Conner, E B Jr

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Conner, E B Jr. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKY
Production DatesJan 1997 - Dec 2022
Total Oil Production13,874 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Conner, E B Jr Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Conner, E B Jr
from Jan 1997 to Dec 2022

Wells Operated by Conner, E B Jr

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
16-053-07049 BERTRAM, JEFF 1 Clinton County, KY36.630213-85.131377
16-053-07684 BERTRAM, WILLIAM 1B Clinton County, KY36.636405-85.108489
16-053-07538 BIRDWELL, DAVID 20 Clinton County, KY36.820014-85.183230
16-053-07504 BIRDWELL, DAVID 4 Clinton County, KY36.817229-85.177521
16-053-07529 BLEDSOE, DAVID 1 Clinton County, KY36.881000-85.228096
16-053-07564 BLEDSOE, DAVID 2 Clinton County, KY36.880876-85.226674
16-053-00000 BLEDSOE, DAVID 21B Clinton County, KY36.877841-85.227416
16-053-07706 BLEDSOE, DAVID 21B Clinton County, KY36.877841-85.227416
16-053-07600 BLEDSOE, DAVID 3 Clinton County, KY36.880093-85.228872
16-053-07741 BROWN, JIMMY K BROWN 1B Clinton County, KY36.654790-85.179742
16-231-01432 BURNETT, J J 2A Wayne County, KY36.675299-84.725500
16-231-01433 BURNETT, J J 3A Wayne County, KY36.676458-84.724818
16-053-07699 CONNER, A V 1 Clinton County, KY36.823818-85.199654
16-231-01424 DAVID H BELL 1 Wayne County, KY36.732132-84.724408
16-053-07348 DELK, RAYMOND 10 Clinton County, KY36.761236-85.195517
16-053-07298 DELK, RAYMOND 11 Clinton County, KY36.760233-85.198234
16-053-07595 DELK, RAYMOND 15 Clinton County, KY36.759494-85.197453
16-053-07234 DELK, RAYMOND 7 Clinton County, KY36.761343-85.198152
16-053-07768 DELK, RAYMOND ESTATE 8 Clinton County, KY36.762510-85.197763
16-053-07588 DICKEN, HARVEY 1 Clinton County, KY36.782764-85.165319
16-053-07335 DICKERSON, STEVE 1 Clinton County, KY36.784207-85.144236
16-053-07633 DICKERSON, STEVE 1D Clinton County, KY36.784778-85.146220
16-053-07636 DICKERSON, STEVE 2D Clinton County, KY36.785242-85.144947
16-053-07649 DICKERSON, STEVE 3D Clinton County, KY36.784165-85.144649
16-053-07661 DICKERSON, STEVE 4D Clinton County, KY36.785396-85.143567
16-231-01594 GOTTSHALL, STEPHEN 3 Wayne County, KY36.673585-84.755499
16-231-01595 GOTTSHALLM, STEPHEN 2 Wayne County, KY36.675666-84.753917
16-053-07530 HADLEY, SAM 1 Clinton County, KY36.827216-85.195568
16-053-07668 HURST, LARRY et al 1H Clinton County, KY36.789309-85.177441
16-053-07746 JONES, TOMMY 3J Clinton County, KY36.783734-85.182051
16-053-07736 JONES, TOMMY J1 Clinton County, KY36.782827-85.179423
16-231-01613 NEAL, LARRY 1N Wayne County, KY36.754850-84.989940
16-057-07604 PARRISH, SUE ANN 1P Cumberland County, KY36.788668-85.451751
16-057-07662 PARRISH, SUE ANN 2P Cumberland County, KY36.790241-85.452342
16-057-07946 PARRISH, SUE ANN 3P Cumberland County, KY36.790203-85.449651
16-057-08048 PARRISH, SUE ANN 3P Cumberland County, KY36.789269-85.450064
16-231-01478 PERDUE, JIM FRANK 9 Wayne County, KY36.750343-85.003279
16-231-01612 RECTOR, DONALD 3R Wayne County, KY36.756732-84.995363
16-231-01437 RECTOR, DONALD 6 Wayne County, KY36.760651-84.989906
16-231-01562 RECTOR, DONALD 7-R Wayne County, KY36.760415-84.992782
16-231-01596 RECTOR, DONALD DON RECTOR #11 Wayne County, KY36.757136-84.985219
16-231-01605 RECTOR, DONALD R1 Wayne County, KY36.757180-84.985926
16-231-01606 RECTOR, DONALD R2 Wayne County, KY36.760643-84.989933
16-231-01615 RECTOR, DONALD R4 Wayne County, KY36.759072-84.986769
16-053-04358 SELL, JD & JE 16A Clinton County, KY36.689864-85.214917
16-053-07696 SELLS, DOUGLAS 1 Clinton County, KY36.688878-85.215606
16-053-07233 SEVIER, COLLINS 124 Clinton County, KY36.670676-85.179929
16-231-01457 STEPHEN-GOTTSHALL 1 Wayne County, KY36.678528-84.754558
16-057-07612 WELLS, DAVID 1W Cumberland County, KY36.859069-85.325434
16-057-07681 WELLS, DAVID 2W Cumberland County, KY36.861362-85.325779

Properties Operated by Conner, E B Jr

Property NameCountyPeriodProduction RangeActive Wells
BURNETTWayne County, KYApr 2002 - Dec 20183
DELK, RAYMONDClinton County, KYJan 2012 - Dec 20186
DICKERSONClinton County, KYSep 2000 - Dec 20186
RECTORWayne County, KYMar 1997 - Dec 20164
SELL, JClinton County, KYJan 1997 - Dec 20185

Recent Permits Filed by Conner, E B Jr

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Conner, E B Jr. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

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No Contact Information Available