Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC

Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesJul 2005 - Dec 2014
Total Oil Production0 BBLs
Total Gas Production96,841 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC
from Jul 2005 to Dec 2014

Wells Operated by Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
15-107-23885 AMER 18-31 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Linn County, KS38.050938-94.811521
15-107-23696 BROWN 13-31 KCC Fee Fund PluggingLinn County, KS38.137929-95.046018
15-011-22997 BRUNER 15-42 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.784853-94.980748
15-107-23882 CLARK 11-24 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Linn County, KS38.052761-94.852935
15-107-23893 COCHRAN 18-11 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Linn County, KS38.050737-94.821807
15-011-23297 EGNER 29-21 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS38.021935-94.907229
15-011-22996 FITZSIMMONS 21-41 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.862149-94.882187
15-011-23137 GARRETT 11-15 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.700425-94.995866
15-011-23138 GARRETT 15-22 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.698502-94.990058
15-011-23139 GARRETT 15-24 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.692758-94.989157
15-107-23866 GOULD 12-34 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Linn County, KS38.139743-94.940317
15-107-23872 HENDRIX 33-34 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.081932-94.775580
15-107-23869 HIGGINS 5-11 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.079664-94.798501
15-011-23307 HINTON 28-44 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS38.009189-94.769486
15-001-29086 HOWARD 29-14 Plugged and AbandonedAllen County, KS38.011045-95.352556
15-011-23303 Hueston 1-11 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.992857-94.839440
15-011-23113 KELLER 10-24 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.704654-94.995032
15-011-23131 KELLER 10-34 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.704626-94.986687
15-011-23112 KELLER 10-42 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.712506-94.980384
15-011-23119 KELLER 10-44 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.705395-94.980274
15-011-23104 KELLER 11-22 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.711998-94.971835
15-011-23105 KELLER 16-21 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.702644-95.008580
15-011-23118 Keller 16-32 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.699807-95.003931
15-011-23143 KELLER 21-41 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.688639-94.999049
15-011-23142 Keller 22-11 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.687731-94.994545
15-011-23135 KELLER 23-10 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.707977-94.989963
15-011-23115 KELLER 24-31 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.733463-95.043509
15-011-23114 KELLER 24-8 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.704935-95.026960
15-011-23116 KELLER 34-32 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.733382-95.023556
15-011-23110 KELLER 4-13 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.722046-95.014329
15-011-23117 KELLER 41-17 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.702460-95.016872
15-011-23111 KELLER 8-43 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.709047-95.016580
15-011-23103 Keller 9-21 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.716971-95.007470
15-011-23130 Keller 9-34 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.704557-95.004086
15-011-23301 LAUGHLIN 29-34 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS38.009183-94.901267
15-011-23319 LAUGHLIN 3-11 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.991907-94.877225
15-107-23890 Linn-Lea Farms 12-21 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Linn County, KS38.065494-94.835399
15-107-23892 LINN-LEA FARMS 7-12 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Linn County, KS38.061087-94.822040
15-011-23302 MIANO 20-12 ON LISTBourbon County, KS38.031174-94.798785
15-001-29401 NEY 22-41 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Allen County, KS38.036617-95.410456
15-011-23132 O'BRIEN 14-12 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.697394-94.977594
15-011-23140 O'Brien 15-33 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.693818-94.986639
15-011-22999 O'BRIEN CATTLE CO. 21-14 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.702760-94.971041
15-011-23133 OBRIEN 15-32 Plugged and AbandonedBourbon County, KS37.697404-94.986754
15-011-23134 OBRIEN 23-14 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.693989-94.970681
15-011-23141 OBRIEN 44-15 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Bourbon County, KS37.692350-94.980324
15-107-23870 PADDOCK 19-44 Plugged and AbandonedLinn County, KS38.110919-94.921702
15-011-23018 Parr 11-14 ON LISTBourbon County, KS37.965893-94.857354
15-107-23679 PETRIE TRUST 5-12 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.075726-95.022399
15-107-23867 PETTIT 29-34 Plugged with Federal FundsLinn County, KS38.096215-94.902490

Leases Operated by Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
1034512223 GARRETT 15-22 Bourbon County, KS
1034393487 GARRETT 24-15 Bourbon County, KS
1034512225 KELLER 10-42 Bourbon County, KS
1034393488 KELLER 13-4 Bourbon County, KS
1034512228 KELLER 16-21 Bourbon County, KS
1034393490 KELLER 21-9 Bourbon County, KS
1034512230 KELLER 22-11 Bourbon County, KS
1034393495 KELLER 22-11 Bourbon County, KS
1034393492 KELLER 24-10 Bourbon County, KS
1034393499 KELLER 32-16 Bourbon County, KS
1034393493 KELLER 34-10 Bourbon County, KS
1034393491 KELLER 34-9 Bourbon County, KS
1034393500 KELLER 41-21 Bourbon County, KS
1034393489 KELLER 43-8 Bourbon County, KS
1034393494 KELLER 44-10 Bourbon County, KS
1035884069 MEECH TRUST 35-21 Bourbon County, KS
1035884106 MEECH TRUST 35-44 Bourbon County, KS
1035023574 OBRIEN 14-12 Bourbon County, KS
1034393496 OBRIEN 21-14 Bourbon County, KS
1034393497 OBRIEN 32-15 Bourbon County, KS
1034393498 OBRIEN 33-15 Bourbon County, KS
1034512224 WRIGHT 16-43 Bourbon County, KS

Properties Operated by Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
POSTBourbon County, KSOct 202448 BBLsNov 2017 - Oct 20242
WEBERLinn County, KS0 BBLsNov 1982 - Dec 20188

Recent Permits Filed by Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
PO BOX 18972, DENVER CO 80218(303) 347-0815