Elk Energy Holdings LLC

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Elk Energy Holdings LLC. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesJan 2010 - Nov 2024
Total Oil Production806,560 BBLs
Total Gas Production607,350 MCF
Estimated Daily Oil Prod.97 BBLs
Estimated Daily Gas Prod.151 MCF
Estimated Daily Water Prod.0 BBLs
Producing Wells4

Elk Energy Holdings LLC Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Elk Energy Holdings LLC
from Jan 2010 to Nov 2024

Wells Operated by Elk Energy Holdings LLC

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
15-193-21084 ALBERS TRUST 1-36 ProducingThomas County, KS39.227514-100.837189
15-057-20811 ANNA VIRGINIA 1-24 SWD Authorized Injection WellFord County, KS37.516148-99.997717
15-015-23749 ASMUSSEN 16-1 Plugged and AbandonedButler County, KS37.525889-96.997743
15-015-23975 Asmussen 16-3 Plugged and AbandonedButler County, KS37.525850-96.997253
15-193-21043 BERARDO 1-33 Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)Thomas County, KS39.226148-101.002183
15-047-21623 Biaggi 2520 1-28H Plugged and AbandonedEdwards County, KS37.840961-99.517469
15-051-26861 BRAUN, LEROY 1 Plugged and AbandonedEllis County, KS38.890216-99.167911
15-191-22715 Buresh 17-1HM ProducingSumner County, KS37.095268-97.656402
15-057-20866 Coach 2925 1-26H Plugged and AbandonedFord County, KS37.488427-100.017344
15-191-22831 DVORAK 1-8 Authorized Injection WellSumner County, KS37.100703-97.655898
15-193-21078 F & J FARMS 1-18 Plugged and AbandonedThomas County, KS39.184821-100.942669
15-193-21066 GAU 1-11 Plugged and AbandonedThomas County, KS39.192003-100.979878
15-191-00366 Hobbisiefken 2-1 ProducingSumner County, KS37.029378-97.631111
15-191-22651 Hobbisiefken 2-11 Inactive WellSumner County, KS37.031068-97.632269
15-191-10221 Hobbisiefken 2-2 Inactive WellSumner County, KS37.027539-97.633360
15-191-10222 Hobbisiefken 2-4 Inactive WellSumner County, KS37.025700-97.635609
15-191-10220 Hobbisiefken 2-6 Authorized Injection WellSumner County, KS37.025773-97.630971
15-191-10219 Hobbisiefken 2-7 Plugged and AbandonedSumner County, KS37.027573-97.628590
15-191-22317 Hobbisiefken 2-9 Inactive WellSumner County, KS37.026460-97.632651
15-191-60004 Hobbisiefken, S. 5 Inactive WellSumner County, KS37.029326-97.635633
15-191-01027 Hudson 2 Plugged and AbandonedSumner County, KS37.079625-97.631233
15-191-10240 Hudson 4-1 Inactive WellSumner County, KS37.023887-97.635593
15-191-10243 HUDSON 4-2 Plugged and AbandonedSumner County, KS37.023993-97.630817
15-191-10242 HUDSON 4-3 ProducingSumner County, KS37.022130-97.635340
15-057-20829 Jackson SWD 2721 1-11 Inactive WellFord County, KS37.716810-99.580039
15-057-20835 Karla SWD 2922 1-1 Authorized Injection WellFord County, KS37.543128-99.683715
15-193-20783 Kob 13-1 Plugged and AbandonedThomas County, KS39.190072-100.946767
15-193-20772 Krug 1-14 Plugged and AbandonedThomas County, KS39.190393-100.963310
15-051-26868 LEROY BRAUN 2 ProducingEllis County, KS38.890633-99.169464
15-193-20998 LIPPELMANN 1-14 ProducingThomas County, KS39.184752-100.973648
15-193-21012 LIPPELMANN 2-14 ProducingThomas County, KS39.184913-100.977598
15-193-21032 LIPPELMANN 3-14 ProducingThomas County, KS39.185992-100.979926
15-193-21037 LIPPELMANN 4-14 Inactive WellThomas County, KS39.188463-100.979897
15-193-21038 LIPPELMANN 5-15 ProducingThomas County, KS39.186583-100.977598
15-193-21040 LIPPELMANN 6-14 Inactive WellThomas County, KS39.186572-100.975256
15-193-21056 LIPPELMANN 7-14 ProducingThomas County, KS39.190132-100.979893
15-193-21058 LIPPELMANN 8-14 ProducingThomas County, KS39.188392-100.977566
15-193-21071 LIPPELMANN 9-14 ProducingThomas County, KS39.190122-100.977565
15-057-20849 Main 2924 1-30H Plugged and AbandonedFord County, KS37.501546-99.994861
15-057-20820 Marks 1-24H Plugged and AbandonedFord County, KS37.516197-99.998795
15-057-20871 Marks 2924 1-19H Plugged and AbandonedFord County, KS37.516178-99.993885
15-057-20845 Mary Ann 2622 1-36H Plugged and AbandonedFord County, KS37.740619-99.682796
15-191-47320 Metzinger 1-1 Inactive WellSumner County, KS37.029284-97.637770
15-057-20801 MUNO SWD 1-31 Authorized Injection WellFord County, KS37.737210-99.660266
15-057-20801 Muno SWD 1-31 RecompletedFord County, KS37.737191-99.660276
15-193-20833 Myers 12 1 Authorized Injection WellThomas County, KS39.192211-100.953461
15-193-20782 Myers-Kob 12-1 Inactive WellThomas County, KS39.191251-100.960117
15-057-20653 Rooney 2925 3-24H Plugged and AbandonedFord County, KS37.509446-100.012233
15-191-22253 Schmidt 1 Plugged and AbandonedSumner County, KS37.082530-97.628010
15-191-10232 Schmidtz 3-1 ProducingSumner County, KS37.023855-97.637854

Leases Operated by Elk Energy Holdings LLC

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
1052003175 ALBERS TRUST Thomas County, KS
1045079852 ANNA VIRGIN1-24 Ford County, KS
1038038635 ASMUSSEN 16-1 Butler County, KS
1044917099 Buresh 17-1HM Sumner County, KS
1053836801 BURESH 17-1HM Sumner County, KS
1044250148 Coach 1-26H Ford County, KS
1044241382 Coach 1-26H Ford County, KS
1051682810 F & J FARMS Thomas County, KS
1051329466 GNAU 1-11 Thomas County, KS
1001124612 HOBBISIEFKEN Sumner County, KS
1001175826 Hobbisiefken 2-1 Sumner County, KS
1001152658 Hobbisiefken 2-1 Sumner County, KS
1001177725 Hobbisiefken 2-2 Sumner County, KS
1001152659 Hobbisiefken 2-4 Sumner County, KS
1001175828 Hobbisiefken 2-7 Sumner County, KS
1001153340 Hobbisiefken 2-7 Sumner County, KS
1042477497 HUDSON Sumner County, KS
1001177862 HUDSON 2-22 Sumner County, KS
1024006188 HUDSON 2-22 Sumner County, KS
1001153295 HUDSON 4-1 Sumner County, KS
1047194148 KARLA 1-1 SWD Ford County, KS
1043853108 Kob 13-1 Thomas County, KS
1042372667 Krug 14-1 Thomas County, KS
1046463761 LEROY BRAUN Ellis County, KS
1046529157 LIPPELMANN Thomas County, KS
1044230567 Main 2924 1-30H Ford County, KS
1044230633 Main 2924 1-30H Ford County, KS
1044578761 Marks 1-19H Ford County, KS
1044589139 Marks 1-19H Ford County, KS
1044184782 Marks 1-24H Ford County, KS
1044184693 Marks 1-24H Ford County, KS
1044939928 Mary Ann 2622 1-36H Ford County, KS
1044974643 Mary Ann 2622 1-36H Ford County, KS
1001177635 METZINGER #1-1 Sumner County, KS
1055424830 MUNO SWD 1-31 Ford County, KS
1043740988 Myers-Kob 12-1 Thomas County, KS
1044589119 Rooney 3-24H Ford County, KS
1044627943 Rooney 3-24H Ford County, KS
1001175829 SCHMITZ 3-1 Sumner County, KS
1001177614 SCHMITZ 3-1 Sumner County, KS
1044241404 Stagecoach 2925 1-14H Ford County, KS
1044241334 Stagecoach 2925 1-14H Ford County, KS

Properties Operated by Elk Energy Holdings LLC

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
ASMUSSENButler County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Jun 20201
BERARDOThomas County, KSOct 2024156 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 20243
BRAUNEllis County, KSOct 20241,294 BBLs0 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 202429
BURESH 17-1HMSumner County, KSOct 2024375 BBLs3,930 MCFAug 2014 - Nov 20241
HOBBISIEFKENSumner County, KSOct 20240 BBLs609 MCFJan 1980 - Nov 20242
HUDSONSumner County, KSOct 202444 BBLs0 MCFDec 1995 - Nov 20242
KRUGThomas County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1983 - Nov 20241
LIPPELMANNThomas County, KSOct 20242,319 BBLs0 MCFNov 2017 - Nov 20241

Recent Permits Filed by Elk Energy Holdings LLC

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Elk Energy Holdings LLC. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
2250 N ROCK RD # 118-107, WICHITA, KS 67226-2331
2250 N. ROCK RD. STE 118-107, WICHITA KS 67226(713) 398-0903