Kebrh Operating LLC

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Kebrh Operating LLC. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateNE
Production DatesJan 2015 - Dec 2023
Total Oil Production716 BBLs
Total Gas Production479,404 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Kebrh Operating LLC Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Kebrh Operating LLC
from Jan 2015 to Dec 2023

Wells Operated by Kebrh Operating LLC

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
26-049-21003 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 1 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.150960-102.158240
26-049-05053 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 10 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.112118-102.169260
26-049-05047 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 11 P&A - ApprovedDeuel County, NE41.102490-102.185870
26-049-05040 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 12 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.090310-102.180160
26-049-05037 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 13 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.083080-102.198160
26-049-05028 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 14 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.074090-102.243770
26-049-05029 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 15 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.074150-102.200370
26-049-05031 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 16 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.074860-102.196430
26-049-05032 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 17 P&A - ApprovedDeuel County, NE41.075530-102.188110
26-049-05026 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 18 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.075010-102.166650
26-049-05019 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 19 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.060351-102.186730
26-049-05062 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 2 P&A - ApprovedDeuel County, NE41.131040-102.172650
26-049-05010 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 20 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.040400-102.225560
26-049-05015 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 21 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.046728-102.182350
26-049-05003 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 22 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.031274-102.209940
26-049-05140 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 23 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.024290-102.185440
26-049-21026 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 24 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.119320-102.191440
26-049-21027 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 25 P&A - ApprovedDeuel County, NE41.106800-102.209860
26-049-21028 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 26 P&A - ApprovedDeuel County, NE41.105410-102.170700
26-049-21029 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 27 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.087760-102.223020
26-049-21030 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 28 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.063770-102.200730
26-049-21031 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 29 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.108706-102.189990
26-049-05063 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 3 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.133810-102.159530
26-049-21032 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 30 Deuel County, NE41.080377-102.206000
26-049-21033 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 31 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.041090-102.204500
26-049-21034 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 32 Deuel County, NE41.101300-102.224230
26-049-21035 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 33 Deuel County, NE41.084970-102.236120
26-049-21093 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 34 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.126550-102.164090
26-049-21094 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 35 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.119270-102.176159
26-049-21095 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 36 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.116640-102.171900
26-049-21096 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 37 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.109530-102.174840
26-049-21097 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 38 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.078360-102.195820
26-049-21025 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 39 Deuel County, NE41.103990-102.254090
26-049-05064 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 4 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.133740-102.149900
26-049-21152 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 40 REDRILL 1 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.074730-102.215780
26-049-21148 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 41 P&A - ApprovedDeuel County, NE41.082833-102.226680
26-049-21149 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 42 Deuel County, NE41.102800-102.242180
26-049-21150 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 43 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.108433-102.229420
26-049-21153 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 44 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.090230-102.252170
26-049-21155 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 46 P&A - ApprovedDeuel County, NE41.079540-102.233180
26-049-21166 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 47 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.068370-102.244530
26-049-21167 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 48 P&A - ApprovedDeuel County, NE41.042490-102.231810
26-049-05061 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 5 P&A - ApprovedDeuel County, NE41.128520-102.140390
26-049-21169 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 50 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.118400-102.252300
26-049-21171 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 52-A Deuel County, NE41.074290-102.215520
26-049-21172 BIG SPRINGS STORAGE UNIT 53 Plugged and AbandonedDeuel County, NE41.108520-102.196430
26-069-21125 ORR (JV) 14-34 ProducingGarden County, NE41.310133-102.243410
26-069-21129 STORER (JV) 11-10 ProducingGarden County, NE41.290467-102.243428
26-069-21124 STORER (JV) 23-3 ProducingGarden County, NE41.300530-102.240070
26-069-21123 STORER (JV) 31-3 ProducingGarden County, NE41.307140-102.236490

Leases Operated by Kebrh Operating LLC

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
90575 BLAKELY 33-9 Deuel County, NE
90775 CARLSON 31-14 Deuel County, NE
89750 CHELEEN 44-20 Deuel County, NE
90925 CLJ FARMS 12-12 Deuel County, NE
90620 CLJ FARMS 13-18 Deuel County, NE
89950 CLJ FARMS 24-18 Deuel County, NE
90525 CLJ FARMS 33-18 Deuel County, NE
89975 CLJ FARMS 34-18 Deuel County, NE
90450 CLJ FARMS 43-18 Deuel County, NE
90000 CLJ FARMS 44-18 Deuel County, NE
90920 COIT 21-14 Deuel County, NE
89075 FLOHR 11-20 Deuel County, NE
89100 FLOHR 22-20 Deuel County, NE
90895 JOHNSON 11-24 Deuel County, NE
90425 JOHNSON 21-24 Deuel County, NE
89875 JOHNSON 31-24 Deuel County, NE
89300 JOHNSON 32-24 Deuel County, NE
89325 JOHNSON 33-24 Deuel County, NE
89725 JOHNSON 43-24 Deuel County, NE
90325 MOFFAT(JV) 13-10 Garden County, NE
90605 ORR (JV) 14-34 Garden County, NE
89250 PORTER 11-19 Deuel County, NE
89350 PORTER 12-19 Deuel County, NE
89275 PORTER 21-19 Deuel County, NE
89150 PORTER 34-19 Deuel County, NE
89125 PORTER 44-19 Deuel County, NE
90940 REESE 12-13 Deuel County, NE
90625 REESE 24-12 Deuel County, NE
90050 REESE 34-13 Deuel County, NE
90475 REESE 41-13 Deuel County, NE
90900 REESE 42-13 Deuel County, NE
90075 REESE 43-13 Deuel County, NE
90500 REESE 44-13 Deuel County, NE
90400 RICHMAN 11-18 Deuel County, NE
90860 RICHMAN 12-18 Deuel County, NE
90550 RICHMAN 21-18 Deuel County, NE
90865 RICHMAN 22-18 Deuel County, NE
90630 RICHMAN 31-18 Deuel County, NE
90870 RICHMAN 32-18 Deuel County, NE
90750 ROGERS 11-17 Deuel County, NE
90760 ROGERS 12-17 Deuel County, NE
90765 ROGERS 23-17 Deuel County, NE
90875 ROGERS 32-17 Deuel County, NE
90945 STATE 13-16 Deuel County, NE
90955 STORER 3-1 Garden County, NE
90615 STORER(JV) 11-10 Garden County, NE
90375 STORER(JV) 23-3 Garden County, NE
90350 STORER(JV) 31-3 Garden County, NE
90880 THELANDER 11-3 Garden County, NE
89775 V & F FARMS (H2) 12-15 Deuel County, NE

Properties Operated by Kebrh Operating LLC

Property NameCountyPeriodProduction RangeActive Wells
ORR (JV)Garden County, NEJan 2008 - Oct 20221
STORERGarden County, NEJan 2008 - Oct 20223

Recent Permits Filed by Kebrh Operating LLC

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Kebrh Operating LLC

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Kebrh Operating LLC. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
No Contact Information Available