15-073-70235 |
ABBEY 3 | Plugged and Abandoned | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.993486 | -96.028274 |
15-073-70238 |
ABBEY 4 | Plugged and Abandoned | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.995299 | -96.028359 |
15-207-01379 |
ALEXANDER 7 | Inactive Well | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.962052 | -95.693691 |
15-073-23001 |
ALFRED SAUDER 1 | Approved Intent to Drill | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.802881 | -96.007144 |
15-207-26882 |
Arnold 10-H | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) | Woodson County, KS | | | | 38.007821 | -95.833451 |
15-207-26883 |
Arnold 11-H | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) | Woodson County, KS | | | | 38.004207 | -95.836416 |
15-207-20121 |
B. E. LIGHT 3 | Plugged and Abandoned | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.874608 | -95.666052 |
15-127-20562 |
Baar 1 | Plugged and Abandoned | Morris County, KS | | | | 38.535711 | -96.743559 |
15-207-91321 |
BAHR 3 | Plugged and Abandoned | Woodson County, KS | | | | 38.036976 | -95.947184 |
15-207-24732 |
BENTEMAN (CLARSON) 6 | Approved Intent to Drill | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.887864 | -95.655193 |
15-207-25346 |
BILL LEWIS 2-J | Converted to EOR Well | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.862290 | -95.699073 |
15-207-25341 |
BILL LEWIS 6 | Plugged and Abandoned | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.860530 | -95.699854 |
15-207-25344 |
BILL LEWIS 7 | Approved Intent to Drill | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.862410 | -95.699554 |
15-073-91056 |
BIRKETT 12 | Plugged and Abandoned | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.885965 | -96.479814 |
15-073-91069 |
BIRKETT 20 | Plugged and Abandoned | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.887807 | -96.486807 |
15-073-20897 |
BIRKETT 24 | Plugged and Abandoned | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.886256 | -96.480228 |
15-207-24509 |
BRESSNER 1 | Plugged and Abandoned | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.803205 | -95.803667 |
15-207-24126 |
BREWER 11 | Plugged and Abandoned | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.787006 | -95.828675 |
15-207-24150 |
Brewer 12 | Plugged and Abandoned | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.784742 | -95.827436 |
15-073-19737 |
BURKE 'A' 6-INJ | Converted to Producing Well | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.972776 | -96.363661 |
15-207-21618 |
C. WOOD 1 | Cancelled API Number | Woodson County, KS | | | | 38.060562 | -95.637192 |
15-073-19727 |
CARTWRIGHT 'B' 14 | Converted to Producing Well | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.996290 | -96.365319 |
15-073-19722 |
CARTWRIGHT 'B' 15-WINJ | Converted to Producing Well | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.992366 | -96.365789 |
15-073-19730 |
CARTWRIGHT 'D' 3-WINJ | Converted to Producing Well | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.993618 | -96.353460 |
15-073-19723 |
CARTWRIGHT BW-17 | Converted to Producing Well | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.984649 | -96.361870 |
15-073-19724 |
CARTWRIGHT BW-5 | Converted to Producing Well | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.994895 | -96.361837 |
15-073-19725 |
CARTWRIGHT EW-11 | Converted to Producing Well | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.989096 | -96.369174 |
15-207-22687 |
CHARLES LEWIS 5 | Converted to EOR Well | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.869122 | -95.700865 |
15-207-26896 |
CHRIS BAHR 25 | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) | Woodson County, KS | | | | 38.038890 | -95.948134 |
15-207-23883 |
CITY OF YATES CENTER 5 | Plugged and Abandoned | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.865367 | -95.738871 |
15-207-24572 |
CITY OF YATES CENTER 5 | Approved Intent to Drill | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.868390 | -95.746235 |
15-207-20397 |
COFFIELD 9 | Converted to Producing Well | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.865095 | -95.661772 |
15-001-70386 |
COOK OW-1-89 | Plugged and Abandoned | Allen County, KS | | | | 37.775266 | -95.174685 |
15-001-70428 |
COOK OW-2-89 | Plugged and Abandoned | Allen County, KS | | | | 37.775272 | -95.175030 |
15-059-24967 |
COURTER 'W' 4 | Recompleted | Franklin County, KS | | | | 38.703870 | -95.057423 |
15-059-24939 |
COURTER 10 | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) | Franklin County, KS | | | | 38.704436 | -95.059110 |
15-059-24971 |
COURTER 10 | Approved Intent to Drill | Franklin County, KS | | | | 38.704436 | -95.059110 |
15-059-24935 |
COURTER 4-W | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) | Franklin County, KS | | | | 38.703815 | -95.057378 |
15-059-24936 |
COURTER 5-W | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) | Franklin County, KS | | | | 38.703812 | -95.058534 |
15-059-24968 |
COURTER 5-W | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) | Franklin County, KS | | | | 38.703812 | -95.058534 |
15-059-24937 |
COURTER 8 | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) | Franklin County, KS | | | | 38.704443 | -95.056797 |
15-059-24938 |
COURTER 9 | Expired Intent to Drill (C-1) | Franklin County, KS | | | | 38.704440 | -95.057953 |
15-207-26092 |
DEGLER 10 | Approved Intent to Drill | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.854595 | -95.768715 |
15-073-19709 |
DEHLINGER 'A' 11 | Plugged and Abandoned | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 38.024661 | -95.981106 |
15-073-19704 |
DEHLINGER 'A' 6 | Plugged and Abandoned | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 38.023200 | -95.982868 |
15-073-91337 |
DEHLINGER 'B' 15 | Plugged and Abandoned | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 38.020488 | -96.000905 |
15-001-28074 |
JOHNSON 25 | Approved Intent to Drill | Allen County, KS | | | | 37.786474 | -95.226484 |
15-073-23865 |
LAMONT A 1-H | Approved Intent to Drill | Greenwood County, KS | | | | 37.935187 | -96.053799 |
15-207-26338 |
VIRGINIA ALEXANDER 18 | Approved Intent to Drill | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.960802 | -95.696499 |
15-207-26337 |
VIRGINIA ALEXANDER 19 | Approved Intent to Drill | Woodson County, KS | | | | 37.959594 | -95.696509 |