Elf Aquitaine Inc

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Elf Aquitaine Inc. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesCA, LA, OK, WY
Production DatesJan 1977 - May 1991
Total Oil Production305,890 BBLs
Total Gas Production4,965,064 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Elf Aquitaine Inc Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Elf Aquitaine Inc
from Jan 1977 to May 1991

Wells Operated by Elf Aquitaine Inc

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
49-037-21109 AMOCO FED W-33974 13-3 Permanently AbandonedSweetwater County, WY41.992640-109.065810
17-101-02101 BEAULLIEU 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONEDSt. Mary Parish, LA29.923709-91.622521
04-029-66507 Claflin D-1I CanceledKern County, CA35.589100-119.045654
49-025-21396 DOW FEE 2-8 Permanently AbandonedNatrona County, WY42.676310-106.802780
49-037-20951 DUNCAN FEDERAL 1-4 Permanently AbandonedSweetwater County, WY41.995200-109.081280
49-027-20307 FEDERAL 1-24 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.249610-104.243600
49-003-20380 FEDERAL 2-11 Permanently AbandonedBig Horn County, WY44.666740-108.262700
49-019-20483 FEDERAL 33-30 Permanently AbandonedJohnson County, WY43.750160-106.501370
49-013-20774 FEDERAL 44-22 Permanently AbandonedFremont County, WY42.900140-107.836540
49-037-21117 FEDERAL AMOCO W25321 13-33 Permanently AbandonedSweetwater County, WY42.007080-109.084620
49-029-20720 FEDERAL CHORNEY 21-13 Permanently AbandonedPark County, WY44.311780-108.947690
49-005-25171 FEDERAL W-16563A 33-13 Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.929040-105.340120
49-037-21155 FEDERAL W-24544 13-34 Permanently AbandonedSweetwater County, WY42.007080-109.065870
49-003-20353 FEDERAL W-25273 1-11 Permanently AbandonedBig Horn County, WY44.668810-108.261310
49-003-20459 FEDERAL W-40581 3-35 Permanently AbandonedBig Horn County, WY44.700670-108.259660
49-019-20701 FEDERAL W-69912 8-10 Permanently AbandonedJohnson County, WY44.235960-106.220920
49-037-21154 GOCVT DUNCAN 14-13 Permanently AbandonedSweetwater County, WY41.274200-108.964300
04-029-61574 Gov't T.O. 3 CanceledKern County, CA35.586636-119.043091
04-029-61830 Gov't T.O. 4 CanceledKern County, CA35.587456-119.044769
49-025-21158 GOVERNMENT 9-19 Permanently AbandonedNatrona County, WY42.726990-106.950280
49-027-20297 GOVT 1-18 Permanently AbandonedNiobrara County, WY43.271240-104.228830
49-025-21000 GOVT 2-19 Permanently AbandonedNatrona County, WY42.731860-106.953230
49-013-20783 GOVT 23-2 Permanently AbandonedFremont County, WY42.859430-107.709840
49-025-21190 GOVT 34-18 Permanently AbandonedNatrona County, WY42.740050-106.940780
49-019-20482 GOVT 34-34 Permanently AbandonedJohnson County, WY43.731250-106.681630
49-013-20844 GOVT 44-31X Permanently AbandonedFremont County, WY42.784290-108.132280
49-013-20819 GOVT 44-3X Permanently AbandonedFremont County, WY42.784290-108.132280
49-025-21154 GOVT 7-19 Permanently AbandonedNatrona County, WY42.731120-106.950880
49-025-21126 GOVT 8-19 Permanently AbandonedNatrona County, WY42.724460-106.938740
49-025-21146 GRAYROCK-FEDERAL 21-20 Permanently AbandonedNatrona County, WY42.735540-106.924530
49-019-20511 LITTLE BUG DR W42651 1 Permanently AbandonedJohnson County, WY44.228630-106.195720
35-011-21554 MASONHALL 4 PLUGGED & ABANDONEDBlaine County, OK
49-037-21139 MCBRIDE 33-32 Permanently AbandonedSweetwater County, WY42.007080-109.094970
35-153-20886 MOORELAND 36-31 PLUGGED & ABANDONEDWoodward County, OK
49-037-21178 NITCHIE GULCH C & K 11-11 Permanently AbandonedSweetwater County, WY41.985400-109.046400
49-013-20903 OIL MOUNTAIN 1 Permanently AbandonedFremont County, WY42.821510-108.152610
49-005-27039 PAVLOVICH 15-10 FEE 1 Permanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY44.836600-105.122200
49-019-20707 REINER W-73504 8-5 Permanently AbandonedJohnson County, WY44.249520-106.260300
04-029-59693 Siemon 4 PluggedKern County, CA35.594234-119.048500
04-029-59694 Siemon 5 PluggedKern County, CA35.592712-119.046303
17-101-21517 SL 10838 001 DRY AND PLUGGEDSt. Mary Parish, LA29.617133-91.641180
49-045-21234 STATE 31-16 Permanently AbandonedWeston County, WY43.796080-105.026870
49-011-20964 STATE 71-8799 16-15 Permanently AbandonedCrook County, WY44.925660-105.009660
49-011-20889 STATE 75-12804 7-22 Permanently AbandonedCrook County, WY44.918180-105.015870
49-029-20740 TENNECO-STATE 21-16 Permanently AbandonedPark County, WY44.311940-109.008330
49-013-21302 TRIBAL 14-24 Permanently AbandonedFremont County, WY43.216310-108.472500
49-019-20573 UNIT W-34272 16-14 Expired PermitJohnson County, WY44.214410-106.202190
49-011-20895 USA W-28205 13-33 Permanently AbandonedCrook County, WY44.883350-105.044870
35-047-21600 WEST BISON 32-41 PLUGGED & ABANDONEDGarfield County, OK
49-025-20821 YAKA-FEDERAL 1 Permanently AbandonedNatrona County, WY43.268820-106.119640

Leases Operated by Elf Aquitaine Inc

Lease #Lease NameCounty
607203-2 BEAULLIEU St. Mary Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Elf Aquitaine Inc

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
CLAFLINKern County, CANov 20242,518 BBLs51 MCFFeb 1977 - Dec 202419
FEDERALSweetwater County, WYJan 20250 BBLs9,112 MCFJan 1978 - Jan 202517
FEDERALJohnson County, WYJan 2025931 BBLs6,484 MCFOct 1982 - Jan 202529
GOVERNMENTNatrona County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1978 - Oct 20243
GOVTNatrona County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJun 1979 - Apr 19981
GOVTKern County, CANov 202413,749 BBLs368 MCFFeb 1977 - Dec 202455
NITCHIESweetwater County, WYJan 20250 BBLs1,785 MCFJan 1978 - Jan 20253

Recent Permits Filed by Elf Aquitaine Inc

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Elf Aquitaine Inc. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
1000 LOUISIANA STE 3800, HOUSTON, TX 77002(713) 739-2111