
Oil & Gas Property in Greenwood County, KS

Property Summary

Key data points for Browning

CountiesChase County, KS
Greenwood County, KS
, KS
Production DatesJan 1980 - Nov 2024
Total Oil Production447,284 BBLs
Total Gas Production328,050 MCF
Recent Oil Production1,130 BBLs in Oct 2024
Recent Gas Production0 MCF in Oct 2024
Wells on Property300

Our Valuation Estimates for Browning


$27,541 *


$163,421 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Browning Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Browning
from Jan 1980 to Nov 2024

Wells on Browning

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
BROWNING 12E.H. ADAIR OIL CO., KS38.117466-96.356459
BROWNING UNIT 'A' 66SINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
Browning Unit 'C' 25Sinclair Oil and Gas Co., KS38.111160-96.335228
BROWNING UNIT 'B' 15-WSINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING UNIT 'A' 69SINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING UNIT 'A' 92-WSINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.127841-96.356799
Browning Unit 'C' 27-WSinclair Oil and Gas Co., KS38.107582-96.330704
BROWNING 'C' 1E.H. ADAIR OIL CO., KS38.115665-96.358747
BROWNING 'B' 3E.H. ADAIR OIL CO., KS38.124667-96.349590
BROWNING UNIT 'A' 71SINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING UNIT 'B' 10-WSINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING 61S P, KS38.119695-96.343543
BROWNING UNIT 'A' 20SINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING UNIT 'C' 29SINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING UNIT 'A' 93-WSINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING UNIT 'A' 86Sinclair Oil and Gas Company, KS38.120170-96.355283
BROWNING UNIT 'B' 9SINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
Browning Unit S-7Sinclair Oil and Gas Co., KS38.117172-96.339179
BROWNING 'A' 4Cities Service Co., KS38.119257-96.349707
BROWNING UNIT 'A' 70SINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING UNIT 'B' 13-WSINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING 'C' 5E.H. ADAIR OIL CO.Plugged And Abandoned, KS38.115669-96.361009
BROWNING UNIT 'A' 82SINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
BROWNING UNIT 'B' 14SINCLAIR OIL & GAS CO, KS38.121960-96.348530
15-017-00017BROWNING 'C' 3E.H. ADAIR OIL CO.Well DrilledChase County, KS38.117205-96.357757
15-017-00146BROWNING 'C' 2E.H. ADAIR OIL CO.Chase County, KS38.115673-96.361056
15-017-19058BROWNING C 5AMERICAN PETROFINA CO. OF TEXASConverted To Eor WellChase County, KS38.114903-96.360412
15-017-19058BROWNING C Farthing, DonPlugged And AbandonedChase County, KS38.114903-96.360412
15-017-20014BROWNING 1Glacier Petroleum Co., Inc.Plugged And AbandonedChase County, KS38.128356-96.360788
15-017-20019BROWNING 2Glacier Petroleum Co., Inc.Plugged And AbandonedChase County, KS38.124732-96.360864
15-017-20019BROWNING 2SAUDER MURPHY & SAUDERPlugged And AbandonedChase County, KS38.124732-96.360864
15-017-70234BROWNING 'C' 4E.H. ADAIR OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedChase County, KS38.117470-96.358709
15-073-00124BROWNING 2ADAIR OIL-LEBLANC HARRYWell DrilledGreenwood County, KS38.116545-96.340843
15-073-00405BROWNING 1DAVIS-HUZLETT ETALGreenwood County, KS38.128577-96.299576
15-073-00411BROWNING J A 41SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COGreenwood County, KS38.124692-96.336104
15-073-00414BROWNING 8RHODES D MGreenwood County, KS38.133703-96.356162
15-073-00415BROWNING 19THETA OIL COGreenwood County, KS38.139247-96.333625
15-073-00416BROWNING 16THETA OIL COGreenwood County, KS38.139328-96.326851
15-073-00417BROWNING 13THETA OIL COGreenwood County, KS38.143004-96.322314
15-073-00619BROWNING 4Farthing, DonGreenwood County, KS38.119278-96.349956
15-073-00620BROWNING 5E.H. ADAIR OIL CO.Greenwood County, KS38.115658-96.352329
15-073-00621BROWNING 'A' 6Farthing, DonGreenwood County, KS38.121090-96.349916
15-073-00622BROWNING 'A' 8Farthing, DonGreenwood County, KS38.116568-96.354498
15-073-00623BROWNING 9Farthing, DonGreenwood County, KS38.119282-96.352249
15-073-00624BROWNING 10Farthing, DonGreenwood County, KS38.117474-96.354582
15-073-00625BROWNING 11Farthing, DonGreenwood County, KS38.119286-96.354542
15-073-19414BROWNING S-8El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.110198-96.338595
15-073-20321BROWNING 1SIMMONS OIL COGreenwood County, KS38.140963-96.347102
15-073-22188BROWNING 1Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.125538-96.344085
15-073-22218BROWNING 2Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.125859-96.340637
15-073-22327BROWNING 3Patterson Operations LLCAuthorized Injection WellGreenwood County, KS38.127920-96.341557
15-073-22465BROWNING 4Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.127420-96.342895
15-073-22465BROWNING 4BOLEY INVESTMENTSConverted To Eor WellGreenwood County, KS38.127656-96.343074
15-073-22477BROWNING 5Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.129096-96.344005
15-073-22945BROWNING 6Patterson Operations LLCInactive WellGreenwood County, KS38.123732-96.346418
15-073-23241BROWNING 8Patterson Operations LLCPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122824-96.345292
15-073-23324BROWNING 9Patterson Operations LLCPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122815-96.341851
15-073-23442BROWNING 10Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.118360-96.343096
15-073-23545BROWNING 11Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122886-96.339618
15-073-23568BROWNING 12Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.121255-96.321466
15-073-23677BROWNING 13Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.124285-96.340046
15-073-23716BROWNING 14Patterson Operations LLCPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123804-96.338356
15-073-23823BROWNING 15Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.121992-96.338378
15-073-23846BROWNING 16Patterson Operations LLCAuthorized Injection WellGreenwood County, KS38.119457-96.339286
15-073-23846BROWNING 16Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Converted To Eor WellGreenwood County, KS38.119756-96.339623
15-073-23967BROWNING 17Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.116545-96.340843
15-073-23971BROWNING 18Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.115727-96.344058
15-073-23979BROWNING 19Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.117458-96.345410
15-073-23987BROWNING 20Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115649-96.346666
15-073-23988Browning 21Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.120174-96.344203
15-073-23993Browning 21Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Cancelled API NumberGreenwood County, KS38.120174-96.344203
15-073-24005BROWNING 22Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.121076-96.341889
15-073-24009BROWNING 23Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.118474-96.345109
15-073-24016BROWNING 24Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.115641-96.342010
15-073-24027BROWNING 25Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.119264-96.341930
15-073-24034BROWNING 26Patterson Operations LLCPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117495-96.335089
15-073-24038BROWNING 27Patterson Operations LLCInactive WellGreenwood County, KS38.116093-96.338039
15-073-24062BROWNING 28Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.118368-96.347683
15-073-24068BROWNING 29Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.119330-96.332790
15-073-24075Browning 30Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.119331-96.332755
15-073-24120Browning 31Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.116549-96.343137
15-073-24136Browning 32Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.121984-96.343016
15-073-24157Browning 33Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.122892-96.344142
15-073-24189Browning 34Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.124626-96.341811
15-073-24248BROWNING 35Patterson Operations LLCProducingGreenwood County, KS38.121996-96.340504
15-073-30211BROWNING 28MCCLELLAND BUSWell DrilledGreenwood County, KS38.142062-96.325701
15-073-30226BROWNING 1HANSON PERRY RGreenwood County, KS38.115819-96.292770
15-073-70208BROWNING 5Farthing, DonPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115643-96.343157
15-073-70311BROWNING 2Farthing, DonPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117302-96.350347
15-073-70347BROWNING 'A' 7Farthing, DonPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115579-96.354138
15-073-70478BROWNING 1E. C. MURPHYPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.144790-96.324549
15-073-70591BROWNING 1ELO OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.140143-96.334743
15-073-70592BROWNING 1GROSS PRODUCING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.130221-96.329195
15-073-70593BROWNING 1L. C. SMITHERMANPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.130080-96.338269
15-073-70594BROWNING 2DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.134745-96.330283
15-073-70595BROWNING 2ELO OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.134777-96.328020
15-073-70596BROWNING 3DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.138407-96.327988
15-073-70597BROWNING 9DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.142037-96.327956
15-073-70598BROWNING 10DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.141988-96.332466
15-073-70599BROWNING 14DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.142086-96.323446
15-073-70600BROWNING 15DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.142037-96.327956
15-073-70601BROWNING 17DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.142037-96.327956
15-073-70602BROWNING 18DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.138351-96.332506
15-073-70603BROWNING 20ELO OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.141988-96.332466
15-073-70604BROWNING 22ELO OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.142013-96.330211
15-073-70605BROWNING 23DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.136562-96.330265
15-073-70606BROWNING 24DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.138379-96.330247
15-073-70607BROWNING 25DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.140196-96.330229
15-073-70608BROWNING 26DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.142013-96.330211
15-073-70609BROWNING 27DEGEN-WESTERN OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.136562-96.330265
15-073-70613BROWNING 2E. C. MURPHYPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.130064-96.340523
15-073-70614BROWNING 2H & C DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.142778-96.347079
15-073-70615BROWNING 3E. C. MURPHYPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.132799-96.346087
15-073-70616BROWNING 3HART & CROSS DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.142750-96.351572
15-073-70617BROWNING 4E. C. MURPHYPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.131899-96.356181
15-073-70618BROWNING 5E. C. MURPHYPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.131888-96.342738
15-073-70619BROWNING 6E. C. MURPHYPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.131888-96.342738
15-073-70620BROWNING 7E. C. MURPHYPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.133708-96.340471
15-073-70621BROWNING 8E. C. MURPHYPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.133708-96.340471
15-073-70622BROWNING 9E. C. MURPHYPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.133708-96.340471
15-073-70626BROWNING UNIT 68-INJS & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118344-96.344132
15-073-70627BROWNING UNIT 80-INJS & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118344-96.344132
15-073-70628BROWNING UNIT 85-INJS & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118349-96.346370
15-073-70629BROWNING 1H. C. LEBLONDPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115650-96.349785
15-073-70630BROWNING 8EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123748-96.341775
15-073-70631BROWNING 11EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120143-96.341855
15-073-70632BROWNING 13AMERICAN PETROFINA CO. OF TEXASPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120161-96.350807
15-073-70633BROWNING 'B' 2EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123758-96.346252
15-073-70634BROWNING 93-WSINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120152-96.346331
15-073-70635BROWNING 'A' 7J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.121042-96.340716
15-073-70636BROWNING 'A' 89EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120147-96.344093
15-073-70637BROWNING 'B' 1EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123758-96.346252
15-073-70638BROWNING 'B' 4El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.124652-96.342875
15-073-70639BROWNING 50-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120143-96.341855
15-073-70640BROWNING 'A' 20El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115642-96.345310
15-073-70641BROWNING 'A' 61El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118349-96.346370
15-073-70642BROWNING 'A' 64El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.119239-96.340756
15-073-70643BROWNING 'A' 86EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120152-96.346331
15-073-70644BROWNING 'A' 88EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120152-96.346331
15-073-70645BROWNING 'A' 91EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120152-96.346331
15-073-70646BROWNING 'A' 92EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120152-96.346331
15-073-70647BROWNING 'B' 1AMERICAN PETROFINA CO. OF TEXASPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123768-96.350729
15-073-70648BROWNING 'B' 4AMERICAN PETROFINA CO. OF TEXASPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123768-96.350729
15-073-70649BROWNING 'A' 14El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115638-96.343073
15-073-70650BROWNING 'A' 22INTERNATIONAL OIL CORPPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117445-96.345271
15-073-70651BROWNING 'A' 16J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117437-96.340796
15-073-70652BROWNING 'A' 71-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116537-96.341935
15-073-70653BROWNING 'A' 84-INJINTERNATIONAL OIL CORPPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116545-96.346410
15-073-70654BROWNING 'A' 90-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.121056-96.347430
15-073-70655BROWNING 'B' 1J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.128252-96.340557
15-073-70656BROWNING 'B' 2E.H. ADAIR OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122869-96.351868
15-073-70657BROWNING 'B' 3E.H. ADAIR OIL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.124672-96.351829
15-073-70658BROWNING 'B' 3J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.128257-96.342796
15-073-70659BROWNING 'B' 14J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.126455-96.342835
15-073-70660BROWNING 'B' 10-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122844-96.340676
15-073-70661BROWNING 'B' 13-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.127353-96.341696
15-073-70662BROWNING 'B' 15-INJINTERNATIONAL OIL CORPPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.127353-96.341696
15-073-70663BROWNING 'A' 38SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.119248-96.345232
15-073-70664BROWNING UNIT 9-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123748-96.341775
15-073-70665BROWNING UNIT 'B' 7SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122844-96.340676
15-073-70666BROWNING UNIT 55-2S & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118344-96.344132
15-073-70667BROWNING UNIT 69-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116541-96.344172
15-073-70668BROWNING UNIT 'A' 12El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115634-96.340836
15-073-70669BROWNING UNIT 'A' 83JAMISON PIPE & TOOL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117449-96.347509
15-073-70670BROWNING UNIT 'A' 44-INJS & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116537-96.341935
15-073-70671BROWNING UNIT 'A' 47-INJS & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116553-96.350884
15-073-70672BROWNING UNIT 'A' 53-INJS & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116537-96.341935
15-073-70673BROWNING UNIT 'A' 66-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120143-96.341855
15-073-70674BROWNING UNIT 'A' 70-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115638-96.343073
15-073-70675BROWNING UNIT 'A' 81-INJS & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120152-96.346331
15-073-70676BROWNING UNIT 'A' 82-INJS & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115634-96.340836
15-073-70677BROWNING UNIT 'B' 6SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.124647-96.340636
15-073-70678BROWNING UNIT 'B' 2SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.126449-96.340596
15-073-70679BROWNING UNIT 'B' 11-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123748-96.341775
15-073-70680BROWNING UNIT 'B' 12-INJJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.125551-96.341736
15-073-70686BROWNING 5SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.124660-96.338380
15-073-70687BROWNING 17EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116558-96.337412
15-073-70688BROWNING A-8SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.121054-96.338457
15-073-70689BROWNING S-1El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117447-96.338535
15-073-70690BROWNING S-2El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120166-96.337337
15-073-70691BROWNING S-4El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118388-96.335092
15-073-70692BROWNING A-19El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.121082-96.336178
15-073-70693BROWNING A-29SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115692-96.334003
15-073-70694BROWNING A-33J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122918-96.333864
15-073-70695BROWNING A-39LAWRENCE MATTHEWSPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.121140-96.331619
15-073-70696BROWNING A-63EUREKA DRILLING CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116558-96.337412
15-073-70697BROWNING A-48-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120222-96.332776
15-073-70698BROWNING A-49-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120194-96.335056
15-073-70699BROWNING A-52-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123774-96.337261
15-073-70700BROWNING A-58-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.125578-96.337223
15-073-70701BROWNING A-59-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122000-96.335020
15-073-70702BROWNING A 4J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.126463-96.338341
15-073-70703BROWNING A 13J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115644-96.338574
15-073-70704BROWNING A 27J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117473-96.336252
15-073-70705BROWNING A 28J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.124692-96.336104
15-073-70706BROWNING A 32SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.121111-96.333899
15-073-70707BROWNING A 65J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117523-96.331684
15-073-70708BROWNING A 67J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118388-96.335092
15-073-70709BROWNING A 73J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122948-96.331587
15-073-70710BROWNING A 87J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122948-96.331587
15-073-70711BROWNING A 31-0J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117498-96.333968
15-073-70712BROWNING A 34-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115715-96.331717
15-073-70713BROWNING A 46-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118414-96.332809
15-073-70714BROWNING A 57-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.121970-96.337299
15-073-70715BROWNING A 60-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118493-96.325961
15-073-70716BROWNING A 63-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116558-96.337412
15-073-70717BROWNING A 72-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.125611-96.334949
15-073-70718BROWNING A 75-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123805-96.334985
15-073-70719BROWNING A 77-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122059-96.330464
15-073-70720BROWNING A-26J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115680-96.335145
15-073-70721BROWNING TRACT 6SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.123774-96.337261
15-073-70722BROWNING TRACT A 2SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.128267-96.338302
15-073-70723BROWNING TRACT A 10SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.119251-96.338496
15-073-70724BROWNING UNIT A 24J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115668-96.336288
15-073-70725BROWNING UNIT A 30SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.126666-96.324703
15-073-70726BROWNING UNIT A 37SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.119332-96.331652
15-073-70727BROWNING UNIT A 74J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122887-96.336141
15-073-70728BROWNING UNIT A 1-SJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117447-96.338535
15-073-70729BROWNING UNIT A 6-SJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.122887-96.336141
15-073-70730BROWNING UNIT A 42-WS & S Oil Co.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116607-96.332843
15-073-70731BROWNING UNIT A 43-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116558-96.337412
15-073-70732BROWNING UNIT A 54-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120166-96.337337
15-073-70733BROWNING UNIT A 56-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116558-96.337412
15-073-70734BROWNING UNIT A 62-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115692-96.334003
15-073-70735BROWNING UNIT A 76-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.127382-96.337185
15-073-70736BROWNING UNIT A 78-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.118388-96.335092
15-073-70737BROWNING UNIT A 79-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.115715-96.331717
15-073-70738BROWNING UNIT A A-25SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.119278-96.336215
15-073-70739BROWNING UNIT A W-45SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.116583-96.335128
15-073-70740BROWNING UNIT A W-51SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.120166-96.337337
15-073-70758BROWNING C 3J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112032-96.338647
15-073-70759BROWNING F-3El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.105709-96.338770
15-073-70760BROWNING F-8El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.105736-96.335325
15-073-70762BROWNING 3-4-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.110226-96.338682
15-073-70763BROWNING F-1-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.106612-96.338752
15-073-70764BROWNING F-6-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.103902-96.338805
15-073-70765BROWNING F-7-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.105718-96.337622
15-073-70766BROWNING C-14-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.110256-96.335244
15-073-70767BROWNING C-18-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.111181-96.332937
15-073-70768BROWNING 'C' 7J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112032-96.338647
15-073-70769BROWNING 'C' 12-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112065-96.335212
15-073-70770BROWNING 'C' C-8-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.111140-96.337519
15-073-70771BROWNING C 5J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.108419-96.338717
15-073-70772BROWNING C 9J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.110246-96.336390
15-073-70773BROWNING C 19J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.110267-96.334098
15-073-70774BROWNING C 22-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112097-96.331777
15-073-70775BROWNING C 26-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113839-96.338611
15-073-70776BROWNING C UNIT 21SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113906-96.331748
15-073-70777BROWNING F 10J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.105718-96.337622
15-073-70778BROWNING C 2SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.111160-96.335228
15-073-70779BROWNING UNIT 20SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.111160-96.335228
15-073-70780BROWNING UNIT 29-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.108458-96.334130
15-073-70781BROWNING UNIT C-28J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.111192-96.331792
15-073-70782BROWNING UNIT 2-A-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.110226-96.338682
15-073-70783BROWNING UNIT C 15SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.108448-96.335277
15-073-70784BROWNING UNIT C 6-CSINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113862-96.336323
15-073-70785BROWNING UNIT C 1SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113839-96.338611
15-073-70786BROWNING UNIT C 13-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.111160-96.335228
15-073-70787BROWNING UNIT C 25-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113862-96.336323
15-073-70788BROWNING UNIT C C-16SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113884-96.334036
15-073-70789BROWNING UNIT C C-11SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113873-96.335180
15-073-70790BROWNING UNIT C C-17SINCLAIR OIL & GAS COPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112075-96.334067
15-073-70791BROWNING UNIT C C-27-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112991-96.332907
15-073-70792BROWNING UNIT 'F' 11Sinclair Oil and Gas CompanyPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.106631-96.336457
15-073-70793BROWNING UNIT F 12J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.106649-96.334161
15-073-70796BROWNING D-2J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112022-96.340908
15-073-70797BROWNING E-4El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112930-96.346477
15-073-70798BROWNING D-5-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.108407-96.340978
15-073-70799BROWNING G-3-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.105693-96.342143
15-073-70800BROWNING G-9-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.102985-96.341083
15-073-70801BROWNING D-10-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.108400-96.345434
15-073-70802BROWNING 'D' 1El Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113829-96.340873
15-073-70803BROWNING 'D' 3-WEl Dorado Petroleum Corp.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.111118-96.340926
15-073-70804BROWNING D 6J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113832-96.343109
15-073-70805BROWNING D 7J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112022-96.343141
15-073-70806BROWNING E 1J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113835-96.345345
15-073-70807BROWNING G 2-0J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.106600-96.341013
15-073-70808BROWNING G 10-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.104785-96.343271
15-073-70809BROWNING UNIT A 12-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112928-96.344243
15-073-70810BROWNING UNIT D 4J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.109311-96.340961
15-073-70811BROWNING UNIT D 15J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.108404-96.343206
15-073-70812BROWNING UNIT D 16JAMISON PIPE & TOOL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.108404-96.343206
15-073-70813BROWNING UNIT D 11-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.112926-96.342008
15-073-70814BROWNING UNIT D 14-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.110213-96.343174
15-073-70815BROWNING UNIT E 3JAMISON PIPE & TOOL CO.Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113837-96.347581
15-073-70816BROWNING UNIT G 8J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.101166-96.343335
15-073-70817BROWNING UNIT G 4-0J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.110215-96.340943
15-073-70818BROWNING UNIT G 5-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.106594-96.343238
15-073-70819BROWNING UNIT G 6-0J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.113832-96.343109
15-073-70820BROWNING UNIT G 7-WJ. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.103884-96.342176
15-073-76435BROWNING C-10J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.108429-96.337570
15-073-76436BROWNING F-4J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.111202-96.330647
15-073-76437BROWNING F-4J. E. NewmanPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.106640-96.335309
15-073-90134BROWNING 22Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.143880-96.330359
15-073-90206BROWNING UNIT 45Martell, HenryPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.107487-96.348789
15-073-90279BROWNING 'A' 3Farthing, DonPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.117470-96.352289
15-073-90313BROWNING 'A' 9Farthing, DonPlugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.119282-96.352249
15-073-91372BROWNING S-7Plugged And AbandonedGreenwood County, KS38.103848-96.351063

Leases included in Browning

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.
Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.
1001109144BROWNING 'A'Edgewood Land and Cattle Co.Greenwood County, KS
1001109145BROWNING 'C'FARTHING DON OILChase County, KS
1001130270BROWNINGPatterson Operations LLCGreenwood County, KS
1001140090BROWNINGSauder, Earl W. (deceased)Chase County, KS
1001149715BROWNING #1Sauder, Earl W. (deceased)Chase County, KS
1001149716BROWNINGSAUDER EARL WChase County, KS
1001155455BROWNING UNIT 19INTERNATIONAL OIGreenwood County, KS
1001155456BROWNING WM PunknownGreenwood County, KS
1001155457BROWNINGMURPHY OIL COMPAGreenwood County, KS
1001155603BROWNINGDegen CompanyGreenwood County, KS
1001155607BROWNINGMCCLELLAND OIL -Greenwood County, KS

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 20 properties to the Browning property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
AtyeoGreenwood County, KS158 BBLs0 MCFOct 2024
AustinGreenwood County, KS55 BBLs0 MCFOct 2024
C. S. UnderwoodGreenwood County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFSep 2022
DeanGreenwood County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFAug 1990
DemalorieGreenwood County, KS305 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
DerbyshireGreenwood County, KS118 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
EvansChase County, KS100 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
H. W. HughesLyon County, KS156 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
HarrisGreenwood County, KS387 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
HartleyGreenwood County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFNov 1995
HessGreenwood County, KS78 BBLs0 MCFOct 2024
Hess-JamisonGreenwood County, KS84 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
P. H. UnderwoodGreenwood County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFMar 2022
PixleeGreenwood County, KS513 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
PratherGreenwood County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJul 1986
Ritchie TrustGreenwood County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFOct 2021
RobyGreenwood County, KS181 BBLs0 MCFOct 2024
Texas LeedyChase County, KS164 BBLs0 MCFOct 2024
UnderwoodGreenwood County, KS70 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024
York-PixleeGreenwood County, KS154 BBLs0 MCFNov 2024