Golden Oil Holding Corporation

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Golden Oil Holding Corporation. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateNM
Production DatesJan 2006 - Mar 2022
Total Oil Production272,609 BBLs
Total Gas Production926,399 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Golden Oil Holding Corporation Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Golden Oil Holding Corporation
from Jan 2006 to Mar 2022

Wells Operated by Golden Oil Holding Corporation

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
30-043-20253 CHACE APACHE 15 001 ActiveSandoval County, NM36.214850-107.173830
30-043-20280 CHACE APACHE 15 002 PluggedSandoval County, NM36.207478-107.170418
30-043-20279 CHACE APACHE 15 003 ActiveSandoval County, NM36.211740-107.182130
30-043-20349 CHACE APACHE 54 001 PluggedSandoval County, NM36.170990-107.137215
30-043-20186 CHACE APACHE 54 002 ActiveSandoval County, NM36.182810-107.138250
30-043-20306 CHACE APACHE 54 003 PluggedSandoval County, NM36.176155-107.140122
30-043-20305 CHACE APACHE 54 004 ActiveSandoval County, NM36.184860-107.146960
30-043-20352 CHACE APACHE 54 007 PluggedSandoval County, NM36.178474-107.144272
30-043-20541 CHACE APACHE 54 009 PluggedSandoval County, NM36.170647-107.144295
30-043-20651 CHACE APACHE 54 010 ActiveSandoval County, NM36.163360-107.138390
30-039-05111 JICARILLA 47 M 001 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.242880-107.230190
30-039-05197 JICARILLA 70 001 PluggedRio Arriba County, NM36.261841-107.267983
30-039-05312 JICARILLA 70 002 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.286450-107.255890
30-039-20580 JICARILLA 70 003 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.270930-107.264800
30-039-21230 JICARILLA 70 004 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.270650-107.257340
30-039-22681 JICARILLA 70 005 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.286520-107.246540
30-039-21827 JICARILLA 70 007 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.279420-107.237320
30-039-21828 JICARILLA 70 008 PluggedRio Arriba County, NM36.280975-107.246651
30-039-22682 JICARILLA 70 009 PluggedRio Arriba County, NM36.274159-107.237351
30-039-22819 JICARILLA 70 012 PluggedRio Arriba County, NM36.265797-107.237831
30-039-22815 JICARILLA 70 014 PluggedRio Arriba County, NM36.265938-107.254890
30-039-22960 JICARILLA 70 015 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.261440-107.242530
30-039-23109 JICARILLA 70 016 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.260930-107.236720
30-039-23222 JICARILLA 70 017 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.268200-107.242130
30-039-23205 JICARILLA 70 018 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.260430-107.251720
30-039-23047 JICARILLA TRIBAL 361 001 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.257600-107.254340
30-039-23398 JICARILLA TRIBAL 361 004 PluggedRio Arriba County, NM36.247498-107.254738
30-039-22859 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 001 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.236120-107.201970
30-039-22957 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 002 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.243240-107.232570
30-039-23124 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 003 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.244830-107.227710
30-039-23125 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 004 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.240730-107.233780
30-039-23286 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 005 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.240600-107.228960
30-039-23302 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 006 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.240300-107.205700
30-039-23301 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 007 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.228910-107.201660
30-039-23390 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 008 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.244850-107.223120
30-039-23570 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 010 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.237250-107.228400
30-039-23508 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 011 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.229590-107.206630
30-039-23569 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 015 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.240150-107.224600
30-039-23537 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 016 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.225670-107.211390
30-039-23536 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 017 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.229490-107.215610
30-039-23734 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 018 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.244750-107.220460
30-039-24150 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 019 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.239900-107.218510
30-039-23745 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 022 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.222770-107.214550
30-039-24009 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 025 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.225720-107.227900
30-039-24008 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 026 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.229440-107.224860
30-039-24032 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 027 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.233470-107.219510
30-039-24082 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 028 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.235910-107.215900
30-039-25030 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 030 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.242710-107.216040
30-039-24125 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 033 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.232470-107.210750
30-039-24341 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 034 ActiveRio Arriba County, NM36.224560-107.220270

Leases Operated by Golden Oil Holding Corporation

Lease #Lease NameCounty
302702 CHACE APACHE 15 Sandoval County, NM
302703 CHACE APACHE 54 Sandoval County, NM
302704 JICARILLA 47 M Rio Arriba County, NM
302705 JICARILLA 70 Rio Arriba County, NM
302706 JICARILLA TRIBAL 361 Rio Arriba County, NM
302707 JICARILLA TRIBAL CONTRACT 47 Rio Arriba County, NM

Properties Operated by Golden Oil Holding Corporation

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
CHACE APACHE 15Sandoval County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Mar 20223
CHACE APACHE 54Sandoval County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Mar 20228
JICARILLASandoval County, NMDec 20244,334 BBLs730,241 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 20241,029
JICARILLA TRIBALSandoval County, NMDec 20240 BBLs392 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 202428

Recent Permits Filed by Golden Oil Holding Corporation

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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