Jennings Petroleum Corp

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Jennings Petroleum Corp. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateMI
Production DatesOct 1982 - Dec 1988
Total Oil Production69,176 BBLs
Total Gas Production239,145 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Jennings Petroleum Corp Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Jennings Petroleum Corp
from Oct 1982 to Dec 1988

Wells Operated by Jennings Petroleum Corp

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
21-123-35656 ANDERSON 1-8 Plugging ApprovedNewaygo County, MI43.625980-85.643440
21-107-39713 ARMSTRONG 1-8 Plugging ApprovedMecosta County, MI43.537940-85.538660
21-141-37030 BALDY HILL 1-2 Plugging ApprovedPresque Isle County, MI45.276090-84.033430
21-101-33138 BOWLING 1-16A Plugging ApprovedManistee County, MI44.393630-86.133060
21-101-33138 BOWLING, HUGH 1-16 Plugging ApprovedManistee County, MI44.393630-86.133060
21-137-38645 BROWN 1-10 Plugging ApprovedOtsego County, MI45.009240-84.412920
21-099-35462 DUNN 1-7 Plugging ApprovedMacomb County, MI42.871980-82.976530
21-123-35302 FOX 1-31 Plugging ApprovedNewaygo County, MI43.650080-86.032040
21-119-39213 GILL 1-8A Terminated PermitMontmorency County, MI45.000730-84.337430
21-145-36420 GULICK 1-34 Terminated PermitSaginaw County, MI43.316360-84.345930
21-045-34838 HARGRAVE ET AL 1-8 Plugging ApprovedEaton County, MI42.491690-84.684630
21-123-39664 JOHNSON 1-35 Plugging ApprovedNewaygo County, MI43.651050-85.594590
21-123-40028 KING 1-35 Terminated PermitNewaygo County, MI43.643700-85.589680
21-123-35331 MANSFIELD 1-30 Plugging ApprovedNewaygo County, MI43.660960-86.032020
21-119-34741 MATHEWS ET AL 1-30 Plugging ApprovedMontmorency County, MI44.966850-84.357870
21-119-34741 MATHEWS ET AL 1-30 Plugging ApprovedMontmorency County, MI44.966850-84.357870
21-119-34741 MATHEWS ET AL 1-30A Plugging ApprovedMontmorency County, MI44.966850-84.357870
21-145-36137 MAURER 1-25 Plugging ApprovedSaginaw County, MI43.411620-83.836050
21-123-37671 MCGC 1-9 Plugging ApprovedNewaygo County, MI43.617310-85.635160
21-123-37671 MCGC 1-9A Plugging ApprovedNewaygo County, MI43.617310-85.635160
21-123-34257 MILLER, R. 1-9 Terminated PermitNewaygo County, MI43.621700-85.990720
21-141-35085 MOLL UNIT 1-14 Plugging ApprovedPresque Isle County, MI45.246390-84.041250
21-119-37515 ROSEN TRUST ET AL 1-17 Plugging ApprovedMontmorency County, MI44.997940-84.342270
21-119-37515 ROSEN TRUST ET AL 1-17C Plugging ApprovedMontmorency County, MI44.997940-84.342270
21-119-37515 ROSEN TRUST ET AL 1-17D Plugging ApprovedMontmorency County, MI44.997940-84.342270
21-123-38587 SANDERSON & MILLIS 1-5 Plugging ApprovedNewaygo County, MI43.631490-86.007780
21-079-35322 SIMPSON 1-15 Plugging ApprovedKalkaska County, MI44.821320-85.027130
21-057-37377 SMITH 1-17 Plugging ApprovedGratiot County, MI43.250320-84.815670
21-057-36361 SMITH 1-17 Terminated PermitGratiot County, MI43.255500-84.815630
21-079-35310 STATE COLD SPRINGS & OSBORNE 1-10 Plugging ApprovedKalkaska County, MI44.831080-85.022870
21-079-35310 STATE COLD SPRINGS & OSBORNE 1-10A Plugging ApprovedKalkaska County, MI44.831130-85.022780
21-079-35310 STATE COLD SPRINGS & OSBORNE 1-10B Plugging ApprovedKalkaska County, MI44.831130-85.022780
21-123-34804 SWETS J 1-5 Terminated PermitNewaygo County, MI43.636260-86.012970
21-123-35279 WALCH 1-4 Plugging ApprovedNewaygo County, MI43.635710-85.993620

Leases Operated by Jennings Petroleum Corp

Lease #Lease NameCounty
2599 ARMSTRONG 1-8 Mecosta County, MI
2503 ROSEN TRUST 1-17E Montmorency County, MI
1898 STATE COLDSPRINGS-OSBORNE 1-10B Kalkaska County, MI
2308 STATE COLDSPRINGS-OSBORNE 1-10C Kalkaska County, MI

Properties Operated by Jennings Petroleum Corp

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
ANDERSONNewaygo County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFMar 1984 - Mar 20131
BOWLINGManistee County, MIDec 2024265 BBLs17 MCFJan 1982 - Jan 20252
BROWNOtsego County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1982 - Oct 198213
ROSEN TRUSTMontmorency County, MI0 BBLs0 MCFOct 1985 - Sep 19888
STATE COLDSPRINGSKalkaska County, MIDec 2024647 BBLs872 MCFJan 1982 - Jan 20253

Recent Permits Filed by Jennings Petroleum Corp

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Jennings Petroleum Corp. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

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No Contact Information Available