Copano Company

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Copano Company. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateTX
Production DatesJan 1993 - Jun 2004
Total Oil Production264,426 BBLs
Total Gas Production1,479,258 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells1

Copano Company Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Copano Company
from Jan 1993 to Jun 2004

Wells Operated by Copano Company

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
42-391-01651 O'CONNER, THOS. -E- E 27 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.312975-97.186567
42-391-01583 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "A" A5 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.320549-97.185850
42-391-01594 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" B 14 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.315364-97.191080
42-391-01612 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" B 32 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.317379-97.206586
42-391-01621 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" B 41 Plugged Oil/Gas WellRefugio County, TX28.310981-97.201528
42-391-01624 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" B 44 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.309482-97.199609
42-391-01597 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" B-17 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.318823-97.183527
42-391-01610 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" B-30 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.326030-97.172646
42-391-31478 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" B-46 Dry HoleRefugio County, TX28.311962-97.201794
42-391-01595 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" B15 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.316687-97.188964
42-391-01618 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" B38 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.311375-97.197778
42-391-01666 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "E" E 42 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.307192-97.207978
42-391-01663 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "E" E-39 Plugged Oil/Gas WellRefugio County, TX28.306719-97.199581
42-391-01585 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -A- A-7 Plugged Oil/Gas WellRefugio County, TX28.318259-97.191006
42-391-01611 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -B- B-31 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.318494-97.203974
42-391-01599 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -B- B19 Plugged Oil/Gas WellRefugio County, TX28.320672-97.177640
42-391-00579 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -D- 13 Plugged Gas WellRefugio County, TX28.372306-97.130404
42-391-01692 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -E- E-68 Plugged Oil/Gas WellRefugio County, TX28.309317-97.174219
42-391-01638 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -E- E15 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.313209-97.190843
42-391-01654 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -E- E30 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.309393-97.193741
42-391-01688 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -E- E63 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.311416-97.173723
42-391-01631 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -E- E8 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.317426-97.176019
42-391-01587 O'CONNOR, THOS. "A" A-9 Plugged Oil/Gas WellRefugio County, TX28.315766-97.195960
42-391-01584 O'CONNOR, THOS. "A" A6 Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.319442-97.188525
42-391-01598 O'CONNOR, THOS. -B- B18 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.319874-97.180603
42-391-00532 O'CONNOR, THOS. -D- D10 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.372050-97.124364
42-391-01629 O'CONNOR, THOS. -E- E5 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.320825-97.173254
42-391-01630 O'CONNOR, THOS. -E- E7 Plugged Oil/Gas WellRefugio County, TX28.319823-97.175388
42-391-01617 O'CONOR, THOS. -B- B37 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.312694-97.204147
42-391-00575 OCONNOR, THOMAS -D- 1 Plugged Oil/Gas WellRefugio County, TX28.372929-97.131427
42-391-01616 THOMAS O'CONNOR "B" B-36 Plugged Oil WellRefugio County, TX28.313914-97.201447

Leases Operated by Copano Company

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
03-10360 Matagorda County, TX
04-04812 Aransas County, TX
01-04359 , TX
03-040274 Matagorda County, TX
04-00944 , TX
04-00949 , TX
04-00951 , TX
03-008736 COPANO-BRAMAN 1 Matagorda County, TX
02-02693 O'CONNER, THOMAS -D- Refugio County, TX
02-08355 O'CONNOR, THOMAS "B" Refugio County, TX
02-05449 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -B- Refugio County, TX
02-004435 O'CONNOR, THOMAS -D- 13 Refugio County, TX
02-07327 O'CONNOR, THOS. "B" Refugio County, TX
02-05733 O'CONNOR, THOS. A Refugio County, TX
02-01523 OCONNOR, THOMAS -A- Refugio County, TX
02-04997 OCONNOR, THOMAS -A- Refugio County, TX
02-04999 OCONNOR, THOMAS -D- Refugio County, TX
02-05478 OCONNOR, THOMAS -D- Refugio County, TX
02-070454 OCONNOR, THOMAS -D- 1 Refugio County, TX
02-05313 OCONNOR, THOMAS -E- Refugio County, TX
02-02865 OCONNOR, THOMAS, -B- Refugio County, TX
02-05491 OCONNOR, THOS. -B- Refugio County, TX
02-05616 THOMAS O'CONNOR "A" Refugio County, TX

Properties Operated by Copano Company

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
OCONNER, THORefugio County, TXNov 20240 BBLs768 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 20242
OCONNORRefugio County, TXNov 20244,456 BBLs971 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 202428
OCONNORRefugio County, TXNov 20243,021 BBLs1,270 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 202436
THOMAS OCONNORRefugio County, TX0 BBLs0 MCFSep 2000 - Feb 20183

Recent Permits Filed by Copano Company

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Copano Company

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Copano Company. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
427 FM 774 REFUGIO, TX 78377(361) 578-6271