Getty Oil Compan

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Getty Oil Compan. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesJan 1980 - Jun 1992
Total Oil Production3,051 BBLs
Total Gas Production53,347 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Getty Oil Compan Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Getty Oil Compan
from Jan 1980 to Jun 1992

Wells Operated by Getty Oil Compan

API #Well NameStatusCountyLatitudeLongitude
No Wells Associated with Getty Oil Compan

Leases Operated by Getty Oil Compan

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
1001159921 A. I. SRAMEK Rawlins County, KS
1001157641 ALEXANDER 'A' Barber County, KS
1001157642 BARTHOLOMEW Barber County, KS
1001162481 BARTHOLOW E F Barber County, KS
1001162482 BOGGS 'C' Barber County, KS
1001157643 Boggs 'J' Barber County, KS
1001159907 CAHOJ Rawlins County, KS
1001159908 CAHOJ 'A' Rawlins County, KS
1001159909 CAHOJ 'B' Rawlins County, KS
1001159910 CAHOJ 'D' Rawlins County, KS
1001159911 CAHOJ 'E' Rawlins County, KS
1001159912 CAHOJ 'F' Rawlins County, KS
1001159913 CAHOJ 'G' (SABATKA) Rawlins County, KS
1001159914 CAHOJ 'H' Rawlins County, KS
1001172458 CALF CREEK Rice County, KS
1001159570 D. J. KOLB 1 Meade County, KS
1001162471 DONOVAN Barber County, KS
1001162470 DONOVAN 'A' Barber County, KS
1001157539 DONOVAN M C Barber County, KS
1001157540 DONOVAN T H Barber County, KS
1001157541 DONOVAN T H 'A' Barber County, KS
1001159917 DOZBABA 'A' Rawlins County, KS
1001161055 E. C. SMITH 12 Edwards County, KS
1001173218 E. M. Eckhoff 1 Meade County, KS
1001159573 E. M. Eckhoff 1 Meade County, KS
1001159906 F. E. BARTOSOVSKY Rawlins County, KS
1001156331 FEIST Barton County, KS
1001157156 FRENCH Barton County, KS
1001157157 GAGE E P Barton County, KS
1001159558 GEORGE MERKLE 1 Meade County, KS
1001172913 GOOD F E Hamilton County, KS
1001159555 GOODNIGHT 1 Meade County, KS
1001156714 GRIZZELL G Rice County, KS
1001157644 HOPKINS Barber County, KS
1001162531 I. B. REGIER 1 Meade County, KS
1001159553 J. N. EDIGER 'A' 1 Meade County, KS
1001162530 J. N. EDIGER 'A' 1 Meade County, KS
1001159554 J. N. EDIGER 'C' 1 Meade County, KS
1001159552 J. N. EDIGER 1 Meade County, KS
1001173215 J. S. WILLIAMS 1 Meade County, KS
1001157828 KING Harper County, KS
1001159919 KISLING Rawlins County, KS
1001159920 KISLING 'A' Rawlins County, KS
1001157647 LENKER Barber County, KS
1001157645 LENKER G S Barber County, KS
1001157646 LENKER G S 'A' Barber County, KS
1001131371 LITTLE SANDY Harper County, KS
1001162468 LONKER Barber County, KS
1001143587 LONKER Barber County, KS
1001162469 LONKER G S Barber County, KS

Properties Operated by Getty Oil Compan

No Properties Associated with Getty Oil Compan

Recent Permits Filed by Getty Oil Compan

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Getty Oil Compan