Crystal Expl Co, Inc

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Crystal Expl Co, Inc. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesKY, MI
Production DatesJan 1984 - Dec 2009
Total Oil Production96 BBLs
Total Gas Production832,330 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Crystal Expl Co, Inc Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Crystal Expl Co, Inc
from Jan 1984 to Dec 2009

Wells Operated by Crystal Expl Co, Inc

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
21-087-34112 AURAND-ROSS 1-17 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.189990-83.440559
21-087-28332 BARBER JUNE SPAVIN UNIT 1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.185529-83.421766
21-087-28331 BERLIN, JOHN 1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.185573-83.416826
21-087-34140 BROUGHMAN 1-15 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.192613-83.408346
21-087-34632 CANDELA 1-16 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.199410-83.427470
21-049-34285 CHADWELL ET AL 1-13 Plugging ApprovedGenesee County, MI43.193640-83.462170
21-049-37404 CHADWELL ET AL 2-13 Plugging ApprovedGenesee County, MI43.193477-83.461944
21-087-34141 CLARK 1-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.195880-83.423550
21-087-34569 CLARK 2-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.199530-83.423690
21-087-37082 CLARK 3-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.195905-83.423222
21-049-28233 COE, DALTON 1 Plugging ApprovedGenesee County, MI43.204932-83.486767
21-087-35579 Crystal SWD 2 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.199620-83.453500
21-087-34524 EDWARDS 2-17 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.199290-83.432410
21-087-28568 EDWARDS, JESSIE & MARY 1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.196250-83.437880
21-087-34142 FLYNN 1-17 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.195697-83.433558
21-087-33021 Fuller & Broughman 1 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.190250-83.416280
21-087-34143 FULLER 2-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.196020-83.418520
21-087-34144 FULLER 3-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.192507-83.413371
21-087-34213 FULLER 5-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.188754-83.418260
21-087-34150 FULLER 6-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.196302-83.413551
21-087-20815 FULLER, H GG-1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.192270-83.423290
21-087-32963 FULLER, HAROLD & PAULINE 1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.192573-83.417802
21-087-34244 FULLER-McCLAIN 1-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.192278-83.422945
21-087-34244 FULLER-McCLAIN 1-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.192278-83.422945
21-087-34842 FUSON 1-15 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.192720-83.403410
21-087-34843 FUSON 2-15 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.190030-83.399960
21-087-36193 HILL, E 3 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.192631-83.436982
21-087-34593 KERN 1-15 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.189835-83.408275
21-087-34592 KERN 1-22 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.187177-83.408106
21-087-34596 KERN 2-16 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.189863-83.413111
21-087-34840 KOWALSKI 1-15 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.190990-83.397870
21-087-36602 KOWALSKI 2-15 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.190050-83.398350
21-087-34841 KOWALSKI 2-15 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.190050-83.398350
21-087-27927 NEWCOMBE, CLARE & MARJORIE 2 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.191932-83.433712
21-087-20408 NEWCOMBE, R K K-1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.193996-83.426109
21-087-36194 NEWSOME, J 1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.192125-83.427262
21-087-27627 ODISHOOE JACKSON UNIT 1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.181840-83.412750
21-049-33689 Palmer 1-6 Terminated PermitGenesee County, MI43.221820-83.569560
21-087-34844 RICHARDSON 2-17 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.199140-83.440840
21-087-34629 ROSS & AURAND 1-20 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.186440-83.440280
21-087-34088 ROSS 1-18 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.189860-83.450800
21-087-34405 ROSS 2-18 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.189740-83.456370
21-087-35666 Ross 2-18 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.191630-83.453980
21-087-34631 SPAVEN & WOEHLER 1-21 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.186740-83.425710
21-087-36190 SPAVEN, W 2 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.189076-83.423515
21-049-35172 STORY 1-3 Plugging ApprovedGenesee County, MI43.210990-83.518730
21-049-34523 ULRICH ET AL 2-13 Terminated PermitGenesee County, MI43.193770-83.466390
21-087-27981 ULRICH, RALPH AND WIFE 1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.188479-83.433341
21-087-34845 VANDONGEN 1-22 Terminated PermitLapeer County, MI43.187280-83.401940
21-087-27814 VIERS, CHESTER 1 Plugging ApprovedLapeer County, MI43.195926-83.428652

Leases Operated by Crystal Expl Co, Inc

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
5872 AURAND-ROSS Lapeer County, MI
5905 BARBER-JUNE-SPAVEN Lapeer County, MI
5874 BROUGHMAN Lapeer County, MI
7840 CHADWELL Genesee County, MI
5877 CLARK Lapeer County, MI
7812 CLARK Lapeer County, MI
5880 EDWARDS 1 Lapeer County, MI
5881 FLYNN Lapeer County, MI
5882 FULLER, H & P Lapeer County, MI
5890 FULLER-MCCLAIN Lapeer County, MI
7813 HILL, E Lapeer County, MI
5891 KERN Lapeer County, MI
7569 KOWALSKI 2-15 Lapeer County, MI
5914 NEWCOMBE, C & M Lapeer County, MI
5916 NEWSOME, J Lapeer County, MI
5900 ROSS Lapeer County, MI
5870 SPAVEN Lapeer County, MI
5921 ULRICH Lapeer County, MI
5922 VIERS Lapeer County, MI

Properties Operated by Crystal Expl Co, Inc

No Properties Associated with Crystal Expl Co, Inc

Recent Permits Filed by Crystal Expl Co, Inc

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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