16-047-00000WELLS, EVA 12RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.063277-87.309984
16-047-00000WELLS, O 1UNKNOWNUnknownChristian County, KY37.043726-87.291213
16-047-00000WELLS, N D 2MORGAN BROTHERSUnknownChristian County, KY37.092852-87.332733
16-047-00000WELLS, EARL 3DODD, NICKUnknownChristian County, KY37.105124-87.318930
16-047-00000WELLS, L 8SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.087977-87.361010
16-047-00000WELLS, C 3MORBURGER, CUnknownChristian County, KY37.078520-87.281646
16-047-00000WELLS, LEROY 11SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.099220-87.363924
16-047-00000WELLS, E 4DODD, N ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.104300-87.319102
16-047-00000WELLS, L 14SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.092216-87.350685
16-047-00000WELLS, L 3SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.100730-87.361008
16-047-00000WELLS 4DODD, NICK ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.104300-87.319102
16-047-00000WELLS, L 6(7)SARGENT, W ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.093177-87.350771
16-047-00000WELLS, N D 4MORGAN BROTHERSUnknownChristian County, KY37.083171-87.326735
16-047-00000WELLS, L 2SARGENT, WUnknownChristian County, KY37.097109-87.346703
16-047-00000WELLS, EARL 1DYER, BOB ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.103751-87.327160
16-047-00000WELLS, O 1CUMBERLAND CONTR CO, ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.071498-87.344387
16-047-00000WELLS, E 8SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.091122-87.354114
16-047-00000WELLS, L 16SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.093617-87.366409
16-047-00000WELLS, E 2DODD, N ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.105124-87.320473
16-047-00000WELLS, L 13SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.095100-87.357542
16-047-00000WELLS, EVA 9RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.067396-87.309468
16-047-00000WELLS, L 1SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.100455-87.359294
16-047-00000WELLS, N D 6MORGAN BROTHERSUnknownChristian County, KY37.084201-87.327590
16-047-00000WELLS, CARL 2-BASHLAND OIL & REF COUnknownChristian County, KY37.082525-87.291490
16-047-00000WELLS 6SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.091287-87.352811
16-047-00000WELLS, O 2STICE, A LUnknownChristian County, KY37.058470-87.290186
16-047-00000WELLS, L 1LOHMAN, HUnknownChristian County, KY37.092028-87.346463
16-047-00000WELLS, E 5DODD, NUnknownChristian County, KY37.105124-87.317901
16-047-00000WELLS, L 16SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.085849-87.354799
16-047-00000WELLS, N D 5MORGAN BROTHERSUnknownChristian County, KY37.082415-87.326992
16-047-00000WELLS, H 1MCINTOSH, L ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.105262-87.337104
16-047-00000WELLS, C D 1FREEMAN, H MUnknownChristian County, KY37.116161-87.330760
16-047-00001WELLS, EDNA 4IMPERIAL DRILLING CO, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.116172-87.331775
16-047-00110WELLS, JAMES 1SMITH, JAMES EUnknownChristian County, KY37.015611-87.291895
16-047-00411WELLS, EDNA 10BLACK TOWER OIL & GAS, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.118742-87.333504
16-047-00482WELLS, CARL 2PLOWBOY RESOURCES, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.083926-87.290017
16-047-00483WELLS, CARL 3PLOWBOY RESOURCES, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.081591-87.287480
16-047-00484WELLS, CARL 2PLOWBOY RESOURCES, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.080630-87.288474
16-047-00485WELLS, CARL 4PLOWBOY RESOURCES, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.079833-87.287720
16-047-00501WELLS, E 1DRAKE, TUnknownChristian County, KY37.106635-87.323867
16-047-00571WELLS, IRA 2IMPERIAL DRILLING COUnknownChristian County, KY37.117798-87.333895
16-047-00572WELLS, EDNA 5IMPERIAL DRILLING COUnknownChristian County, KY37.118493-87.335006
16-047-00584WELLS, EDNA 7IMPERIAL DRILLING CO, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.118578-87.330887
16-047-00585WELLS, EDNA 3IMPERIAL DRILLING CO, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.117740-87.331864
16-047-00586WELLS, EDNA 1IMPERIAL DRILLING CO, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.116919-87.332825
16-047-00620WELLS, EVA 1RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.065199-87.305140
16-047-00621WELLS, EVA 3RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.066160-87.306305
16-047-00622WELLS, EVA 8RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.063002-87.304626
16-047-00844WELLS, EDNA 8IMPERIAL DRILLING CO, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.119402-87.329957
16-047-00899WELLS, JAMES 2SMITH, JAMES EUnknownChristian County, KY37.015391-87.291929
16-047-00935WELLS, JAMES 3TIGER AIR ROTARY, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.016792-87.291965
16-047-01126WELLS, EVA W8RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.062041-87.311526
16-047-01132WELLS, CARL 5PLOWBOY RESOURCES, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.080355-87.286451
16-047-01137WELLS, EVA 7RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.059843-87.306853
16-047-01138WELLS, EVA 13RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.065062-87.310412
16-047-01139WELLS, EVA 4RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.065886-87.308784
16-047-01140WELLS, EVA 5RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.064238-87.310109
16-047-01141WELLS, EVA 6RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.062590-87.308052
16-047-01593WELLS, CARL 1(2)SHOUDY, E LUnknownChristian County, KY37.078570-87.281687
16-047-01594WELLS, CARL 1PLOWBOY RESOURCES, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.080602-87.292870
16-047-01595WELLS, CARL 1ASHLAND OIL & REFINING CO, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.086123-87.291800
16-047-01596WELLS, CARL 2ASHLAND OIL & REFINING CO, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.083404-87.290566
16-047-01597WELLS, EARL 1FLAG DRILLING CO, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.101966-87.322667
16-047-01598WELLS, EARL 2FLAG DRILLING COUnknownChristian County, KY37.103476-87.319409
16-047-01599WELLS, EDNA 6IMPERIAL DRILLING CO, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.118547-87.332845
16-047-01600WELLS, EVA 1BRYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.060969-87.311218
16-047-01601WELLS, EVA 2RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.066298-87.303255
16-047-01602WELLS, EVA 2BRYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.060695-87.309778
16-047-01603WELLS, EVA 3BRYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.062068-87.311218
16-047-01604WELLS, EVA 4BRYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.061793-87.309847
16-047-01605WELLS, EVA 10RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.069044-87.309640
16-047-01606WELLS, EVA 11RYAN OIL COUnknownChristian County, KY37.061629-87.309470
16-047-01607WELLS, JAMES 1BELT, NORMAN LUnknownChristian County, KY37.020143-87.289756
16-047-01608WELLS, LEROY 20MARVIN YOUNG ENTERPRISES, INCUnknownChristian County, KY37.085547-87.355965
16-047-01609WELLS, LUCY 1J L DRILLING COUnknownChristian County, KY37.033239-87.275352
16-047-01610WELLS, N D 1W C DRILLING COUnknownChristian County, KY37.084750-87.329047
16-047-01611WELLS, ROSS 1SMITH, JAMES EUnknownChristian County, KY37.008173-87.291644
16-047-01733WELLS, N D 3MORGAN & CUMBERLAND CONT COUnknownChristian County, KY37.092028-87.327847
16-047-01739WELLS, L 15SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.086398-87.352914
16-047-01753WELLS, D 1MORGAN BROTHERSUnknownChristian County, KY37.085436-87.331756
16-047-01798WELLS, L 10SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.096061-87.363409
16-047-01804WELLS, L 5(6)SARGENT, W ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.094138-87.350171
16-047-01805WELLS, L 1SARGENT, WUnknownChristian County, KY37.094413-87.348422
16-047-01806WELLS, L 4SARGENT, WUnknownChristian County, KY37.093209-87.349240
16-047-01807WELLS, L 15SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.094001-87.348800
16-047-01816WELLS, C 2MORBURGER, CUnknownChristian County, KY37.084132-87.290532
16-047-01820WELLS, L 7(8)SARGENT, W ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.092902-87.351988
16-047-01821WELLS, L 12SNYDER, W KUnknownChristian County, KY37.095649-87.356171
16-047-01852WELLS, C 2RANDELL, DUnknownChristian County, KY37.085848-87.287275
16-047-01853WELLS, C 1RANDELL, D ET ALUnknownChristian County, KY37.086535-87.286760
16-047-02026WELLS, L 1AUNKNOWNUnknownChristian County, KY37.086296-87.353401
16-177-04363WELLS, IDA 6ASHLAND OIL & REFINING COUnknownMuhlenberg County, KY37.121791-87.280931
16-177-04364WELLS, IDA 7WASHLAND OIL & REFINING CO, INCUnknownMuhlenberg County, KY37.122203-87.282474
16-177-04365WELLS, IDA W-8ASHLAND OIL & REFINING COUnknownMuhlenberg County, KY37.123906-87.278324
16-177-04366WELLS, IDA 9ASHLAND OIL & REFINING COUnknownMuhlenberg County, KY37.122477-87.278838
16-177-04367WELLS, IDA W-10ASHLAND OIL & REFININGUnknownMuhlenberg County, KY37.122999-87.280451
16-177-04368WELLS, IDA 11ASHLAND OIL & REFINING CO, INCUnknownMuhlenberg County, KY37.124153-87.279867
16-177-04369WELLS, IDA 12ASHLAND OIL & REFINING CO, INCUnknownMuhlenberg County, KY37.122203-87.277158
16-219-00000WELLS 1STRICKLER-WILSONUnknownTodd County, KY37.029449-87.263498

Nearby Properties

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