Gulfstream Of Louisiana, Inc

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Gulfstream Of Louisiana, Inc. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateLA
Production DatesMay 1992 - Jan 1996
Total Oil Production7,193 BBLs
Total Gas Production403,764 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Gulfstream Of Louisiana, Inc Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Gulfstream Of Louisiana, Inc
from May 1992 to Jan 1996

Wells Operated by Gulfstream Of Louisiana, Inc

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
17-017-32230 ABNEY G 001 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.501110-94.041897
17-017-32231 ABNEY G 002 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.495506-94.041803
17-017-32232 ABNEY G 003 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.495157-94.038625
17-017-32233 ABNEY G 004 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.498210-94.040995
17-017-03783 CHOYCE 001 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-ENGCaddo Parish, LA32.497157-94.022394
17-017-03782 CHOYCE 002 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-ENGCaddo Parish, LA32.497056-94.019794
17-017-32243 ELIZABETH WILLIAMS MITCHELL G 002 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.543038-94.019225
17-017-32265 ELIZABETH WILLIAMS MITCHELL G 004 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.542463-94.019449
17-017-32164 GRAY-HICKEY 001 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.518670-94.019435
17-017-32197 HAMMACK F 002 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.585628-94.027521
17-017-32126 HAMMACK G 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDCaddo Parish, LA32.584821-94.028387
17-017-32224 HAMMACK G 012 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.588278-94.037406
17-017-03451 HEROLD 001 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-ENGCaddo Parish, LA32.524456-94.032594
17-017-03447 HEROLD 002 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-ENGCaddo Parish, LA32.526257-94.032494
17-017-03463 HEROLD 003 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-ENGCaddo Parish, LA32.526356-94.034592
17-017-03491 HEROLD 004 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-ENGCaddo Parish, LA32.524555-94.034594
17-017-32165 HEROLD 005 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-ENGCaddo Parish, LA32.524671-94.033671
17-017-32202 JOHNSON G 003 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.524025-94.003342
17-017-32203 JOHNSON G 004 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.524039-94.004965
17-017-03176 JOHNSON-SWANSON 010 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDCaddo Parish, LA32.544705-94.039828
17-017-21228 ROBERT B CUSHMAN 002 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-ENGCaddo Parish, LA32.593452-94.016792
17-017-24575 TEXACO FEE 001 ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-ENGCaddo Parish, LA32.585975-93.977369
17-017-32120 WILLIAMS E 001 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.537255-94.027917
17-017-32121 WILLIAMS E 002 PERMIT EXPIREDCaddo Parish, LA32.540004-94.027911
17-017-32166 WILLIAMS MITCHELL 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDCaddo Parish, LA32.532446-94.024569

Leases Operated by Gulfstream Of Louisiana, Inc

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
105542-3 ABNEY A Caddo Parish, LA
177437-3 ABNEY A Caddo Parish, LA
018695-1 ABNEY A Caddo Parish, LA
021278-1 CHOYCE Caddo Parish, LA
022854-1 GRAY-HICKEY Caddo Parish, LA
216405-3 HEROLD Caddo Parish, LA
016221-1 HEROLD Caddo Parish, LA
216012-3 HUNTER Caddo Parish, LA
306485-7 HUNTER Caddo Parish, LA
008231-1 MONEYHAM Caddo Parish, LA
142831-3 ROBERT B CUSHMAN Caddo Parish, LA
610539-2 TEXACO FEE Caddo Parish, LA
611742-2 WILLIAMS MITCHELL Caddo Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Gulfstream Of Louisiana, Inc

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
ABNEYHarrison County, TX20241101 to 20241231866 BBLs72,457 MCFJan 1977 - Dec 202439
GRAY HCaddo Parish, LADec 2024141 BBLs12,990 MCFJan 1977 - Jan 20256
HAMMACKCaddo Parish, LA0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1977 - Jun 20141

Recent Permits Filed by Gulfstream Of Louisiana, Inc

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Gulfstream Of Louisiana, Inc